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2nd, 3rd, & 4th Quarters 1992
llnstrument Service
For I P rade Customers
Jim BechtoldlHewlett-Packard Subscription Services through OMS or local equivalent by
the sales order processing group.
There are two subscription services
Introduction available; microfiche and paper. Refer The microfiche library is exactly that
Test and Measurement (T&M)service to Table 1. - a library of all T&M service notes
notes contain product-specific service for older as well as the most up-to-
information about Hewlett-Packard date products. You should purchase
Microfiche the library and subscription service at
products. Subjects include product
improvements, modifications, and The microfiche library and subscrip- the same time. This will ensure that
procedures for troubleshooting, tion service are ordered through the your library is automatically kept up-
maintenance, and repair. Service hardware support administration to-date on a quarterly basis.
notes are published as appropriate person at your local HP sales/service
throughout the life of a product and office. Be sure and note the following Paper
are imperative for customers that ser- items to help your order coordinator
vice their own HP products. place the order. The most timely way for you to re-
The subscription service is effec- ceive service notes on a regular basis
The Problem is to subscribe to the paper subscrip-
tively a "support contract" and not
Customers have always been able to an orderable "part." tion service. Once a month all of the
obtain T&M service notes free of current T&M service notes that HP
charge, but the process has never The subscription service is ordered prints will be sent to you. For some
been timely or convenient. The most through HP's IBS system and not customers this will be more service
common method was for the cus- through any sales system. notes than you need. We hope you
tomer to read about service notes in The subscription service price will recycle the paper you do not use.
Bench Briefs and then order them. The shown in Table 1is an approximate For other customers servicing a large
problem occured in the time lag be- price for one year. and wide variety of HP instruments,
tween when the service note was pub- this subscription service will keep you
lished and when the customer read The subscription service price up-to-date on all T&M product
about it in Bench Briefs. It was common shown on the HP IBS system is for changes.
for many months to elapse before one month.
customers become aware of a crucial The library is not a contractual ser- As a special bonus for those cus-
service note that improved the perfor- vice, and therefore should not be tomers that order the subscription
Customers can now receive T&M ser- -
vice notes in several ways:
Description I Delivery New HP PIN Old HP P/N cost-U.S.
Automatic-by subscription service Subscription Monthly +
H5299A 22R-AV6 None -$600.00
By FAX (HP FIRST) - Service -. -.
From the editor of Bench Briefs, but Microfiche
f- for only a few copies. Subscription Quarterly H5299A + 22R-AV5 5951-6517 -$800.00
- Service -. - -. -
Note: HP is no longer providing large
quantities of service notes at no Library Any Time H5320A 5951-651 1 $1,000.00
Pub. NO.5952-3462 0 Hewlett-Packard 1992
Table A. Customers With HP On-Site Service Contracts
A Description of
Hewlett-Packard Service Note Type Location Category No Charge Period
Service Notes Repair
Introduction Priority Safety 1 2 NA Always
As products continue to be produced, Safety 1 2 3 Always
modifications are made to their de-
sign or to the manufacturing process. Mod. Rec. 1 2 3 4
Some of these modifications may be
judged significant enough that they !
Mod. Available- 5 5 5 1 year minimum
are documented in a service note and Serviceability/ e
communicated to the Hewlett-Pack- Reliability
ard support organization and to Hew-
lett-Packard customers. These modifi-
Mod. Available - NA
cations may include hardware Performance
changes, firmware changes, or simple -
There are five classes of service notes 1. The responsible entity is charged for all sible entity (contactresponsibile entity first
used to communicate the modifica- support charges. to preauthorize charges). Travel will be
tions. The class of service note is de- charged to the service contract.
termined by the scope of the modifi- 2. Service will be performed on site. Parts
cation. Each class of service note and and labor will be charged to the respon- 4. If administration block action category is
the type of information it may contain sible entity. Travel will be charged to the marked "on specified failure," the "no-
service contract. charge"period is a minimum of two years;
is described below. all others are a minimum o one year.
