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GC28-2057-1 TSS
Systems Reference Library
Version B.t
IBM System/3 6 0 Time Sharing System
Remote Job Entry
Remote Job Entry (RJE) allows users at rerrote leca-
tions to submit ~unched-card input to, and receive
printed output from, the central IBM systerr/360 Tirre
Sharing System (TSS/360) installation.
RJE users can enter card decks in the same format as
that used at the local, online card reader. Ncnconver-
sational SYSIN data sets can te entered for execution,
and data-card card decks can be entered and stered as
virtual storage data sets. Output can be returned to
the originating location or routed to the installa-
tion's high-s~eed ~rinter. SYSOUT data sets are
returned to the originating locaticn unless redirected
by the system o~erator.
This publication describes RJE cence~ts, tentinclo-
gy, and rrocedures. Information required by users at
remote locations including RJE ccntrol statements, is
~resented; also, commands used l::y the system I(,anager,
system adIf.inistrator. and system operator to control
the RJE system are described.
The user should have l::asic knowledge of TSS/360.
This information is contained in IBM Systerr/360 Tirre
Sharing System: ConceFts and Facilities, GC28-2003.
In addition, he should be farriliar with the '1SS/360
command system, which is descril::ed in IBM system/360
Time Sharing System: Command System User's Guide,
This publication describes the TSS/360
Remote Job Entry (RJE) feature.
section 1: RJE Operation - control of
remote stations, user access to the system,
and input/output capabilities of the
Section 2: RJE Comuands and Centrol
Statements - formats, use, and exa~~les.
Section 3: Format of RJE Input Decks -
nonconversational SYSIN data sets, data-
card data sets. and FJE input streams.
Section .. : 2780 Data 'lransmission Ter-
~inal - operating procedures and
Appendix: Carriage Tape - t~ ccntrol
printing format.
The reader is assumed to have an overall
understanding of TSS/360 as presented in
IBM System/360 Time Sharing System: Con-
cepts and Facilities, GC28-2003, and of the
TSS/360 eoremand system as presented in IBM
System/360 Time Sharing System: Command
System User's Guide, GC28-2001.
Specific information about the re~ote
station device is in IBM 2780 Data Trans-
mission Terminal - comFonent Description,
Second Edition (SeFte~ter 1971)
This is a rea jor revision of. and 1I,akes c!:sclete.
GC28-2057-0 and 'Iechnical Nellisietter GN28-3163.
This edition is current with Versicr. 8, ~odification
1. of IBM System/360 Time Sharing System and re~ains in
effect for all subsequent versions or uodificaticns
unless otherwise indicated.
Significant changes or additions to this publication
lIIill te provided in nelll editions or Technical Newslet-
ters. Before using this Fublicaticn. refer to the lat-
est edition of IBM Systeu/360 Tiu.e Sharing Systeu,;
Addendum, GC28 2043, which may contain informaticn per-
tinent to tQ~ics covered in this edition. The Addendull
also lists the editions of all TSS/360 Ful:licatioDs
that are applicable and current.
Requests for copies of IBM publications should be ~ade to ycur IB~
representative or to the IBM branch offiCE serving your locality.
A form is provided at the back cf this Fublication for reader's com-
ments. If the form has teen removed. comments ~ay be addressed to IEM
Corporation, Time Sharing System/360 ProgralI.lIing putlications, Depart-
ment 643, Neighborhood Road, Ringstan, New York 12401.