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File No. S360-24
Order No. GC28-6396-6 OS

Systems Reference Library

IBM OS Full American
National Standard COBOL

Program Numbers: (Version 2) 360S-CB-545
(Version 3) 5734-CBl
(Version 4) 5734-CB2 (Compiler and Library)
5734-LM2 (Library Only)

This publication gives the programmer the rules for
writing programs that are to be compiled by the IBM Full
American National Standard COBOL compiler' under the
Operating System. It is meant to be used as a reference
manual in the writing of IBM American National Standard
COBOL programs.

COBOL (Cammon Business Oriented Language) is a
programming-language, similar to English, that is used for
commercial data processing. It was developed by the
~onference 2n DAta SYstems Languages (CODASYL).

IBM as Full American National Standard COBOL is
designed according to the specifications of the following
industry standards:

* The highest level of American National Standard
COBOL, X3.23-1968, including all eight modules:
Nucleus, Table Handling, Sequential Access,
Random Access, Sort, Report Writer, Segmentation,
and Library.

* International Standard ISO/R 1989-1972 Programming
Language-COBOL (which is compatible with, and
identical to, American National Standard COBOL,
X3.23-1968) .

A significant number of IBM extensions are implemented as
well; these extensions are printed on a \~l~li.i~I~: background.
Manual Or~a~~zation
COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented This publioation gives the programmer
~anguage) is-a programming language, the rules for writing programs that are to
51milar to English, that is used for be compiled by the IBM OS Full American
co~ercial data processing. It was National COBOL compiler under the Operating
developed by the Conference On Rbta