3. The modification can normally be com- 5. Parts, labor, and travel are charged to the
Service Note Classification pleted by the customer; however, if the service contract.
customer requests HP to perform the ser-
vice, labor will be charged to the respon- 6. Customer may purchasethe modification.
Priority Safety (PS):This class of ser-
vice note denotes a serious operator
hazard concerned with the normal
operation of the product. These ser-
vice notes require immediate repair
action and involve a special effort to
contact all customers that own the tions. This type of service note is also Service Note Administrative
product. The repairs must be com- applicable if the modification to re- Block
pleted by HP-qualified personnel placement parts results in a compati-
either on-site or at an authorized HP bility problem with units in the in- Each service note contains adminis-
repair center. stalled base. trative information that provides the
HP support organization details that
include when to perform the modifi-
Safety (SA): This class of service note Modification Available (MA): These cation, where to perform the modifi-
denotes a minor or marginal safety service notes communicate perfor- cation, and how long the modification
hazard. It can also apply when non- mance enhancements. The enhance- will be available at no charge.
compliance to a safety related stan- ments typically improve the perfor-
dard, license, or testing agency evalu- mance, serviceability, reliability or Action Category
ation has been discovered. Safety ser- operation that extends the usefulness
vice notes are implemented during of the product. Immediately: Typically, this category
the normal course of providing sup- is used for priority safety service
port. The repairs can sometimes be notes, but may also be checked on a
Information Only (IO): The informa- modification recommended note.
implemented by the customer.
tion only service note is used to com- Modifications will usually be per-
municate information about the prod- formed by the HP support organiza-
Modification Recommended (MR): uct (i.e., manual changes, recom- tion. The "No-Charge" period is a
mended replacement parts, parts that
These service notes are developed to
correct manufacturing or design prob- are no longer available and have been
minimum of one year from the date
that is printed on the service note,
lems that affect product performance replaced by a new HP part number, which is called the "publication date."
or reliability. This includes modifica- etc.). In some cases, modifications are
tions that correct a product's perfor- necessary when a new replacement On Specified Failure: The modifica-
mance to meet its published specifica- component is not an exact fit. tion will be performed by the HPsup-
Table A. Customers Without HP On-Slte Service Contracts Availability (PS, SA, MR Only)
SenrieeNnteTvne Location Category No Charge Period This is the defined period of time that
all resources (parts, documentation,
Repair Return Customer- expertise) will be available for the
On-Site To HP Installable
It Priority Safety Always
modification. This is not the "No
Charge" period. Note that the modifi-
cation may be incorporated into up-
dated versions of the product.
Safety Always
Mod. Rec. 4
Author and Entity
This is the person that wrote the
Mod. Available- NA service note and the manufacturing
Serviceability/ division.
Mod. Available - NA Labor Standards (PS, SA, MR
Performance Only)
Notes This is the expected amount of time
it will take to complete the repair.
1. The responsible entity is charged for all formed as routine support and travel will
support charges. be charged to the customer.
2. Parts and labor will be charged to the re- 4. If administration block action category is ServiceabilitylReliability
sponsible entity. If the customer requests marked "on specified failure," the "no- Enhancement (MA Only)
on-site service, travel will be charged to charge"period is a minimum of two years;
the customer. all others are a minimum o one year.
f The modification improves reliability
3. The responsible entity Pays for Parts. The 5. Customer may purchase the modification. or allows HP to service the product
c modification can normally be completed
by the customer; however, if the customer
requests HP to perform the service, labor
will be charged to the responsible entity
6. If the customer has a return-to-HP service
contract, labor and parts are charged to
the contract when the customer returns
more efficiently. If the product is co-
vered by an HP support contract, the
modification is charged to the con-
tract. Otherwise the customer may
(contact responsibile entity first to the unit to an HP Customer Service Center purchase the modification.
preauthorize charges).Service will be per- for repair.
