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Lisa 2
Owner's Guide

Lisa 2
Owner's Guide



029-0462-A $
Warning: This equipment generates, uses, The warranty and remedies set forth above
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, are exclusive and in lieu of all others,
if not installed and used in accordance oral or written, express or implied.
with the instructions manual, may cause No Apple dealer, agent, or employee
interference to radio communications. is authorized to make any modification,
This equipment has been tested and found extension, or addition to this warranty.
to comply with the limits for a Class A
computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Some states do not allow the exclusion
Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to or limitation of implied warranties or
provide reasonable protection against such liability for incidental or consequential
interference when operated in a commercial damages, so the above limitation or
environment. Operation of this equipment exclusion may not apply to you. This
in a residential area is likely to cause warranty gives you specific legal rights,
interference, in which case the user, at his and you may also have other rights that
or her own expense, will be required to take vary from state to state.
whatever measures may be required to correct
the interference. License and Copyright
The manual and the software (computer
Customer Satisfaction programs) described in it are copyrighted by
If you discover physical defects in the Apple or by Apple's software suppliers, with
manuals distributed with a Lisa product or all rights reserved, and they are covered by
in the media on which a software product the Lisa Software License Agreement signed
is distributed, Apple will replace the by each Lisa owner. Under the copyright
documentation or media at no charge to you laws and the License Agreement, this manual
during the 90-day period after you purchased or the programs may not be copied, in whole
the product. or in part, without the written consent of
Apple, except in the normal use of the
software or to make a backup copy. This
Limitation on Warranties and Liability exception does not allow copies to be made
All implied warranties concerning this for others, whether or not sold, but all
manual and media, including implied of the material purchased (with all backup
warranties of merchantability and fitness copies) may be sold, given, or loaned to
for a particular purpose, are limited in other persons if they agree to be bound by
duration to ninety (90) days from the date the provisions of the License Agreement.
of original retail purchase of this product. Copying includes translating into another
language or format.
Even though Apple has tested the software
described in this manual and ~eviewed its You may use the software on any computer
contents, neither Apple nor its software owned by you, but extra copies cannot be
suppliers makes any warranty or made for this purpose. For some products,
representation, either express or implied, a multiuse license may be purchased to allow
with respect to the software described in the software to be used on more than one
this manual, its quality, performance, computer owned by the purchaser, including
merchantability, or fitness for any a shared-disk system. (Contact your
particular purpose. As a result, this authorized Lisa dealer for information
software is sold "as is," and you the on multiuse licenses.)
purchaser are assuming the entire risk
as to its quality and performance. Product Revisions
In no event will Apple or its software Unless you have purchased the product update
suppliers be liable for direct, indirect, service available through your authorized
special, incidental, or consequential Lisa dealer, Apple cannot guarantee that
damages resul ting from any defect in the you will receive notice of a revision to
software or manual, even if they have been the software described in this manual,
advised of the possibility of such damages. even if you have returned a registration
In particular, they shall have no liability card received with the product. You should
for any programs or data stored in or used check periodically with your authorized Lisa
wi th Apple products, including the costs of dealer.
recovering or reproducing these programs or