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File No. S360-21
Program Logic
Version 8.1
IBM System/360 Time Sharing System
This publication describes the internal logic of the
IBM System/360 Time Sharing System (TSS/360) Assembler
Program (also referred to as ftthe assembler"). The
assembler processes a group of statements written
according to the rules of the TSS/360 Assembler Lan-
guage into a '1'SS/360 program module. A general
explanation of the four phases of language processing
in the assembler is provided, followed by individual
routine descriptions and flowcharts.
A general understanding of TSS/360 and the rules of
the TSS/360 Assembler Language is assumed. Prer"equi-
site to and co-references with this publication are:
IBM System/360 Time Sharing System: Concepts and Faci-
lities, and IBM System/360 Time Sharing System:
Assembler Language.
This publication is intended for use by system pro-
grammers involved in changing system code and in alter-
ing the assembler design.
Third Edition (September 1971)
This is a major reV1Slon of, and makes obsolete, GY28-
2021-1 and Technical Newsletters Y28-3100, GN28-3129, and
GN28-3138. There are numerous technical changes to this pub-
lication, both in the flowcharts and routine descriptions.
The major changes are summarized below: