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9450A Portable, Dual-Channel
Digital Oscilloscope
Main Features
I 50K memory per channel
Automatic PASSIFAILtesting on
templates and parameters
Segmentable memories with trigger
point time stamps
FASTGLITCH trigger mode
Signal processing and FFT analysis
m Optional high speed memory card
D Unmatched display quality
TV trigger and XY display
The Ultimate Instrument
for Design and Test
The LeCroy 9450A combines high The 9450A is shown measuring a frequencyshitfkeyed signal. The FFT of the waveform is
shown in the lower trace, indicating peaks at 1 MHz and 1.5 MHz.
bandwidth, fast sampling rates, high
fidelity, extensive trigger capabilities and
signal processing. Aimed at meeting the
demands of researchers and engineers
working in fields as diverse as telecom-
Functional Description including spikes and glitches. It is fully
oroarammable over GPlB or RS-232-C
munications, electronic design and test, ;nt&aces. Hard copies are made at the
lasers, computers, NDT, physics and The LeCray 9450A Dual-channel Digital touch of a button on a wide range of
defense, the 9450A will rapidly become Oscilloscope is a pawertul high-resolu- digital ploners and printers.
an indispensable measurement tool in fion instrument for waveform recording
any laboratory. and sophisticated analysis. It provides a ANALOG FEEL, DIGITAL PRECISION
bandwidth of 300 MHz, and sampling
Like all LeCroy oscilloscopes, the rates of up to 400 MSIsec for transients The 9450A employs Flash technology in
9450A i designed to serve as a range
s and 10 GS/sec for repetitive waveforms. its two high-resolution, 8-bit ADCs (one
of different instruments: oscilloscope, The instrument features high-fidelity, per channel) which digtize waveforms
transient recorder, counterftimer, 8-bit ADCS, 50K of non-volatile acquisi- with speed and precision. By combining
frequency meter, signal averager, data tion memory per channel, 200K of this technology with ease of use,
\ogger and digits\ vohmeter. \t offers the addiliona\ waveform storage memory, LeCroy's portabie instrument provides
highest performing data acquisition and extensive pulse parameter analysis, and the best leatures of both analog and
processing system available in any a highly sophisticated trigger system to digital oscilloscopes.
portable instrument. capture the most complex signals,
The front-panel controls of the 9450A TRIGGER For instance, the oscilloscope can be set
have been laid out in the style of an up to PASS if:
analog oscilloscope, making it easy to Push-button control enables the user to
use from the very first moment. The choose the appropriate trigger functions 1, The waveform in Channel 1 is
analog feel is enhanced by the rapid for his signal: standard triggering for contained in the mask in Memory C
instrument response and the fact that basic measurements and advanced (all points inside the mask).
waveforms are presented instantly on triggering to meet highly sophisticated
a bright high-resolution screen. For requirements. 2. The frequency in Channel 2 is less
automated test applications at1 the than 10 kHz.
front-panel controls, including cursor The standard trigger facility provides all
positions and internal functions, are fully the conventional trigger functions. Front- 3. The maximum value of Function F
programmable over RS-232-C or GPlB panel controls select and adjust param- is more than 1.45 V.
interfaces. eters such as pre- and post-trigger
settings, trigger level, slope, mode and 4. The RMS value in Channel 1 is
Capturing and measuring signals has coupling. To help users quickly deter- less than 850 mV.
never been easier. For repetitive signals mine the 9450A's trigger mode and
an auto-setup facility finds and displays conditions, LeCroy has created a series If any of these four conditions is not
signals in less than 2 seconds. For one- of illustrative trigger graphics. satisfied, the test will FAIL.
time phenomena the 9450A's long 50K
memories and extensive triggering SMART triggering offers a solution to Whether the test PASSes or FAILS,the
capabilities enable signals to be cap- even the most intricate triggering oscilloscope can, if the user wishes,
tured the very first time, even when problems. For example, FASTGLITCH perform any or all of the following
signal speed and duration are uncertain. trigger can be used to locate and reveal actions:
glitches and spikes less than 2.5 nsec
LONG NOH-VOLATILEMEMORIES wide. Time-qualified trigger is ideal for - Stop the acquisition.
Only long memories allow high-fidelity
ranging applications and can be used to
ignore unwanted signal ref[ections. Other
- Make a screen dump.
recording over extended periods of time. trigger features include hold-off (by time - Store a trace to Memory D.
On equal time-base settings the 9450A, or number of events), gated triggering - Store the selected traces to the
with 50K of memory per channel, will and conditional triggering, qualified memory card.
sample waveforms up to 50 times faster trigger, and trigger delayed by time or
number of events.
