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SpEi-IF*C*TIi)NS ____________--_---_----------------------- ii

1. GESE&AJ DESCRIPT~OA---------------------------------------- 1

2. OPERATIOS-------------------------------------------------- 3

3. CIRCUIT ~ESCR~pT~ON---------------------------------------- 4

4. MAINTENANCE------------------------------------------------ 6

5. REPMCEI\BLE PARTS------------------------------------------ 7

SCHEMATIC-------------------------------------------------- 15

0472 i


Voltage 0 to 1OW vdfs de in 0.01~volt steps.
Current: 20 milliamperes dc maximum.
Polrrlly: Posiiive or negative.
Floaling: WI volts maximum ofi chassis ground.
ACCURACY: aO.05gk of dial setting or 4 millivolt. whichever iS
RESOLUTION: A "Trim" potentiometer permits interpolation
between sleps with a resolution of betler than 1W microvoI1s.

LINE RLGULATION: *O.WS% or 1 millivolt for 10% line change.
LOAD REGULATION: ~O.OOSqb,rom"o,oad tofull bad.
RIPPLE AND NOISE: Less than 1 millivolt rms above 5 cps.
OUTPUT IMPEDANCE: Less than 0.05 ohm at dc.
RECOVERY TIME: No load to full load. less than 1 second lo

OVERLOAD PROTECTION: Ovtwt is disconnected within 50
millisecondsif currsn~axseedi.pploximately24 milliamperes.
CONNECTORS: Output: Tefkninrulated UHF type.
POWER: 105.125 or210.250 VD,~S.60.60 cps. IOS watts.
DIMENSIONS. WEIGHT:l'high x Wwidsx12'deep; netweight.
25 pounds.
ACCESSORIES SUPPLIED: Mating co""estors.
Model 1491 End Frames:
adapts Model 241 for bench "se

ii 0372


l-l. GENERAL. The Model 241 is the successor to dc moving parts and requiring no maintenance.
secondary standards that employ mechanical choppers
and standard cells. If offers freedom from adjustment b. High output accuracy within 0.05% is assured
and calibration, long term stability LO voltage or through the "se of encapsulated wire-wound resistors
temperature variations, and immunity to shock and vi- with 0.02% divider accuracy.
bration. The 241 complements the popular Keithley
240 Supply. offering greater accuracy, regulation, C. From O-1000 volts at up to 20 milliamperes -
current output and floating operation. plus, minus or floating - ca" be dialed in 100, 10, 1.
0.1 and 0.01 volt steps with 5 calibrated panel
switches. "TRIM" potentiometer permits interpolation
1-2. APPLICATIONS. Include calibrati." of meters, between steps with B reeolutia" of better than 100
transducers, and paver supplies: testing insulation, microvolts.
diode, and capacitor leakage resistances; measuring
dc amplifier gain. linearity, drift and common mode d. Noise and hum are belw 1 millivolt nos. Lo"
EjeCtiO". It can also be used as a voltage comparator, line transients - excellent line regulation - make the
voltsge reference for analog camputors, and excitation 241 ideal for capacitor and diode testing. meter cali-
potential for photo-cells and ion chambers. bration.

e. Overload protection is accomplished by a fast-
1-3. FEATURES. acting relay circuit which disconnects the output witb-
in 50 milliseconds at about 24 milliamperes. A "RESET"
8. Extreme stability of 0.005% per hour is gained front panel button reatores operation.
by using, as a reference standard, a highly stable
zener diode with a" ambient temperature coefficient f. Other features include "STAM)BY" which removes
of less than 0.001% per degree C. 1t is unaffected voltage from the output, making possible connections
by rough handling or shock and cannot be damSed in while the instrument is operating; bench or rack op-
ordinary use. The cmparat"r device is a Keifhley- eration.
designed photo chopper of indefinite life, havi"8 "a


TABLE l-l.
Front Panel Controls

I Control Functional Description I

OUTPUT Switch Sl sets 0"Lp"t on.
s3 Sets output in 1oov increments.
S4 sees oucpu't in IOV increments.
S5 sets OUtpUt in 1v increments.
S6 sets OUrpUt in O.lV increments.
s7 sets O"CP"L in p.01v increments.
CALIBRATE Control It109 Adjusts output calibration.
RESET Switch SZ Overload reset control.
OVERLOAD Indiearor DS-3 Indicates overlo& condition.
Power Indicator US-1 Indicates parer on.
READY Indicator DS-2 Indicates ready condition.
TRIM Control P.151 kdjuata output up to 15 mV.