Performance Enhancement
(MA Only)
The modification will enhance the
performance of the product over and
port organization only if the specified the modification is one year from the above what it was originally designed
failure occurs. These modifications service note publication date. to do. This modification is available
will normally be performed as routine for customer purchase.
support. The "No-Charge" period is
a minimum of two years from the ser- Location Category
vice note publication date. Service InventoryLJsed Parts
On-Site: The modification is per-
Agreeable Time: The modification is formed by HP-qualified support per- Self explanatory.
made by the HP support organization sonnel at the customer's site.
at a time agreeable to HP and the cus- Responsible Entity
tomer. A mutually agreed upon time HP Location: The customer is respon-
may occur as part of preventative sible for returning the product to the This is the support-responsible HP
maintenance, calibration, or in re- nearest HI' Customer Service Center. entity. This is not the entity that per-
sponse to a general failure condition. The modification is performed by HP- forms the service.
Product safety and modification qualified support personnel.
recommended service notes for prod-
ucts covered by an HP on-site agree- Customer-Installable: Modifications Until
(" ment are to be provided by HP sup- may be performed by the customer.
port personnel during the next visit Parts and modification instructions This is the last date that HP will pro-
to the customer's site, or by the re- may be provided at no charge, de- vide the modification to the customer
commended completion date. The pending on the service note classifica- at no charge. This is called the "No-
maximum expected time to complete tion. Charge" period. 0
Using RS-423 and RS-422 for Terminal
Connections: A Field Guide
Mark KrootlHewlett-Packard, Grenoble is likely to differ from that given by Association (EIA). The RS-422 stan-
the guidelines. It will depend on the dard, on the other hand, uses differen-
As the demand grows for terminal-to- actual configuration as well as its tial data transmission.
SPU connections supporting greater environment.
baud rates and greater distances, the
use of RS-422 and RS-423 will become RS-232
much more prevalent. This paper will Single-Ended versus
familiarize the reader with those elec- Differential Introduced in 1962, the RS-232 single-
ended data transmission standard is
trical standards, making it easier to
In data processing systems, there are used widely throughout the industry.
sell, install, service, and support them
two basic means used for sending a However, RS-232 is the most restric-
in the field. We will start with a
description and comparison of the RS- digital signal between components tive when considering data rates (20
232, RS-422, and RS-423 electrical (i.e., SPU, terminal, printer): single- kBaud maximum) and distances (up
standards. Next, we will discuss some ended data transmission, which uses to 50 feet/l5 meters). The advantages
specifics of wiring for the RS-422 and one signal line, and differential data of using RS-232 terminal connections
RS-423 standards. Finally, we will take transmission, which uses two. The first are:
a brief look at some of the Hewlett- of these two means, single-ended data
w Its familiarity in the industry.
Packard products using this standard. transmission, has been employed in
the RS-232 and the RS-423 standards w Fewer wires are used -three wires
developed by the Electronics Industry for direct terminal connection.
A Note on the Standards
The RS-422 and RS-423 standards are
electrical standards: they specify only
the electrical characteristics of the
digital interface circuit. RS-232, on the
other hand, consists of three stan-
W Electrical - electrical characteris-
w Physical - connector dimensions
and pinouts
Figure 1. RS-232C Application
W Logical -communicationprotocol
The reader must remember that the
comparison of RS-232 to RS-422 and
RS-423 can only be a comparison of
the respective electrical standards.
Guidelines for Application
Neither the RS-422 nor the RS-423
standards specifically state require-
ments for interconnecting cables,
maximum distance, or maximum data
transmission rate. Each standard Figure 2. RS-423 Application
does, however, include an appendix,
"Guidelines for Application." These
appendices give conservative
maximum values for cable length and
data rates based on the following
w Twisted pair, copper
W 52.5 pF/meter shunt capacitance
w 24AWG
The following information is based on
these guidelines. Actual performance Figure 3. RS-422 Application
RS-423 Terminal Connections four wires are needed to make the
direct connection.
c The RS-423 (also known as CCITT
V.10) standard also uses single-ended
data transmission. It has the advan-
Direct terminal connections are com-
monly made using either the RS-232,
RS-423, or RS-422 electrical standards.