- Emit a "beep".
than an oscilloscope with only 1K of
memory. Faster sampling means better - Send a pulse from the rear-panel
single-shot bandwidth, better time accessory port.
resolution and the power to expand
waveforms up to 1000 times to see The PASSiFAlL routine enables the The mask envelope can also be gener-
details that completely elude other oscilloscope to compare a source trace ated inside the oscilloscope.
digital oscilloscopes. In addition, when against a tolerance mask while simulta-
segmented, the 9450A's non-volatile neously testing a set of extracted
acquisition memories can store up to parameters.
200 waveforrns/channel (complete with
date and time stamps).
9450A Specifications
Bandwidth (-3 dB): ADCs: One per channel, &bit Flash. Time Base
@ 50 ii, DC to 300 MHz Conversion rate: Up to 400 MSIsec for Range: 1 nsecldiv to 5000 secidiv.
@ 1 M . DC DC to 250 MHz typical at the
i! transients, up to 10 GS/sec for repetitive Clock accuracy: 5 -10.002"/0.
probe t ~ p slgnals, s~multaneouslyon both channels. lnterpolator resolution: 5 psec.
Input impedance: 1 MQ1l 5 pF and Aperture uncenalnty: +I 0 psec. Interpolator accuracy: 20 psec RMS.
50 Cl11% Acquisition memories, Channel 1 and 2: Sampling clock output: BNC connector on
Channels: Two Independent channels; Non-volallle memories (battery backed for rear panel.
standard BNC connector lnputs a rnlnlmum of 2 years) of 50 kllowords per
External clock in: BNC connector on rear
Sensitivity range: 5 mV:dtv to 2 Vidiv, channel can be segmented into 2,5, 10, 20,
continuously var ab e from 1 to 2 5 trmes 50. 100 or 200 segments.
the flxed setlrng F~xed settlngs range frow Reference memories, C and D: 50K. 16-bit
word rnernorles whlch can store one acquired Acquls~t~on Modes
5 mV1d1v 2 Vldlv (In a I 2, 5 sequence)
andlor processed waveform, or up to 205 Rendom Interleaved Sampling (RIS):
Vertical expansion: Up to 5 tlrnes (wlth For repetltlve signals from 1 nsectd~v
averaging up to 50 l~mes 100 rnV/dlv
or waveforms when segmented.
Function memories E and F: Two 50K, 16- to 5 psecidlv.
bjt word memo-ies for waveform processing. S~ngle shot: For translent s~gnalsand
Scale factors: Probe attenuation factors of repetitive slgnals from 10 nsectdlv to
X I X l o , X100, XlG00 X10G00 may be
200 msecld~v
selected and are remotely programmable PEAK AND GLITCH DETECTION
Roll: For s owly changlng s~gnals from
Offset: i 1 2 times the flxed ssnsitivity setting Minimum and maximum peaks, as fast as
500 rnsecidiv to 5000 sec!d~v
In 0 02 drv~s~on increments up to 5 ' 0 V rnax ; 0.002% of the record length (minimum
j;24 dlv @ 10 mV~div, 248 drv @ 5 mVidiv 2.5 nsec), are captured and displayed with Sequence mode: D~vldes acqulsll~on
100% probabili:y. Using LeCroy's new memory inlo 2, 5 10, 20, 50, 100 or 200
DC accuracy: Bandwidth Ilmlter: 80 MHz (-3 dB) typlcal FASTGLITCH trigger technique (see the
trigger section below), glitches faster than Horizontal expansion: Dual Zoom mode
Max~mum input voltage: 250 V (DC + peak allows two different signals or two different
2.5 rlsec can be detected on ali time base
AC 10 kHz) a?1 NlQ 55 V DC (500 mW) or sectlons of the same s~gnal be expanded
5 V RMSat50R up to I ,000 times.
N a ~ n ew
Duo) Zam
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At 3 BU5369ps
I 262.78797 kHz
cx7 c 9 r ~ v
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The 94504 sequence mode collects several segments with very little The display of acquired waveform and expanded views allows precise
t ~ m e 00 psec) bemeen segments.
(1 placement of measurement cursors and full use of the oscilloscope3
0.002% timebase accuracv.
TRIGGERING Width-based trigger modes: DISPLAY
Pretrigger recording: Adjustable in 0.2% Pulse width < (FASTGLITCH): Triggers CRT: 12.5 x 17.5 cm (5 x 7 inches); magnetic
increments to 100% of full scale (grid width). on opposite slopes of pulses narrower deflection; vector type.
Post-trigger delay: Adjustable in 0.02 division than a value in the range 2.5 nsec and Resolution: 4096 x 4096 points.
increments up to 10,000 divrsions. 20 sec. Real-time clock: Date, hours, minutes, see.