DSZ RI09 R151(SS) DS1 Sl s2 DS3

FIGURE 2. Front Panel

2 0472

2-1. OPER4TING CONTROLS. the connector. If the shell grounds the other con-
nector, the oppoeite holds true. Floating operation
8. output volts. The five skirted dials ecrose is permiesible provided that potential of either line
the panel permit setting the voltage directly from to the cede doe8 not exceed 1500 volts. For floating
zero to 1000 volts with en accuracy of 0.05% or 1 operation, remove the ehorting cap and use two aep-
millivolt end e resolution to 10 millivolts. arate coaxial cables, one for plus end one, for minus.
Due to the high potentials the ueer is cautioned to
b. Trim. Extrapolation between 10 millivolt eet- "se connectors end shielded coaxial cable only.
tinge is possible with the TRIM control which Is be-
low the wltage dials. The TRIM control should be
net to the OFF position when not in use to avoid in- 2-3. PRELIMINARY OPERATING PROCEDURE. The Model
BCCUrate o"tp"t. 241 Regulated High-Voltage Supply is shipped complete
with tubes and fuses and is accurately calibrated at
C. Calibrate. The calibration Potentiometer is the factory. Plug the power cord into a source of
available from the front panel and is covered with en proper voltage and frequency. Unless otherwise spec-
acorn nut to prevent inadvertent operation. The in- ified, the unit is wired for 117V. 50 to 60 cps. For
strumenr is set to well within 0.05% accuracy et the 220 volt operation change the jumpers on the tre,,s-
factory. However, since the linearity of the output former primary ae indicated in the schematic diagram.
is within 0.02%, if the user he8 a potentiometer of After the connections have bee,, made, turn inetrument
thie accuracy available, it is possible to see the to STANDBY. The pilot light will go on but the READY
calibration more closely for specific needs. This light will be delayed by the internal time-delay re-
control, however, should not be touched unless proper lay for 30 seconds. After rhie time, the READY light
calibration facilities ere available. Bee mainten- will go on, end the instrument is ready to operate.
*nce section). If the instrument is immediately turned to the ON
position, the OVERLOAD light will go on with the READY
d. Power Off - Standby - Output On. This switch Light, and it will be necessary to operete the RESET
turns on the power, places the instrument in STANDBY button to make voltage appear et the output terminals.
ower on but potential disconnected from the outp"t
minals), and turns on the output terminals.
2-4. OVERLOAD CIRCUIT. If the current rating of the
supply is exceeded by more than approximately 4 milli'
2-2. CONNECTIONS, POLARITY AND FLOATING OPERATION. amperes, the overload circuit will disconnect the out-
The output connectors ere located et the rear of the put in about 50 milliseconds turning on the red OVER-
instrument. Two output connectore ere used, `x,e for LOAD light. To restore operation press RESET button.
the positive and one for the negative line. A shart- If the OVERLOAD light refuses to go out, or the relay
ing cap ie provided so that either the positive or charters when the reeee button is pushed, either the
negative Line may be grounded to the cese. Thus, if supply has become defective or the overload is still
the shorting cap grounds the negative line, the re- present. DO NOT PRESS RESET BUTTON MORE THAN MOMEN-
mining cmmecror has its center terminal at plus pc- TARILY TO AVOID DAMAGE TO POWERSUPPLY.
larity, end the negative terminal is on the shell of