RS-423 connections using more than
one signal driver can benefit from its
tage of an extended maximum data The table below summarizes the de- single-ended nature by using a com-
rate of 100 kBaud (up to 250 feet/80 tails of each possibility. The distance, mon ground return line for all signals.
meters) and an extended maximum data rate, and distanceldata rate prod- This is common for connections using
distance of 4000 feet/1200 meters (up uct given are all maximum values. hardware flow control in which each
to 5 kBaud). It should be noted that The wires column shows the number device has both a data signal and a
the maximum cable length and of wires required for a full-duplex flow control signal, and a shared
maximum data rate are functions of direct connection. ground return.
the rise time of the signal transmitting
the digital data. For example, a fast Max Dist*
rise time is needed for the higher baud Data Data Rate
rates while a slow rise time allows Transmission Wires Dist Rate Product
longer cable lengths. The rise time is
defined by the hardware and cannot RS-232 Single-ended 3 5m 20 kBaud 100 kBaud-ft
usually be changed outside the fac- RS-423 Single-ended 4 4000ft 100kBaud 4 MBaud-ft
tory. Consequently, an individual RS- RS-422 Differential 4 4000ft 10 MBaud 400 MBaud-ft
423 driver can be tuned for high data I
rates or long cable lengths, but not
for both. Refer to the specifications or Wiring RS-4WRS-423 is intended for long
supported configurations of the con- distance connections in datacom-
cerned equipment. Because RS-423 is The higher data rates and longer dis- munication applications. These long
a newer standard, it is not as common tances allowed by the RS-422 and RS- distances make the use of prefabri-
as RS-232. However, superior baud 423 standards make it possible for the cated cables difficult and uneconomi-
rate and distance capabilities are help- component wavelengths of the digital cal. Consequently, there are no "off
ing the RS-423 electrical standard win signals to be shorter than the electrical the shelf" RS-422/RS-423 datacom-
rapid popularity. length of the cable. As a result, the munication cables available from
c RS-422
connection should be treated as a
transmission line.
Hewlett-Packard as of this writing. In-
stead, connections must be individu-
ally wired according to the wiring in-
The characteristic impedance of the structions given in the appropriate in-
Single-ended transmission is often in- interconnecting cable should be in the stallation and reference manual.
adequate when transmitting at very general range of 100 Ohms for fre-
high data rates, over long distances quencies greater than 100 kHz. In ad- Environmental Concerns
or through noisy environments. In dition, the DC series loop resistance
of the cable should be less than 240 Environmental parameters such as
these applications, differential trans- device-to-device ground shifts and
mission offers superior performance Ohms. The cable may be either
twisted pair or untwisted pair (flat conducted emissions can affect the re-
by nullifying the effects of ground liable operation of RS-422 and RS-423
shifts and induced noise. Ground cable) possessing the following
characteristics: interfaces. The best measure of the
shifts and induced noise simply be- effects of these parameters is expres-
come common mode noise on a diffe- Conductor size of the wires shall sed in the common-mode voltage.
rential transmission line. The RS-422 be 24 AWG or larger with wire re- Note that common mode voltage is
(also known as CCITT V.ll) standard sistance not to exceed 30 Ohms per defined differently for RS-422 and RS-
incorporates differential transmission 1000 feet for each conductor. 423.
and allows data rates up to 10 MBaud Mutual pair capacitance between
(up to 40 feet/l2 meters) and line
W RS-422: According to the standard,
one wire in the pair to the other the common mode voltage at the
lengths up to 4000 feet/1200 meters shall not exceed 20 pF per foot.
(up to 100 kBaud). receiver must be less than 7 volts
Stray capacitance between one wire to assure reliable operation. The
in the pair with all other wires con- common mode voltage is defined
nected to ground shall not exceed by the sum of
RS-422/RS-423 Compatibility
40 pF per foot. - ground potential difference be-
Because both RS-422 and RS-423 Terminals and printers, when con- tween the driver and receiver
specify the exact same receiver, the nected by RS-422 or RS-423 to an SPU, grounds,
two are compatible. However, when generally use direct connections. This - common mode noise,
f' connecting devices with differing
baud rate/distance capabilities, we are
means that both the peripheral and
the individual SPU port each have a - common mode offset (drivers
limited to the baud rate/distance of common mode voltage).
single driver and a single receiver.
the device with the slower/shorter Since a two-wire pair is needed to con- RS-423: The standard specifies 4
distance specifications. nect a driver to a receiver, a total of volts. The common mode voltage
is defined by the sum of: Of course, this becomes more difficult protected against this type of damage,
as distances become greater and is no such protection can be one
- ground potential difference be-
highly dependent on the particular hundred percent effective.
tween the driver and receiver
grounds, environment. In general, it is best and
often necessary that the system and
- common mode noise. the peripheral be connected to the RS-422/RS-423 Peripherals
same ground point. If not, large dif- Listed below are some of Hewlett-
Shielded cables are useful in two ferences in ground potential may Packard's peripheral products with
respects: exist. either the RS-422 or RS-423 digital in-
- They increase the immunity of terface standard. No such list can be
the data communications cable It must also be noted that large expected to be complete as new prod-
ground potential differences have the ucts are constantly being introduced.
to electro-magnetic energy, thus
potential of causing permanent dam- Consult your local sales representa-
reducing common mode noise
age to either system or peripheral. tive for the latest information on sup-
seen by the receiver.
While Hewlett-Packard equipment is ported interfaces. 0
- They decrease the emissions of
the data communications cable.
When using shielded cables, it is
usually best to connect the shield
to the chassis on the system side
only. DTC, Eight RS-422 Connecti
Eight Add-on RS-422Connectionsfor D
Shielded cables are not required by DTClX.25 Add-on for RS-422
the RS-422 or RS-423 standards. DEC VT320 Compatible Terminal
However, they are required by
some regulating bodies such as the
German VDE (Verband Deutscher LaserJet IIP printer
Elektrotechniker) organization.
LaserJet Series 111 printer
As mentioned above, limiting the dif- LaserJet Series IllD printer
ference between the grounds at the HP 2684A/D/P
system and the peripheral is impor-
tant to assure that the common mode DraftMaster I Plotter
range of the receiver is not exceeded. DraftblasterII Plotter
("Service Notes,"continued from page 1 )
issues of service notes that have been will need to call from a Group 3 FAX 3. Press 3 to move into the password
printed since the 1st Quarter 1992 machine. Refer to the list of notes in service note section. The password
issue of Bench Briefs. That includes ser- this issue of Bench Briefs to find the is SNOTE (76683). You will hear
vice note packages 049 through 063. service note number you want. Note the service note prologue.
the document ID number and then
follow the instructions below. If the 4. The prologue will tell you that if
HP FIRST service note is not listed, you can call you already have the document
HP FIRST (FAX Information Retrieval the HP FIRST system and obtain a identification number of the ser-
Support Technology) is a new and ex- complete index of service notes. vice note, press 1 and then enter
citing way to order service notes from that document ID number.
Hewlett-Packard. It is fast and effi- 5. The prologue will also tell you that
cient. You can immediately order and Note: A Group 3 FAX machine has you can press 2 to obtain an index
receive the notes you want for the both a hand receiver and touch-tone of the available service notes, their
price of a phone call to Boise, Idaho. capability. ID numbers, and the number of
The database is currently over 200 ser- pages of each document.
vice notes and growing. Al new ser-
vice notes are placed in the system 1. Enable your FAX machine to dial 6. After you have entered your selec-
the first of each month, and we are out and dial (208) 344-4809 from tion, HP FIRST will prompt you to
going back in history to include older the FAX keypad. press the startkopy or receive but-
service notes. In the future you will ton on your FAX machine and
have access to a library of instrument- 2. Select the Test and Measurement hang up the handset.
related service notes going back section by pressing 4. The Test and
through 1989. Measurement prologue will tell There is a wealth of information avail-
you to enter a document identifica- able through the HP FIRST system.
If you want to order a service note tion number at this time. Ignore Please browse through the menus
through the HP FIRST system, you this message. and try some of the selections.
1992 Bench Briefs' Instrument
Service Note Index
HP FIRST (208)344-4809
TSrM Section - Press 4
Password Section - Press 3
Password - 76683
Type No. Document ID No.
IO MA-03 Change in ENR accuracy specification 5422
IO MB-07 Change in ENR accuracy specification 5423
IO 346C-01 Change in ENR accuracy specification 5424
IO M60 Recommended replacement of overstressed carrying handles 5351
SM 2804-0992-01 Mainframe support strategy 5374
MR 3235AE-16A Recommended AC switch replacement eliminates intermittent failures 5341
MR 3235A/E-16 Replacement AC power switch eliminates intermittent failures 5278
IO 3245A-04 1OX high voltage option, Opt 002, requires different source and backplane assys 5239
IO 3457A-15 Service Manual correction - 90-day ACV test card limits correction 5255
MR 3458A-07A Modification to fur intermittent error "Multislope Rundown Conversion" 5240
IO 3458A-10 Operating, Programming, and Configuration manual update 5223
MA 3562A-05A Firmware upgrade path 5273
MA 3582A-17 Modification to A13 Rev. D board for use in older 3582As 5338
? MR
Firmware update to improve instrument performance
Preferred replacement of FETs Q1& Q2 on A0 assy increases reliability
IO 3764A-29 Option 534 Specificationchanges 5312
IO 3789B-03A Retrofitting printer opt 010 or disk drive opt 011 5268
IO 4142B-11 Repair strategy of 41420A SMU, 41423A HVU, and power supply module 5237
IO 4194A-11 Updated CRT repair parts list for older HP 4194As 5387
IO 4194A-12 Updated CRT repair parts list for newer HP 4194As 5388
MR 4195A-12A Mod cures problem of "No signal for spans less than 2.4MHz" 5406
IO 4195A-13 New shield case may be required when replacing A20 board 5407
IO 4274A-33 Troubleshooting tip when CapacitanceAccuracy test deviates slightly from test limits 5355
IO 4275A-29 Troubleshooting tip when CapacitanceAccuracy test deviates slightly from test limits 5356
MR 4278A-08 Modification prevents dust from clogging memory card socket 5272
IO 4339A-01 Troubleshooting tip for intermittent E l l ADC failures 5284
MA 4349A-01 Firmware upgrade to Rev. 02.00 is available 5408
IO 4936A-16 List of parts needed when replacing battery pack 5269
MR 4948A-09 Modification fures measurement hang-up with error code 2000 5313
MA 4957PC-01A Hi-speed Option 001 retrofitting 5253
MR 4957PC-04 Modification correct MASS STORE or LOAD APPLICATION features 5221
IO 4980A-01 Modifying older 4980A units 5352
MR 4980A-03A Modification to eliminate bad sectors on hard disk drive 5233
MR 4980A-05A Modification to resolve "Service Request Timeout on Port XXX" error 5234
MR 4980A-06A Modification to resolve "Hardware/Software Watchdog Timeout Errors" 5281
MA 4980A-07 Directions on upgrading hard disk drive to 105 MByte 5262
MA 4980A-08 Directions on upgrading capture buffer to 16 MByte 5263
Type No. Document ID No.
Modification resolves "bootup/timeout errors"
Modifying older 4981A units
MR 498lA-05A Modification to resolve "Service Request Timeout on Port XXX" error 5235
MR 4981A-06A Modification to resolve "Hardware/Software Watchdog Timeout Errors" 5282
MA 4981A-07 Directions on upgrading hard disk drive to 105 MByte 5264
MA 4981A-08 Directions on upgrading capture buffer to 16 MByte 5265
MR 4981A-09 Modification resolves "bootup/timeout errors" 5427
IO 4982A-01 Modifying older 4981A units 5354
MR 4982A-05A Modification to resolve "Service Request Timeout on Port XXX" error 5236
MR 4982A-06A Modification to resolve "Hardware/Software Watchdog Timeout Errors" 5283
MA 4982A-07 Directions on upgrading hard disk drive to 105 MByte 5266
MA 4982A-08 Directions on upgrading capture buffer to 16 MByte 5267
MR 4982A-09 Modification resolves "bootup/timeout errors" 5428
MR 5089A-02 Modification changes location and type of primary fuse 5375
MR 5335A-26B Modification corrects power supply relay problem 5117
MR 5372A-06 Modification corrects Histogram self-test failures 5376
MR 5372A-06 Modification corrects histogram failure 5232
IO 5381A-05 New replacement for 1906-0028AlCRl diode, 1906-0096 5420
IO 6010A-07A New replacement for 1906-0028A l U l rectifier, 1906-0389 5409
IO 6010A-07 Recommended replacement for A l U l rectifier bridge 5207
IO 6011A-08A New replacement for 1906-0028A l U l rectifier, 1906-0389 5410
IO 6011A-08 Recommended replacement for A l U l rectifier bridge 5332
IO 6012B-06A New replacement for 1906-0028A l U l rectifier, 1906-0389 5411
Recommended replacement for A l U l rectifier bridge
Modification prevents spurious high frequency down programmer FET oscillations
New replacement for 1906-0028A l U l rectifier, 1906-0389
IO 6015A-04 Recommended replacement for A l U l rectifier bridge 5334
MA 6024A-03 Recommended Main Line RFI Filter (FL1) replacement kit 5277
IO 6024A-04 New replacement for AlC2,AlC3,AlC4 and A1C5 capacitors 5413
IO 6030A-14A New replacement for 1906-0028A l U l rectifier, 1906-0389 5414
IO 6030A-14 Recommended replacement for A l U l rectifier bridge 5335
