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IBM Disk Storage
Management Guide
Error Handling
Publication Number File Number
GA26-1672-0 S370/4300-07
Any reference to an IBM program product in this docu-
ment is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's
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lent progra.m may be used'instead.
Flnt Edition (December 1982)
This is the first edition of the IBM Disk Storage Management Guide, Publication No.
GBOF 1205, Error Handling, Publication No. GA26-1672.
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connection with the use of IBM equipment, contact the local IBM branch office for
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This manual was prepared by the IBM General Prodllcts Division, Tech~ical Publishing,
Department G26/HI5, 555 Bailey Ave., San J~, California, 95150.
C Copyright International Business Mach~nes Corporation 1982.
ii IBM Disk Storage Management Guide - Error Handling
The IBM Disk Storage Management Guide provides IBM Disk Storage Management Guide, Error
tutorial information and guidance to help you with the Handling
physical management of your disk storage. The informa-
This Error Handling manual discusses data and equip-
tion is intended for IBM disk storage customers. It is
ment errors that can occur in disk storage operations. The
written especially for operations personnel, including
focus is on data errors because the Device Support
operators and system programmers, and others who may
Facilities program enables you to handle this type of error
have responsibility for disk storage management tasks.
directly. New reports produced by the Environmental
The material is in separate manuals, organized as a set. Recording, Editing, and Printing (EREP) program are
Each manual has a separate order number, but the described. These reports help you decide when and how
manuals as a set have a common Bill of Form Publica- to use the Device Support Facilities program.
tion Number, GBOF 1205. Manuals in the IBM Disk
Storage Management Guide are: Prerequisite
Background Reference Information GA26-1675 You should be familiar with error definitions given in the
Error Handling GA26-1672 Disk Storage Management manual, Background Refer-
The material in the Guide applies to the following ence Information, Publication Number GA26-1675.
products. Refer to the section, "Error Description."
Disk Storage: 3330, 3340, 3344,3350,3370, 3375, 3380 Terminology
Storage Control: 3830-2, ISC, IFA, DDA, FTA, 3880-1, The term recovery is used to encompass several functions:
2, 3, 11, 13