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TM 9-6625-646-14&P
NSN 6625-01-061-5519
JUNE 1984
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
is used in the operation of this equipment
may result if personnel fail to observe safety precautions
Never work on electronic equipment unless there is another person nearby who is familiar
with the operation and hazards of the equipment and who is competent in administering
first aid. When the technician is aided by operators, he must warn them about dangerous
Whenever possible, the power supply to the equipment must be shut off before beginning
work on the equipment. Take particular care to ground every capacitor likely to hold a
dangerous potential. When working inside the equipment, after the power has been
turned off, always ground every part before touching it.
Be careful not to contact high-voltage connections when installing or operating this
Whenever the nature of the operation permits, keep one hand away from the equipment
to reduce the hazard of current flowing through vital organs of the body.
Do not be misled by the term "low voltage." Potentials as low as 50 volts may
cause death under adverse conditions.
COMMON and probe ground straps are electrically connected. Therefore, an elevated
reference applied to any is present on each - as indicated by the yellow warning bands
under the probe retractable hook tips.
For Artificial Respiration, refer to FM 21-11.
greater than 500 volts exist in the following units:
1. CRT Power Supply
2. Horizontal Deflection System
3. Vertical Deflection System
a/(b blank)
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
Copyright 1972 by Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved. REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION OF TEKTRONIX, INC. Distribution is limited
to use in connection with the Multiple Launch Rocket System.
Technical Manual HEADQUARTERS
No. 9-6625-646-14&P Washington, D.C., 8 June 1984
Operator's, Organizational, Direct Support, and
General Support Maintenance Manual
(Including Repair Parts)
(NSN 6625-01-061-5519)
You can help improve this bulletin by calling attention to errors and by
recommending improvements and stating your reasons for the recommendations.
Your letter or DA Form 2028, Recommended Changes to Publications, should be
mailed directly to Commander, U.S. Army Missile Command, ATTN: DRSMI-
SNPM, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898. A reply will be furnished to you.
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS............................................................................................................................ iii
SECTION 0. GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................... 0-1
Scope............................................................................................................................ 0-1
Indexes of publications ................................................................................................. 0-1
SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1-1
Option information ........................................................................................................ 1-4
Accessories .................................................................................................................. 1-5
Manual change information .......................................................................................... 1-6
Calibration test equipment replacement ....................................................................... 1-7
SECTION 2. FUNCTIONS OF CONTROLS AND CONNECTORS .................................................. 2-1
SECTION 3. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE.................................................................................... 3-1
Disassembly instructions .............................................................................................. 3-1
Cleaning........................................................................................................................ 3-1
Visual inspection ........................................................................................................... 3-1
Semiconductor checks ................................................................................................. 3-2
Recalibration ................................................................................................................. 3-2
This manual is, in part, authenticated manufacturer's commercial literature. A Maintenance Allocation Chart and Recommended Spare
Parts List has been added to supplement the commercial literature. The format of this manual has not been structured to consider
levels of maintenance.