IO 6031A-16A New replacement for 1906-0028A l U l rectifier, 1906-0389 5415
IO 6031A-16 Recommended replacement for A l U l rectifier bridge 5336
IO 6032A-15A New replacement for 1906-0028A l U l rectifier, 1906-0389 5416
IO 6032A-15 Recommended replacement for A l U l rectifier bridge 5337
MR 6035A-04 Modification prevents spurious high frequency down programmer FET oscillations 5225
IO 6035A-05A New replacement for 1906-0028A l U l rectifier, 1906-0389 5417
IO 6035A-05 Recommended replacement for A l U l rectifier bridge 5338
IO 6060A-03 Service manual correction - initialization program command correction 5257
IO 6060B-01 Service manual correction - initialization program command correction 5258
IO 6063B-01 Service manual correction - initialization program command correction 5259
MR 6641A-01A Mod corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5429
MR 6641A-01 Modification corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5296
MR 6642A-01A Mod corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5430
MR 6642A-01 Modification corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5297
MR 6643A-01A Mod corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5431
MR 6643A-01 Modification corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5298
MR 6644A-01A Mod corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5432
Type No. Document ID No.
MR WA-01 Modification corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5299
MR 6645A-01A Mod corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5433
MR 6645A-01 Modification corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5300
MR 665lA-02A Mod corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5434
MR 665lA-02 Modification corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5301
MR 6652A-02A Mod corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5435
MR 6652A-02 Modification corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5302
MR 6653A-02A Mod corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5436
MR 6653A-02 Modification corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5303
MR 6654A-02A Mod corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5437
MR 6654A-02 Modification corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5304
MR 6655A-02A Mod corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5438
MR 6655A-02 Modification corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5305
MR 667lA-01A Mod corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5439
MR 6671A-01 Modification corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5306
MR 6672A-01A Mod corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5440
MR 6672A-01 Modification corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5307
MR 6673A-01A Mod corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5441
MR 6673A-01 Modification corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5308
MR 6674A-01A Mod corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5442
MR 6674A-01 Modification corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5309
MR 6675A-0lA Mod corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5443
MR 6675A-01 Modification corrects relay link operation (pwr supply error 240) 5310
1 MA
New firmware avoids EO1 problems
New firmware avoids EO1 problems
MA 8560A-01E Firmware upgrade kit is available 5289
IO 8560A-07A Oven-controlled crystal oscillator upgrade 5226
MR 856OA-21 Modified YTO adjustment 5246
IO 8560A-22 Modified Tracking Generator feedthrough performance test 5357
MA 8561B-01E Firmware upgrade kit is available 5290
IO 8561B-06A Oven-controlled crystal oscillator upgrade 5227
MR 8561B-23 Modified YTO adjustment 5247
MA 8563A-02C Firmware upgrade kit improves performance 5291
IO 8563A-04A Oven-controlled crystal oscillator upgrade 5228
MR 8563A-18 Modified YTO adjustment 5248
IO 8640B-37 Instructions on removing A8MP46 heatsink when replacing A8A1 RF scaler assy 5260
MR 8642M-03A Procedure to resolve A l l and A12 module failures 5286
MR 8657D-01 Modification corrects DC offset at buffer output of the Pi/4 DQPSK I/Q Mod assy 5287
MR 8662A-12E Modification kit to correct error 03/04 conditions 5250
MR 8663A-06E Modification kit to correct error 03/04 conditions 5251
MR 8664A-01 I/O assy replment requires modification to reference assy 5444
MR 8665A-02 I/O assy replment requires modification to reference assy 5445
MR 8665B-01 I/O assy replment requires modification to reference assy 5446
IO 8719A-02 Change to ALC OFF adjustment in the service manual 5243
IO 8720B-02 Change to ALC OFF adjustment in the service manual 5244
MR 8902A-14 Mod corrects problem with TRFL measurements using track-mode tuning 5339
MR 8920A-02A Notification of firmware upgrades 5270
Type No. Document ID No.
