Text preview for : Command.mesa_Sep78.pdf part of xerox Command.mesa Sep78 xerox mesa 4.0_1978 listing Mesa_4_Debug Command.mesa_Sep78.pdf
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Command.mesa 2-Sep-78 15:32:14 Page 1
Edited by:
Sandman on May 2. 1978 9:26 PM
Barbara on July 31. 1978 4:31 PM
Johnsson on August 29. 1978 11:02 AM
AltoDefs: FROM "altodefs" USING [Address].
BinaryDefs: FROM "binarydefs" USING [DIGrammar].
CommandDefs: FROM "commanddefs" USING [
CommandName. GetCommandString. IDCode. WriteCommandString.
WriteErrorString. WriteIDString, WriteIString].
ControlDefs: FROM "controldefs" USING [FrameHandle, GlobalFrameHandle].
DebugBreakptDefs: FROM "debugbreakptdefs" USING [
BreakPoint. ClearAllBT. ClearTextBreakPoint. ListAll. OctalBreakPoint,
TextBreakPoint, TraceAll],
DebugContextDefs: FROM "debugcontextdefs" USING [
AttachImageFile, DisplayConfiguration, DisplayProcess. "DisplayQueue,
IncorrectVersion, ListConfigurations, ListProcesses, ResetContext,
SetConfiguration. SetModuleContext. SetOctalContext. SetProcessContext.
SetRootConfiguration. WhereAmI, WriteWorld],
DebugData: FROM "debug data" USING [caseignoring, worrybreaks. worryentry],
DebugFTPDefs: FROM "debugftpdefs" USING [CallFTP],
DebuggerDefs: FROM "debuggerdefs" USING [
Display, DisplayFrame. DisplayStack. DumpCharacter. DumpVar. FormatRecord.
FRPointer. LA. ModuleDump. SOPointer. SymbolObject].
DebugInterpretDefs: FROM "debuginterpretdefs" USING [
Iaddress. Iarray. Icall. Ideref. Iexpression. Ipointer. Istring].
DebugMiscDefs: FROM "debugmiscdefs" USING [
ControlDEL. coremap, DebugAbort. DebugProceed. DFreeString. DGetString.
DisplayEvalStack. IgnoreComment. LookupFail. Quit. WriteCharZ. WriteEOL].
DebugUsefulDefs: FROM "debugusefuldefs".
DebugUtilityDefs: FROM "debugutilitydefs" USING [
CheckFrame. CoreSwap. KillSession. LongREAD. LongWRITE. MREAD. MWRITE.
UserProc. UserStart. ValidGlobalFrame].
DebugSymbolDefs: FROM "debugsymboldefs" USING [AttachSymbols].
DIActionDefs: FROM "diactiondefs" USING [
CleanUp. espTosop. EvalStackEmpty. EvalStackOverflow. FreeStackItem.
GetSetUp. IncorrectType. InvalidExpression. InvalidInterval. InvalidType.
NILesp. NotImplemented, NotOnEvalStack. Transfer. TypesDontMatch.
TypeStackEmpty. TypeStackOverflow].
DIDefs: FROM "didefs" USING [
ESPointer. hereESPointer. InvalidCharacter. InvalidNumber. Parse.
ParseError. SyntaxError. TwoParse].
DILitDefs: FROM "dilitdefs" USING [LitTabInit].
DITypeDefs: FROM "ditypedefs" USING [
SeiBoolean. SeiCardinal. SeiCharacter. SeiInteger. SeiLongInteger.
SeiUnspecified. TypeString].
Inl ineDefs: FROM "inlinedefs" USING [LDIVMOD].
IODefs: FROM "iodefs" USING [
ControlD. ControlF. ControlU. CR. DEL. ESC. NUL. NumberFormat. ReadChar.
ReadEditedString. ReadID, ReadLine. Rubout. SP. WriteChar. WriteDecimal.
WriteNumber. WriteOctal. WriteString].
MiscDefs: FROM "miscdefs" USING [DestroyFakeModule].
Mopcodes: FROM "mopcodes" USING [zKFCB].
ProcessDefs: FROM "processdefs" USING [ProcessHandle].
SDDefs: FROM "sddefs" USING [sAlternateBreak. sBreak. sCallDebugger. SD].
StreamDefs: FROM "streamdefs" USING [ControlDELtyped. ResetControlDEL].
StringDefs: FROM "stringdefs" USING [
AppendChar. AppendLongNumber. AppendString. AppendSubString.
EquivalentString. InvalidNumber, SubString, SubStringDescriptor].
SystemDefs: FROM "systemdefs" USING [FreeHeapNode];
Command: PROGRAM
IMPORTS Binal'yDefs. CommandDefs, DebugBreakptDefs. DebugContextDefs.
DDptr: DebugData, DebugFTPDefs. DebuggerDefs. DebuglnterpretDefs,
DebugMiscDefs. DebugSymbolDefs. DebugUtilityDefs. DIActionDefs. DIDefs.
DILitDefs, DITypeDefs. IODefs. MiscDefs. StreamOefs, StringDefs.
EXPORTS DebugMiscDefs, DebugUsefulDefs
SHARES ProcessDefs