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
SECTION 4. CALIBRATION ................................................................................................................ 4-1
Test equipment required................................................................................................. 4-1
Preliminary procedure..................................................................................................... 4-3
Preliminary control settings............................................................................................. 4-3
Procedure ....................................................................................................................... 4-4
SECTION 5. TROUBLESHOOTING AIDS .......................................................................................... 5-1
Component color-code ................................................................................................... 5-1
Semiconductor lead configurations ................................................................................ 5-2
Equipment recommended .............................................................................................. 5-2
SECTION 6. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION................................................................................................ 6-1
Block ............................................................................................................................... 6-1
Circuit operation.............................................................................................................. 6-1
SECTION 7. CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................... 7-1
Obtaining replacement parts........................................................................................... 7-1
Component replacement ................................................................................................ 7-1
Instrument repackaging .................................................................................................. 7-4
Electrical parts list........................................................................................................... 8-2
Mechanical parts list ....................................................................................................... 8-12
Exploded drawings.......................................................................................................... 8-17
Circuit board drawings and schematics .......................................................................... 8-19
APPENDIX A. REFERENCES ........................................................................................... A-1
B. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) ......................................... B-1
C. RECOMMENDED REPAIR PARTS LIST................................................... C-1
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
Figure Title Page
1-1 212 Oscilloscope. 0-1
1-2 212 Oscilloscope Accessories. 1-5
2-1 Side Panel Controls and Connectors. 2-1
3-1 Location of Screws Securing Bottom Cover and Side Panel. 3-1
3-2 Location of Circuit Boards Within the 212. 3-2
4-1 Location of Power Supply Test Points and CRT Grid Bias
Adjustment. 4-4
4-2 Location of Trace Rotation Adjustment. 4-4
4-3 Location of Vertical Centering Adjustment and Test Point. 4-5
4-4 Location of Attenuator Compensation Capacitors. 4-7
4-5 Location of Horizontal Centering Adjustment and Test Point. 4-10
5-1 Color Code for Resistors, Ceramic Capacitors, and Dipped Tantalum
Electrolytic Capacitors. 5-1
5-2 Lead Configuration of Semiconductors Used in this Instrument. 5-2
6-1 Vertical Input Amplifiers Detailed Block Diagram. 6-2
6-2 Vertical and Horizontal Output Amplifiers Detailed Block Diagram. 6-3
6-3 Trigger/Sweep Generator Detailed Block Diagram. 6-4
6-4 Power Supply Detailed Block Diagram. 6-5
6-5 CRT Circuit Detailed Block Diagram. 6-6
7-1 Selecting C210 and C212 Capacitance Values for 48 to 52
Hz Operation. 7-2
7-2 Selecting C210 and C212 Capacitance Values for 58 to 62
Hz operation. 7-3
8-0 Mechanical Parts, Exploded View. 8-17
8-1 Block Diagram. 8-19
8-1A Al Input Circuit Board (Front). 8-21
8-1B Al Input Circuit Board (Near). 8-21
8-1C Waveform Conditions - Vertical Amplifier. 8-23
8-1D Vertical Amplifier Schematic Diagram. 8-23
8-1E Vertical Amplifier Schematic Diagram. 8-25
8-2 A2 Amplifier Circuit Board. 8-25
8-2A Waveform Conditions - Horizontal and Vertical Output Sweep
and Trigger. 8-27
8-2B Horizontal and Vertical Output Sweep and Trigger
Schematic Diagram. 8-27
8-3A A3 Power Supply Circuit Board, SN B040000-up. 8-29
8-3B A3 Power Supply Circuit Board, below SN B040000. 8-31
8-4 CRT Circuit Schematic Diagram. 8-33
8-5 Power Supply Schematic Diagram. 8-35
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
O-1. Scope. This manual contains instructions for the O-4. Reporting Equipment Improvement
operator, organizational, direct support, and general Recommendations (EIR). If your 212 needs
support maintenance of and calibration procedures for improvement, let us know. Send us an EIR. You, the
Tektronix Oscilloscope, Model 212. Throughout this user, are the only one who can tell us what you don't like
manual, Tektronix Oscilloscope, Model 212 is referred about your equipment. Let us know why you don't like
to as the 212. the design. Tell us why a procedure is hard to perform.
Put it on an SF 368 (Quality Deficiency Report). Mail it to
O-2. Indexes of Publications. a. DA Pam 310-4. Commander, U.S. Army Missile Command, ATTN:
Refer to the latest issue of DA Pam 310-4 to determine DRSMI-SNEM, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898. We'll send
whether there are new editions, changes, or additional you a reply.
publications pertaining to Tektronix Oscilloscope, Model
212. O-5. Administrative Storage. To prepare the Tektronix
b. DA Pam 310-7. Refer to the latest issue of DA Oscilloscope, Model 212 for placement into and removal
Pam 310-7 to determine whether there are modification from administrative storage, refer to Section 3, Chapter
work orders (MWO's) pertaining to Tektronix 4, AR 750-25-1, Maintenance of Equipment and
Oscilloscope, Model 212. Supplies. Temporary storage should be accomplished in
accordance with TB 750-25-1, Section 2, Maintenance
O-3. Forms, Records, and Reports. Department of of Supplies and Equipment.
Army forms and procedures used for equipment
maintenance and calibration are those prescribed by TM O-6. Destruction of Army Electronics Materiel.
38-750, The Army Maintenance Management System. Destruction of Tektronix Oscilloscope, Model 212 to
Accidents involving injury to personnel or damage to prevent enemy use shall be in accordance with TM 43-
materiel will be reported on DA Form 285, Accident 0002-26, Organizational Maintenance Manual,
Report, in accordance with AR 385-40. Destruction of Equipment to Prevent Enemy Use for
Launcher, Rocket, Armored Vehicle Mounted: XM270,
Multiple Launch Rocket System.
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
Figure 1-1. 212 Oscilloscope.
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
The 212 Oscilloscope is a dual-channel portable Calibrated Range: One millivolt to 50 volt/division. 15
oscilloscope using all solid state and integrated circuitry steps in 1-2-5 sequence.
(except the CRT). The small size of the 212 makes it an
extremely portable oscilloscope for on-location Accuracy: Within 5% with VOLTS/DIV VAR control in
maintenance in many fields of application. CAL position and gain correctly set at 5 mV/div.
The 500 kilohertz vertical system provides vertical Uncalibrated (variable) Range: Continuously variable
deflection factors from one millivolt (at a reduced between calibrated settings. Extends maximum
bandwidth) to 50 volts/division at the tip of either of the deflection factor to at least 125 volts/division.
two integral high-impedance probes. Both single-trace
and dualtrace modes of operation are offered. Single- BANDWIDTH (with six-division reference):
trace displays are achieved by turning off either vertical 10 mV/DIV to 50 V/DIV: DC to at least 500 kilohertz.
channel with its position control. In the dual-trace mode, 5 mV/DIV: DC to at least 400 kilohertz.
the instrument automatically chops or alternates, 2 mV/DIV: DC to at least 200 kilohertz.
depending upon the sweep rate. The trigger circuits 1 mV/DIV: DC to at least 100 kilohertz.
provide stable triggering over the full bandwidth Lower Bandwidth Limit, AC (capacitively) Coupled:
capabilities of the vertical system. about 2 hertz at all deflection factors.
The horizontal deflection system provides calibrated INPUT RESISTANCE:
sweep rates from 500 milliseconds to five microseconds/ Approximately one megohm.
division. It also provides uncalibrated sweep rates, via a
variable sweep magnifier, to at least five times the INPUT CAPACITANCE:
indicated sweep rate for a maximum of at least one 1 mV/DIV to 50 mV/DIV: Approximately 160
microsecond/ division. In addition, X-Y operation is picofarads.
provided. Channel 1 supplies the horizontal (X) 100 mV/DIV to 50 V/DIV: Approximately 140
deflection, with a range from less than one millivolt to 50 picofarads.
volts/division (at a reduced bandwidth of 50 kilohertz),
and Channel 2 the vertical (Y) deflection. The resultant MAXIMUM USABLE INPUT VOLTAGE:
CRT display is presented on a 6 X 10 division graticule 50 V/DIV to .1 V/DIV: 600 volts (DC + peak AC). 600
(each division equals 0.203 inch). volts peak-to-peak AC (five megahertz or less).
50 mV/DIV to 1 mV/DIV: 600 volts (DC + peak AC).
The 212 is operated either from AC line voltage or AC not over 2 kilohertz or risetime not less than 100
from internal rechargeable batteries. The internal nanoseconds.
batteries are recharged from the AC power line by the
integral battery charger. CHOPPED MODE:
From 500 ms/DIV to 2 ms/DIV of time base at
This instrument will meet the following electrical approximately 50 kilohertz.
characteristics after complete instrument calibration.
These characteristics apply over an ambient temperature ALTERNATE MODE:
of -15