MR 892OA-03 Mod corrects F/W bug in tone sequential decoder portion of Option 004
MR 892OA-04 Modification to resolve low sensitivity problem of antenna input 5271
MR 8920A-05 New A18 assy corrects intermittent oscillation in specific Opt. 002 instruments 5288
MR 8920A-06 New firmware corrects intermittent operation of CRT display 5340
IO 8970A-14 Spurious response and jitter specification changed due to 8614A becoming obsolete 5379
IO 8970B-06 Recommended replacement A14 Microprocessor Assembly 5380
IO 8970B-07 Spurious response and jitter specification changed due to 8614A becoming obsolete 5381
IO 8981B-01 Firmware history and upgrade procedures 5448
MA 9470-01 Tightening nuts on ac line filter during maintenance increases system reliability 5342
MA 9472-01 Tightening nuts on ac line filter during maintenance increases system reliability 5343
IO E1333A-02 Manual change corrects frequency performance tests 5425
MR E1340A-01 New driver A.01.02 corrects software defects 5384
MR E1400Bm-03 Correction for defective backplane connectors 5385
MA E1405A/B-01 Mod to allow E1405A/B to work with the HP 75000 Series 90 Systems 5256
IO E1420B-01 How to fr intermittent *TST?Self-Test Failure
u 5421
MR E1445A-01 Modification corrects unit failure due to reverse-biased capacitors 5386
IO E1650A-03 Notification of a potential Command Module hang-up problem; re: S/N 1405A/J3-01 5366
IO E1652A-02 Notification of a potential Command Module hang-up problem; re: S/N 1405A/B-O1 5367
IO E2500A-09A Trblshtng cause of system error 00227 bad detector voltage 5449
IO E2500B-04A Trblshtng cause of system error 00227 bad detector voltage 5450
MR E2500B-05 Modification eliminates ground bounce and clock line reflections 5382
MR E3610A-01 Replacing output binding posts improves mechanical performance 5389
MR E3611A-01 Replacing output binding posts improves mechanical performance 5390
Replacing output binding posts improves mechanical performance
Tightening nuts on ac line filter during maintenance increases system reliability
Tightening nuts on ac line filter during maintenance increases system reliability
MA OT4000-01 Tightening nuts on ac line filter during maintenance increases system reliability 5346
MR 16339A-01 Modification to correct a misassembled arm plate in SMD module 5285
SM 18110-0992-01 Temperature probe support strategy 5377
SM 18111-0992-01 Temperature probe support strategy 5378
IO 18281A-01 Country-specific firmware is available 5222
IO 34401-01 Calib message strings longer than 39 char can cause HP-IB bus hangup 5241
IO 37721A-07 Instructions on replacing the power supply 5314
MR 37721A-08 Firmware upgrade eliminates FAIL 122 error after "end of gating" 5315
IO 37721A-09 Instructions on replacing the A3 Processor assembly 5316
IO 37722A-01A Rec repl of A2U2, US7 to solve "continuously gating" prob