0472 3


3-L. GENERAL,. In Figure 3, two cascaded electronic e. The remainder of the circuit is e high gain
series regulators furnish e high degree of load end feedback amplifier. Point 35, es mentioned above, is
Line regulation. The first regulator reduces the ef- meinteined et ground by the feedback action. This
fect of input voltage change while the second eegu- occurs because of the following:
lator provides e means for varying the output voltege.
i It provides e Low output impedance, end very close re- 1. If point 35 is not et ground, the light mod-
gulation. Reeis,toee Rl end R2 compere the output volt- ulator convert8 the voltage iato en ec signal which
age against e silicon voltage etsnderd. By varying is amplified by the two sections bf VlO. The eig-
Bl the voltage may be msde to essume eny voltage be- nel is then demoduleted by synchronous demodulator
tween zero end 1000. The current supply to the ref- D13-D16. The resultant dc signal is filtered by
erence Is doubly regulated. Relays RYl end RY2 ere R147 end Cl24 and applied to pin 7 of Vll. The sig-
overload protectors and RY3 end RY4 provide a 30-sec- nal is further amplified by VL1 end V5 end applied
and time delay on turn on. to the control grid of V3. The signal will be of
such polarity as to return point 35 to exactly zero
volts. At frequencies higher then e few cycles,
3-2. DETAILED CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION. VlO and the essociated modulator are not operative
end in such e ceee the error signa& proceeds directly
8. Refer to,DR L3333D at the rear of thle manual. to pin 2 of VLl end by-passes the modulator. CL3D
The high voltage output of the transformer. Tl is by-psssee the comparison divider end increases the
rectified and supplied to the plste of V2, the series signal et high frequencies, which peeees into pin 2
tube in the pre-regulator. V4 compares a fraction of of vu.
the pee-regulated volcege from the divider network
R127. to R129 and R131 to the 150 volts of V6. This 2. Several safeguards are incorporated into the
regulator supplies approximately 1200 volte to the circuit et this point. 012 end RLO-7 ere connected
final regulator. between ground and the summing node, point 35. D12
is e silicon diode which is normally open but con-
b. The final regulator consists of series tube V3, ducts if the euraning point is carried more then 0.7
amplifier V5 difference amplifier VU, end B drift volt positive due to e transiene. This protects the
stabilizing amplifier consisting of light modulatora voltage reference diode. RYL is the overload re$
(Keithley 15101, a two stege amplifier VlO, and de- It is shunted by R136 to eet its pull in sensitiv f
ma+Lstor D13 to D16. et approximetely 24 milliamperes. When en overload
occure end RYL does pull in, it breaks the self-
C. A very stable 9 volt potential is obteined st holding contact on RY2 causing it to open. To re-
point 29 from the zener reference standard. The zener etore operation, RESET switch SW2 is pushed to mo-
element is operated et ite rated current end obtains mentarily reclose the RY2 self-locking circuit. The
this curreat regulated to better than 1% from the cas- OFF, STAND BY, WTPUT ON switch, SWL, also operates
ceded VR tubea V7, VS. end V9. To accomplish this, RYZ opening it In the STANDBY position by interrupt-
RI11 is provided to adjust the rated current through ing the holding circuit ot RY2 by means of its first
the zener, the link beween points 27 end 28 is removed deck between points 25 end 38. SW1 re-energizes RY2
and e 1/4X toler&ce 10 ohm resistor is put at this in the OUTPUT ON position. RY4 is a 30-second ther-
point. With an accurate voltmeter, Rlll is adjusted me1 time-delay which ie recycled by RY3. If RY3 is
until the voltage scross the 10 ohm reeistor corree- not energized, RY2 cannot close, end the circuit re-
ponds to the product of rated current x 10 ohms. mains in the overload or standby position.

d. The voltage from the zener is compared against 3. After the signs1 is amplified by Vll. it is
the output voltage by means of RlOS, RL09, end RllO further amplified by V5. This tube ia srrenged to
(these resistors correspond tp Rl of Figure 1). Since eupply driving voltage to V3 eo that the supply ten
the ection of the feedback amplifier is to maintain cover a range of 0 to 1000 volts. To do this the
point 35 exactly et ground; resistors RLOS through RllO place supply must vary over a range of about minue
ere adjusted so that exactly 1 milliempere of current 50 to plus 950 volts. Therefore, the cathode of V5
flows into point 35 from the zener. This current must is returned to minus LO5 volts. The screen of V3 is
now flow into R151 end through R153 to R182. Since supplied with e floating 105 volts bootstrapped to
these reeietore ere connected between point 35, which the cathode of V3. In this way a conetent ecreen-tO-
the feedbeck meintsins at ground end the high voltage, cathode voltage is maintained, end the tube operates
the output voltage must aeeume a value of 1 milliampere es a pentade. The advantage of this connection la
times the value of resistance chosen by the voltage that much less grid swing is required over the op,-
dials which select resistors RI51 and R153 through eratina range. and the ac plate impedance of V2 is
RLS2. It is so arranged that the output voltage equals markedly increased. This results in e higher degree
one volt per thousand ohms connected between point 35 of output isolation from input transients.
end ground.

4 0472


L---&,&&d- -105,


I' * `v!

FIGURE 3. Simplified Circuit Diagram.

0472 5



CAUTION voltage at the plate of V2. It should be about 1700
Be extremely careful that the regulated power volts. If it is not this voltage plus or minus 202,
supply is disconnected from the power line when check the input rectifiers and filter capacitor.
unscrewing the tap or bottom covers. Many cir-
wit components are 1000 volts or more above 2. If this point checks, next check the voltage
ground. When the circuit is on negative polarity, et the cathode of V2. This should be about 1203
the minus side of the circuit is 1000 volts be- YOlCS. If it is much lower, either V2, V4 or pcs-
low ground. Therefore, do not ass"me it is safe sibly V6 is defective. If changing these tubes does
to touch any part of the circuit when the parer nor correct the difficulty, measure the voltage at
is on. pin 5 of V4. If the voltage is about 150 but the
voltage ac pin 3 of V2 is still incorrect, either
R127, R12S. R129 or R131 may be defective.
4-1. TUBE REPLACWENT. Tube replacement is non-crit-
ical. However, Ampere type ECC B3/12AK7 Is recorrnend-
ed for VlO and Vll. 3. If the voltage is correct up to here but 5.r
not correct at the output, ground pin 7, "11. If
approximately the correct voltage is not obtained at
4-2. ZENER REFERENCE. This element should not require the outpue, the trouble is in the modulator cirxtit.
replacement. If, however, it is necessary, first re- The tube and the other components of that circcit
move test jack jumper at poinr 28 end 27. Insert a should be checked.
114% 10 ohm resistor, and adjust Rlll until the volt-
age ecross the resistor is exactly the product of 4. If the modulator is not at fault, Cry changing
rated current rimes resistance. The", measure the tubes in the remainder of the circuit. CAUTIOX: DO
voltage s.cross the reference. Since the tolerance of NOT CHANGE TUBES "ITS POWERON.
the zener elements is 8.45 t" 9.45 volts, RllO is se-
lected so that the sum of RlOB, R109 (set at half value 5. If this does not eliminate the fault, check
equal ea 50 ohms) and RllO equals in K ohms the voltage the standard resiscar string far a" .,pe" circuir,
as closely as possible. Therefore, if the reference and check the ze"er diode for the correct voltaje.
is changed, RllO will have to be changed.
6. Finally, if the cause is still not discovered,
"ifh the voltage dials at their maximum setting.
4-3. RECALIBRATION. It is recommended that the cali- connect a voltage source Of low internal impedace
bration be adjusted initially at 500 volts curp"t and at point 35. Effectively, this shorts out the feed-
then checked at several voltages above and below this back. If the instrument is ope:~tional, a smalL
point. The equipment used at the factory is a Leeds variaeian in this voltage will drive the output full
and Northrup Type K3 Potentiometer, and a Model 7592-S scale (zero to 1000 volts). Since there is a d+-
Volt BOX. This equipment has a range of 0 to 1500 feet in the system. the signal will not affect the
volts and a" 0.035% limit of error. outpllt. However, by measuring the plate and grtd
potentials progressively along the circuit, the
point can be found where no signal is being trw-
4-4. TROUBLESHOOTING. The f,,llawing general procedure mitted. In this way the defective component caa be
is recommended: CAUTION: "HEN TROUBLESHOOTING, TURN located.
1. NO output: With extreme care and a voltmeter Periodically burnish relay contacts for lover
which will read at least 2100 volts dc, measure the noise and increased stability.

6 0472


5-1. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST: This section contains Manufacturer's Part Number, and the Ksithley Pert
a list of components used in this instrument for Number. Also included is a Figure Reference Number
wee reference. The Replaceable Parts List describes where applicable. The complete name and address of
the Individual parts giving Circuit Designation. each Manufacturer is listed in the CODE-TO-NAME
Description, Suggested >lanufacturer (Code Number), Listing following the parts list.

TABLE 5-1.
Abbreviations end Symbols

A ampere F farad R ohm
Fis Figure
CbVar Carbon Variable pica (10-12)
Cl?dl ceramic Disc GCb Class enclosed Carbon FC Printed Circuit
Cer Trimer Ceramic Trimmer Poly Polystyrene
camp composition k kilo(l0 3,
Ref. Reference
DCb Deposited Carbon micro (10-6)
fksig. Designation TCu Tinner Copperweld
M Meg (106)
F.&A ElecCralytic, Aluminum Mfr. Manufacturer " volt
ETB Electrolytic, tubular MtF Metal Film
ETT Electrolytic, tantalum MY Mylar " watt
ww Wirewound
NO. Number WV*= Wirewound Varieblf

5-2. ELECTRICAL SCHPIATICS AND DIAGRAMS. Schematics or your nearest Keithley representative.
end diagrams are included LO describe the electrical
circuits es discussed in Section 3. b. When ordering parts, include the following

5-3. HOW TO "SE THE REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST. This 1. Instrument Model Number.
Parts List is arranged such that the individual types 2. Instrument Serial Number.
of camponents are listed in alphabetical order. Main 3. Part Description.
Chassis parts are listed followed by printed circuit 4. Schematic Circuit Designation.
boards and other subassemblies. 5. Keithley Part Number.

C. All parts listed are maintained in Keithley
5-4. HOWTO ORDER PARTS. Spare Parts Stock. Any pert not listed ten be made
available upon request. Pert6 identified by the
8. Replaceable parts may be ordered through the Keithley Manufacturing Code Number 80164 should be
Sales Service Department, Keithley Instrumerxs, Inc. ordered directly from Kelthley Instruments, Inc.

0472 7



Circuit Mfg. Mfg. Keithley
Desig. Value Rating Type Code Part No. Part No.

Cl01 .00047 pf 1000 v CerD 71590 DD-471 C64-470P
Cl02 .00047 pf 1000 v CerD 71590 DD-471 C64-470P
Cl03 20 pf 450 v EMC 56289 TVLl714 C33-20M
Cl04 .00047 IJ.f 1000 " CarD 71590 DD-471 C64-47OP
Cl05 .00047 pf 1000 " CerD 71590 DD-471 C64-470P

Cl06 .00047 pf 1000 " CerD 71590 DD-471 C64-470P
cm7 .00047 pf 1000 " Ce?ZD 71590 DD-471 C64-470P
Cl08 .00047 vf 1000 " CerD 71590 DD-471 C64-470P
Cl09 .00047 Ilf 1000 " CerD 71590 DD-471 C64-470P
Cl10 .00047 pf 1000 v CerD 71590 DD-471 C64-470P

Cl11 2.0 vf 3000 v MY 99120 LK30-205 c53-2M
Cl12 .00047 pf 1000 " CerD 71590 DD-471 C64-470P
Cl13 .00047 pf 1000 " CerD 71590 DD-471 C64-470P
Cl14 16 pf 600 v EMC 14655 KR616C C34-16M
C115A 20 pf 350 " ETB 12674 ME50415 C52-20M
C115B 20 pf 350 " ETB 12674 ME50415 C52-20M

Cl16 .02 pf 1000 v CerD 72982 84125V203P C22-.02M
Cl17 .02 pf 1000 v CerD 72982 84125V203P c22-.02M
Cl18 .07. pf 1000 " CerD 72982 84125V203P C22-.02M
Cl19 .1 )If 200 " MY 13050 SMlA C47-.lM
Cl20 .Ol I*f 1000 " CerD 72982 81125V103P C2.!-.OlM

Cl21 1 Pf 200 " MY 13050 107-21 C66-1M
Cl22 1 I-rf 200 " MY 13050 107-21 C66-LM
Cl23 .l pf 200 v MY 02777 P-12M C66-.lM
Cl24 1 Clf 200 " MY 13050 107-21 C66-1M
Cl25 .0068 pf 1000 " CerD 72982 811Z5V682P C22-.0068M

Cl26 .033 pf 1600 v MY 14655 MGT-S33 C43-.033M
Cl27 .02 pf 1000 " CerD 72982 841Z5V203P C22-.02M
Cl28 .OOl wf 1000 " CerD 72982 8OlZ5V102P C22-.OOlM
Cl29 1.0 pf 400 " MY 99515 E4-105 C73-LM
Cl30 .47 pf 1000 " MY 99515 EP-32462 C54-.47M

Cl31 .47 pf 1000 " MY 99515 EP32462 C54-.47M
Cl32 a.033 pf 1600 v MY 14655 MGT-S33 c43-.033)1X
Cl50 .005 pf 6000 v MY 14655 PKJ16OD5 c130-.005PI
*Nominal value, factory set.

8 0472


Circuit Mfr. Mfr. KeithlLj
Desig. Type Code Part No. Part No.

Dl Silicon 02735 lN3252 RF-17
D2 Silicon 02735 lN3252 RF-17
D3 Silicon 02735 lN3252 RF-17
D4 Silicon 02735 lN3252 RF-17
D5 Silicon 02735 lN3252 RF-17

D6 Silicon 02735 lN3252 RF-17
DJ Silicon 02735 lN3252 RF-17
D8 Silicon 02735 lN3252 RF-17
D9 Silicon 02735 lN3252 RF-17
DlO Silicon 02735 lN3252 RF-17
Dll Silicon 02735 lN3252 RF-17
D12 Zener 04713 1N938 14167
D13 Silicon 04713 lN1563A RF-19
D14 Silicon 80164 lN3253 RF-20 14168A Replace
D15 Silicon 80164 lN3253 RF-203 as a pair.

D16 Silicon 80164 lN3253 RF-20 14168A Replace
D17 Silicon 80164 lN3253 RF-20I as a pair.
D18 Silicon 02735 lN3253 RF-20
D19 Silicon 02735 lN3253 RF-20
D20 Silicon 02735 lN3252 RF-17

D21 Silicon 02735 lN3256 RF-22
D22 Silicon 98925 4ElOO-8 RF-27


Circuit Mfr. Mfr. Keithley
Desig. Description Code Part No. Part No.
DSl Neon Lamp 08804 NE-2U PL-14

DS2 Bulb 08804 47 PL-4
--- Light Assembly, READY 72765 5100 PL-16G
DS3 Bulb 08804 47 PL-4
--- Light Assembly, OVERLOAD 72765 5100 PL-16R
DS4 Neon Indicator Bulb 03797 EGO1 WCBNE2VPL-12

DS5 Not Used

DS6 Not Used

DS7 Neon Lamp 08804 NE-2U PL-14

0472 9


Circuit Mfr. Mfr. Keithley
Desig. Description Code Part No. Part No.
El01 Light Modulator A&. 80164 --- 1510

El02 Light Modulator Assy. 80164 --- 1510

Fl (117 v) Fuse, Slow-Blow 2A 75915 MDX FU-25
Fl (234 v) Fuse. Slow Blow. 3AG 71400 313.750 FU-10
--- Fuse-Holder 75915 342012 FH-3
F2 Fuse, Slow Blow, l/32 amp 71400 MDL FU-11
.Jl Receptacle, UHF, OUTPUT, + Mil. No. SO-239A 91737 6804 CS-64
52 Receptacle, UHF, OUTPUT, - Mil. No. SO-239A 91737 6804 cs-64
--- Shorting Cap 91737 7907 CAP-5
--- Dust Cap 95760 EC10 CAP-l
--- (F)Plug, Mate of Jl and 52, UHF, Mil No. 49190 02660 83-822 cs-49
--- (F)Reducing Adapter, UHF, Mil No. UG-175/v 02660 83-185 CS-36
--- Binding Post, G 83330 136 BP-14

Pl Cord Set, 6 feet 93656 4638-13 co-5
RYl Relay 80164 --- RL-11
RY2 Relay 80164 --- RL-10
RY3 Relay 80164 --- RL-10
RY4 Relay 80164 --- RL-9

Sl Rotary Switch, OUTPUT 80164 --- SW-86
-- Knob Assembly, Output Switch 80164 --- KN-11

s2 Pushbutton Switch, RESET 82389 201s SW-90

s3 Rotary Switch less components, OUTPUT VOLTS Xl00 80164 --- SW-85
-- Knob Assembly, Xl00 Volts Switch 80164 --- 13923A
s4 Rotary Switch less components, OUTPUT VOLTS X10 80164 --- SW-85
-- Knob Assembly, X10 Volts Switch 80164 --- 13923A
s5 Rotary Switch less components, OUTPUT VOLTS Xl 80164 --- SW-81
-- Knob Assembly, Xl Volts Switch 80164 --- 13923A
S6 Rotary Switch less components, OUTPUT VOLTS x.1 80164 --- SW-81
-- Knob Assembly, X.1 Volts Switch 80164 --- 13923A

(F) Furnished accessory

10 0472


Circuit Mfg. Keithley
Desig. Description Code Part No.

57 Rotary Switch less components, OUTPUT VOLTS X.01 80164 SW-81
-- Knob Assembly, X.01 Volts Switch 80164 13923A

-_ Knob Assembly, Trim Control 80164 KN-11

Tl Transformer 80164 TR-34


Circuit Mfg. Mfg. Keithley
Desig. Value Rating TYPO Code Part No. Part No.

RlOl 1 k? l%, 5 w ww 91637 RS-5 R4A-1K
R102 a.2 kn lO%, 5 w ww 91637 cs-5 RB-8.2K
R103 100 0 l%, 5 w ww 91637 RS-5 R4A-100
R104 3 !a 2%, 10 w ww 91637 RS-10 R42-3K
Rl05 4 k:? 2%, 10 w ww 91637 RS-10 R42-4K

R106 7 k!? l%, 5 w ww 91637 RS-5 R4A- JK
R107 1 kg 1%, 5 w ww 91637 RS-5 R4A-1K
Rl08 8.5 kn O.l%, l/2 I+! ww 15909 1252 R70-8.5K
R109 100 kn 5%, 2 w War 12697 43C2 RP19A-100K
RllO +600 il l%, l/2 w ww 01686 7020 R48-600

Rlll 2 kri 5%, 2 w wwvar 12697 43C2 RP19-2K
R112 470 2 lO%, l/2 w camp 01121 EB Rl-470
R113 4.7 M? lO%, 2 w Comp 01121 HB R3-4.7M
R114 470 n lO%, lf2 w Comp 01121 EB Rl-470
R115 510 kR l%, 5 " ww 91637 RS-5 R41-10K

R116 1m lO%, l/2 " Comp 01121 EB Rl-1M
R117 22 kn lO%, l/2 " Comp 01121 EB Rl-22K
R118 1 M-2 lO%, l/2 w Comp 01121 EB Rl-1M
Rl19 1 M? lO%, l/2 w Comp 01121 EB Rl-1M
R120 22 kn lO%, l/2 w Comp 01121 EB Rl-22K

R121 Not Used
R122 1 wl lO%, l/2 w Comp 01121 EB Rl-1M
R123 470 2 lO%, l/2 w camp 01121 EB Rl-470
Rl24 80 k? l%, 10 w ww 91637 RS-10 R34-80K
R125 40 !a l%, 10 w ww 91637 RS-10 R34-40K

R126 8.2 kQ lO%, 2 w Comp 01121 HB R3-8.2K
R127 333 kn l%, 1 w DCb 91637 DC-l Rl3-333K
Rl28 333 kn l%, 1 " DCb 91637 DC-l R13-333K
R129 333 k?. l%, 1 w DCb 91637 DC-1 Rl3-333K
R130 470 n lO%, l/2 w Comp 01121 EB Rl-470

*Nominal value, factory set

0472 11


Circuit Mfg. Mfg. Keithley
Desig. Value Rating TYPO Code Part No. Part No.

R131 *120 kn l%, l/2 " DCb 79727 CFE-15 R12-120K
R132 330 kfl lO%, l/2 w Comp 01121 EB Rl-330K
R133 4.7 kfl lO%, l/2 w Comp 01121 EB Rl-4.7K
RI34 330 kfl lO%, l/2 w Comp 01121 EB RI-330K
R135 470 n lO%, l/2 w Comp 01121 EB Rl-470

R136 4kn l%, 5.w ww 91637 RS-5 R4A-4K
R137 470 n 10%; l/2 w Comp 01121 EB Rl-470
Rl38 470 n lO%, l/2 w Comp 01121 EB Rl-470
R139 100 kQ l%, l/2 w DCb 79727 CFE-15 Rl2-100K
R140 47 krl l%, l/2 w DCb 79727 CFE-15 Rl2-47K

R141 3MI-l l%, l/2 w DCb 79727 CFE-15 R12-3M~
R142 4.5 MI-l l%, l/2 w DCb 79727 CFE-15 R12-4.5M
Rl43 1 Mn l%, l/2 w DCb 79727 CFE-15 R12-1M
R144 lkrl l%, l/2 w DCb 79727 CFE-15 Rl2-1K
R145 100 kQ 30%, l/4 w CompV 71450 45 RP12-100K

R146 75 Ml l%, l/2 w DCb 79727 CFE-15 R12-75K
R147 10 MI-2 lO%, l/2 w Comp 01121 EB Rl-1OM
R148 100 kn lO%, l/2 w Comp 01121 EB Rl-100K
R149 100 !a lO%, l/2 w Comp 01121 EB Rl-100K
Rl50 100 kn lO%, l/2 w Comp 01121 EB Rl-100X
R151 15 n lO%, 2 w WWVar 12697 43 RP32-15
R152 10 ksl 2%, 10 w L"iw 91637 RS-10 R42-1OK
RL53 100 ksl .02%, 2 w ww 15909 1179 R4?-100K
R154 100 k-0 .02%, 2 w ~ww 15909 1179 R49-100K
R155 100 kn .02%, l/2 w ww 15909 1259 R47-100K

R156 100 krl .02%, l/2 w ww 15909 1259 R47-100K
Rl57 100 kQ .02%, l/2 w ww 15909 1259 R47-100K
R158 100 kfl .02%, l/2 w ww 15909 1259 R47-1OOK
R159 100 ko .02%, l/2 w ww 15909 1259 R47-1OOK
Rl60 100 kQ .02%, l/2 w ww 15909 1259 R47-100K
R161 100 k5-l .02%, l/2 w ww 15909 1259 R47-100K
R162 10, ksl .02%, l/2 w ww 15909 1259 R47-10K
R163 10 kn .02%, l/2 w ww 15909 1259 R47-10K
R164 10 ks2 .02%, l/2 w ww 15909 1259 R47-10K
R165 10 hl .02%, l/2 w NW 15909 1259 R47-10K
R166 10 kn .02%, l/2 w ww 15909 1259 R47-1OK
R167 10 kc .02%, l/2 w ww 15909 1259 R47-10K
R168 10 kn .02%, l/2 w ww 15909 1259 R47-10K
R169 10 kl .02%, l/2 w ww 15909 1259 R47-10K
R170 10 kfl .02%, l/2 w .ww 15909 1259 R47-10K

"Nominalvalue, factory set

12 0472


Circuit Mfg. Mfg. Keithley
Desig. Value Rating TYPO Code Part No. Part No.

R171 2 1~:: .02%, l/2 w WV 15909 1259 R47-2K
R172 1 k". .02%, l/2 w ww 15909 1259 R47-1K
R173 4 IQ .02%, l/2 w ww 15909 1259 R47-4K
Rl74 4 k7. .02%, l/2 w ww 15909 1259 R47-4K
R175 200 :: .l%, l/2 w ww 15909 1252 R70-200

R176 100 n .l%, l/2 w ww 15909 1252 K70-100
R177 400 3 5%, 1 'LJ ww 15909 R626 R69-400
Rl78 400 n 5%, 1 w ww 15909 R626 R69-400
R179 20 3 .l%, l/2 w ww 15909 1252 R70-20
Rl80 10 ? .l%, l/2 w VW 15909 1252 R70-10

Rl81 40 2 l%, l/2 w ww 15909 1252 R70-40
R182 40 3 :l%, l/2 w ww 15909 1252 R70-40
R183 100 kc lO%, l/2 w Comp 01121 EB Rl-100K
Rl84 470 ? lO%, l/2 w Comp 01121 EB Rl-470
Rl85 220 k!l lO%, l/2 w Comp 01121 EB Rl-220K

R186 Not used
R187 4. 7 :,iz 10x., 2 w camp 0112.1 HB R3-4.7M

Circuit Mfg. Keithley
Desig. Number Code Part No.

Vl 6627 86684 EV-6627
v2 6BG6 85599 EV-6BG6
v3 6BG6 85599 EV-6BG6
v4 6BG6 85599 EV-6~~6
v5 6BG6 85599 EV-6BG6
V6 6626 86684 W-6626
v7 6626 86684 W-6626
V8 6627 86684 EV-6627
v9 6627 86684 EV-6627
VlO 7025 73445 EV-7025

Vll 7025 73445 EV- 7025

0472 13
Code-To-Name List
(From Federal Supply Code For Manufacturers, Cataloging Handbook H4-2)

1121 Allen-Bradley Corp. 72765 Drake Mfg. Co.
Milwaukee, Wis. Chicago, 111.

1686 RCL Electronics, Inc. 72982 Gudeman Co.
Riverside, N. J. Chicago, Ill.

2660 Amphenol-Borg Electronics Corp. 73445 Amperex Electronic Co. Division of
Broadview, Chicago, Illinois North American Philips Co., Inc.
Hicksville, N. Y.
2735 Radio Corp. of America
Commercial Receiving Tube and 75915 Littelfuse, Inc.
Semiconductor Division Des Plaines, Ill.
Somerville, N. J.
79727 Continental-Wirt Electronics Corp.
2777 Hopkins Engineering Co. Philadelphia, Pa.
San Fernando, Calif.
80164 Keithley Instruments, Inc.
3797 Eldema Corp. Cleveland, Ohio
Compton Calif.
82389 Switchcraft, Inc.
4713 Motorola, Inc. Chicago, Ill.
Semiconductor Products Division
Phoenix, Arizona 83330 Smith, Herman H., Inc.
Brooklyn, N. Y.
8804 Lamp Metals and Components
Department G. E. Co. 85599 Tube Department G. E. Co.
Cleveland, Ohio Schenectady, N. Y.

.2697 Clarostat Mfg. Co., Inc. 86684 Radio Corp. of America
Dover, N. H. Electronic Components and Devices
Harrison, N. J.
.3050 Potter co.
Wesson, Miss. 91637 Dale Electronics, Inc.
Columbus, Nebr.
.4655 Cornell-Dubilier Electric Corp.
Newark, N. J. 91737 Gremar Mfg. Co., Inc.
Wakefield, Mass.
.5909 Daven Division Thomas A. Edison
Industries McGraw Edison Co. 93656 Electric Cord Co.
Livingston, N. ~J. Caldwell, N. J.

i6289 Sprague Electric Co. 95760 Protective Closures Co., Inc.
North Adams, Mass. Buffalo, N. Y.

11400 Bussmann Mfg. Div. of 98925 Semiconductor Division of
McGraw-Edison Co. Clevite Corp.
St. Louis, MO. Waltham, Mass.

71590 Centralab Division of 99120 Plastic Capacitors, Inc.
Globe-Union, Inc. Chicago, Ill.
Milwaukee, Wis.
99515 Marshall Industries
Electron Products Division
Pasadena, Calif.

i/~ /.,
14 0472
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