External trigger Input: 1 Ma, < 20 pF, 250 V Pulse width r: Triggers on opposite Grid: lnternaliy generated; separate intensity
max. (DC + peak AC 5: 10 kHz). slopes of pulses wider than a value in control for grid and waveforms. Single, dual
External trigger range: k2 V in EXT, 120 V in the range 2.5 nsec to 20 sec. and pulse prameter measurement grid
E X n l0 . Interval width z: Triggers on similar mode.
Rate: Up to 500 MHz using H f trigger slopes of signals narrower than a value Persistence mode: Plots consecutively
coupling. in the range 10 nsec to 20 sec. acquired traces of up to four sources
Timing: Trigger timing (date and time) is Interval width r: Triggers on similar (CHANl, CHAN2. Memory C or D. Function E
logged in the memory status menu. The liming slopes of signals wider than a value in or F and Expansion A or 8)on top of each
of subsequent triggers in sequence mode is the range 25 nsec to 20 sec. other, allowing waveform irends and history to
measured with 0.1 sec absolute resolution, or Multi-source trigger operational modes: be examined. The number of sweeps is
nanosecond resolution relative to the time of Pattern: Triggers on the logic AND of selectable from 1, 2, 5 10. 20, 50, 100, 200 or
the first trigger. the three sources CHANI, CHAN2 and INFINITE. Time and voltage cursor
Trigger output: BNC connector on rear panel. EXT, where each source can be defined measurements are supported in persistence
as high (H), low (L) don't care (X). The
or mode.
Trigger veto: BNC connector on rear panel.
trigger can be selected at the beginning XY mode: Plots any two sources (CHAN1
(entered) or the end (exited) of the and 2, Expansions A and 8 , Memories C and
Standard Trigger specified pattern. D ard Functions E and F) against one
Sources: CHANI , CHAN2, LINE. EXT, Bi-level: This is a special condition of another. Operates on live waveforms with fuil
EXT/IO. CHANI, CHAN2 and EXT have pattern trigger which allows the 9450A cursor readout.
independent trigger circuits allowing slope, to trigger on any signal that exceeds a Hard copy: Single or multi-pen digital p\otte!s
coupling and level to be set individually for certain preset high or low trigger level. as well as printers can be used to make hard
each source. The signal must be connected copies of the display. Screen dumps are
Slope: Positive, negative. simultaneously to two channels. The activated by a front-panel push-button or via
Coupling: HF. AC, LF REJ, HF REJ. DC. third trigger channel must be set to don't remote control. Plotters supported a r e the HP
Modes: care (X). 7400 and 7500 series, Philips PM 81 51,
Auto: Automatically re-arms after each State quallfled: Allows the 9450A to Graphtek FP 5301, and cornpatib\e models.
sweep. If no trigger occurs, one is trigger on any source (CHAN1, CHAN2 Pr~nters supported are: EPSON and the HP
generated at an appropriate rate. or EXT), while requiring that a certain ThinkJet, QuietJet and LaserJet. Plotting can
pattern of the other two channels is be done in parallel with normal 9450A
Normal: Re-arms after each sweep. If
present or absent. A delay by time or by operation.
no trigger occurs after a reasonable
length of time, [he warning message "NO number of events can be selected from Graphics: Waveforms and display
or SLOW TRIGGER" is displayed. the moment the pattern is valid. information are presented using vector (linear)
Timeievent qualified: Allows the 9450A graphics. Expanded waveforms use LeGroy's
Single (hold): Holds display after a
trigger occurs. Re-arms only when the to trigger on any source (CHAN1, DOT-LINEAR graphics that highlight actual
CHAN2 or EXT), as soon as a certain data points and interpolate linearly between
"single" button is pressed again.
pattern of the three channels is entered them.
Sequence: Stores multiple events in
or exited. From the moment of validity, Menus: Waveform storage; acquisition
segmented acquisition memories.
a delay can be defined in terms of time parameters; memory status; savelrecall front-
or number of events. panel configurations; SMART trigger;
SMART Trigger TV: Allows stable triggering on TV waveform parameters, RS-232-C
Single-source trigger operational signals that comply with PAL, SECAM or configuration; hardcopy setup and real-time
modes: NTSC standards. Selection of both line clock setup, averaging, arithmetic, and PASS1
Hotd-off by tlrne: 25 nsec to 20 sec. (up to 1500) and field number (up to 8) is FAIL.
Hold-off by events: 0 to 10gevents. possible. Active on EXT only.
Cursors Automatic measurements determine: GENERAL
Relative time: Two cursors provide time Arnptitude Frequency Period Temperature: 5 to 40" C (41 to 104" F) rated;
measurements with a resolution of k0.0546 of Area Maximum Pulse Width 0 to 50