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Operating and
Programming Guide
This guide describes how to use and program the Agilent 53147A, 53148A,
and 53149A. The information in this guide applies to instruments having
the number prefix listed below, unless accompanied by a "Manual
Updating Changes" package indicating otherwise.
US4048 (53148A)
US4049 (53149A)
Agilent 53147A/148A/149A
Microwave Frequency Counter/
Power Meter/DVM
Copyright Agilent Certification and Warranty Before Cleaning Safety Considerations
Technologies, Inc. 2001, 2002 (cont'd)
Certification Disconnect the product from
All Rights Reserved. Agilent Technologies, Inc. operating power before cleaning. WARNING
Reproduction, adaptation, or certifies that this product met
Warning Symbols That May BODILY INJURY OR DEATH
translations without prior its published specification at the
Be Used In This Book MAY RESULT FROM
written permission is time of shipment from the FAILURE TO HEED A
prohibited, except as allowed factory. Agilent further certifies WARNING. DO NOT
under the copyright laws. that its calibration measurements PROCEED BEYOND A
are traceable to the United WARNING UNTIL THE
Printed: May 2002
States National Institute of INDICATED CONDITIONS
Printed in U.S.A. Standards and Technology ARE FULLY UNDERSTOOD
(formerly National Bureau of AND MET.
Manual part number Standards), to the extent Instruction manual symbol; the
53147-90009 allowed by the Institute's product will be marked with
calibration facility, and to the this symbol when it is necessary CAUTION
calibration facilities of other for the user to refer to the
instruction manual. Damage to equipment, or
International Standards incorrect measurement data,
Organization members. may result from failure to
Warranty heed a caution. Do not
proceed beyond a CAUTION
Agilent warrants Agilent until the indicated conditions
hardware, accessories and are fully understood and met.
supplies against defects in
materials and workmanship for
a period of one year from date of Indicates hazardous voltages. Safety Earth Ground
shipment. If Agilent receives An uninterruptible safety earth
notice of such defects during the ground must be maintained
warranty period, Agilent will, at from the mains power source to
its option, either repair or the product's ground circuitry.
replace products which prove to
be defective. Replacement Indicates earth (ground) WARNING
products may be either new or terminal.
Agilent warrants that EXTREMELY CAREFUL AND
Agilent software will not fail to ALWAYS USE A
execute its programming STEP-DOWN ISOLATION
instructions, for the period or TRANSFORMER WHICH
specified above, due to defects in OUTPUT IS COMPATIBLE
material and workmanship WITH THE INPUT
when properly installed and MEASUREMENT
used. If Agilent receives notice Indicates terminal is connected CAPABILITIES OF THIS
of such defects during the to chassis when such connection PRODUCT. THIS PRODUCT'S
warranty period, Agilent will is not apparent. FRONT AND REAR PANELS
replace software media which ARE TYPICALLY AT EARTH
does not execute its GROUND. THUS, NEVER TRY
programming instructions due TO MEASURE AC POWER
to such defects. LINE SIGNALS WITHOUT AN
For detailed warranty Indicates Alternating current.
information, see back matter.
Safety Considerations For additional safety and
Indicates Direct current. acoustic noise information,
General see back matter.
This product and related
documentation must be
reviewed for familiarization
with this safety markings and
instructions before operation.
Agilent Technologies, Inc. 7.C.NL.10.31.00.R1.M.CW6FC
5301 Stevens Creek Boulevard
Santa Clara, California 95052-8059
Contents and Organization xii
Related Documents xiii
Types of Service Available if Instrument Fails xiv
Repackaging for Shipment xv
Product Description xvi
Options xvii
Accessories Supplied and Available xviii
Agilent 53147A/148A/149A Quick Reference Guide xix
1 Getting Started
The Front Panel at a Glance 1-2
The Front Panel Indicators at a Glance 1-3
The Front Panel Menus at a Glance 1-5
The Display Annunciators at a Glance 1-6
The Display Special Characters at a Glance 1-7
The Rear Panel at a Glance 1-8
Operating the Instrument 1-9
Turning the Instrument On 1-11
Turning the Display Backlight Off or On 1-12
Using the Menu 1-13
Displaying the Menu 1-13
Navigating in the Menu and Changing Settings 1-13
Setting the Serial Port Baud Rate (Menu Example) 1-16
Selecting the Counter Input Channel 1-17
Measuring Frequency 1-18
Measuring Relative Frequency 1-20
Offsetting a Frequency Measurement 1-21
