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Student Text
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Introduction to Teleprocessing
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Student Text

This reference publication is designed to provide non-
technical personnel with a conceptual introduction to
teleprocessing. It presents the concepts of teleprocessing
with little emphasis on programming techniques. Following
an historical survey is a review of the elements of a tele-
processing system, including a discussion of typical
application areas and basic teleprocessing systems flow.

Equipment characteristics, communications terms and
concepts are presented in detail, and summary chapters
are devoted to a study of teleprocessing systems design
and the concept of the total system.

The major objectives of this manual are to:
1. Define the elements of, and examine the information
flow within, a teleprocessing system.

2. Introduce the basic functions and capabilities of the
teleprocessing equipment in the IBM product line.

3. Provide a background for the study of teleprocessing
systems design through a discussion of the elements
of a teleprocessing system, including communications
line considerations, network design, and programming

For titles of associated publications, see the bibliography
at the end of this manual.

Minor revision (October 1973)

This edition includes minor ediioriai changes tU the fuiiuwing pages, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39
and 40. The previous edition is not obsoleted.

Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or
to the IBM branch office serving your locality. Address comments concerning the
contents of this publication to IBM Corporation, DPD Education Development -
Publications Services, EdUcation Center, South Road, Poughkeepsie, New York 12602.