Measuring Power 1-23
Selecting a Power Meter Head (Sensor) Model 1-23
Measuring Power 1-25
Selecting the Unit of Measurement for Power 1-26
Measuring Relative Power 1-27
Offsetting a Power Measurement 1-27
Operating and Programming Guide iii
Setting the Measurement Rate 1-29
Setting the Number of Averages 1-30
Setting the Resolution for Frequency Measurements 1-31
Measuring Voltage 1-33
2 Operating Your Instrument
Introduction 2-2
Chapter Summary 2-2
How this Instrument Works for You 2-3
Summary of the Measurement Sequence 2-4
Using the Selection Keys 2-5
Sequencing Through the Menu 2-5
Numeric Entry 2-6
Changing States 2-6
Using the Clear and Reset/Local Keys 2-8
Acknowledging Messages 2-8
Other Function Selection Keys 2-9
Measuring Frequency 2-11
Setting the Resolution and Measurement Rate 2-13
Setting the Resolution 2-13
Resolution Setting Example 2-14
Setting the Measurement Rate 2-15
Rate Setting Example 2-15
Setting the Number of Averages 2-16
Averages Setting Example 2-16
Measuring Relative Frequency 2-19
Relative Frequency Example 2-19
Offsetting a Frequency Measurement 2-20
Frequency Offset Example 2-20
Measuring Power 2-23
Selecting a Power Head (Sensor) 2-23
Making a Power Measurement 2-23
Power Measurement Example 2-24
Modifying and Adding Calibration Factor Tables 2-27
Calibration Table Modification Example 2-28
iv Operating and Programming Guide
Measuring Relative Power 2-38
Relative Power Example 2-38
Offsetting a Power Measurement 2-39
Power Offset Example 2-39
Measuring Voltage 2-42
Voltage Measurement Example 2-42
Using the Menu 2-43
Navigating in the Menu and Changing Settings 2-45
Reference Oscillator (REF OSC) 2-46
Power Reference (PWR REF) 2-47
Save User Settings (SAVE) 2-47
Recall User Settings (RECALL) 2-47
Channel 1 Low-Pass Filter (CH1 LPF) 2-47
Frequency Modulation (FM) 2-48
RS-232 Serial Port Data Rate (BAUD) 2-48
Preset 2-48
Model Number, Firmware Version, Serial Number,
and Option Codes 2-49
Operating Hours (OP HOURS) 2-49
Battery Voltage (BATT VOLTAGE) 2-50
Do Self Test 2-50
Power Head Selection (HEAD) 2-50
GPIB Address (GPIB ADDR) 2-50
3 Programming
Introduction 3-2
Chapter Summary 3-3
How to Use This Chapter 3-5
New Users 3-5
What You Should Understand 3-5
Learning to Program the Instrument 3-6
Experienced Programmers 3-6
Applications 3-7
Assumptions 3-8
Related Documentation 3-9
Front Panel to SCPI Command Map 3-11
Operating and Programming Guide v
Command Summary 3-16
SCPI Conformance Information 3-16
IEEE 488.2 Common Commands 3-17
Agilent 53147A/148A/149A SCPI Subsystem Commands 3-20
Std/New Column 3-20
Parameter Form Column 3-20
*RST Response 3-28
Programming the Instrument for Remote Operation 3-30
Connecting the Instrument to a Computer 3-31
Connecting With the GPIB 3-31
Configuring the GPIB 3-31
Changing the GPIB Address 3-32
IEEE 488.1 Interface Capabilities 3-32
Connecting With the RS-232 Serial Interface 3-33
Making an RS-232 Cable 3-33
Assembling the DB-25/RJ12 Adapter and the Cable 3-34
Connecting with the Serial Interface 3-37
Remote/Local Operation 3-37
Overview of Command Types and Formats 3-38
Common Command Format 3-38
SCPI Command and Query Format 3-38
Elements of SCPI Commands 3-39
Subsystem Command Syntax 3-39
Common Command Syntax 3-39
Abbreviated Commands 3-40
Keyword Separator 3-40
Optional Keyword 3-40
Parameter Types 3-41
Parameter Separator 3-43
Query Parameters 3-43
Suffixes 3-43
Suffix Elements 3-43
Suffix Multipliers 3-44
Command Terminator 3-44
vi Operating and Programming Guide
Using Multiple Commands 3-45
Program Messages 3-45
Program Message Syntax 3-45
Overview of Response Message Formats 3-47
Response Messages 3-47
Response Message Syntax 3-47
Response Message Data Types 3-49
Status Reporting 3-51
Status Byte Register and
Service Request Enable Register 3-53
Status Byte Register 3-53
Service Request Enable Register 3-55
Standard Event Status Register Group 3-56
Standard Event Status Register 3-56
Standard Event Status Enable Register 3-58
The Operation and Questionable Data Status Register Groups 3-59
Condition Register 3-60
Transition Filter 3-60
Event Register 3-61
Event Enable Register 3-62
Operation Status Register Group 3-63
Questionable Data Status Register Group 3-65
Programming the Instrument
for Status Reporting 3-67
Determining the Condition of the Instrument 3-67
Resetting the Instrument and Clearing
the Remote Interface--Example 1 3-68
Using the Standard Event Status Register to
Trap an Incorrect Command--Example 2 3-68
Event Status Register 3-68
Using the Operation Status Register to Alert the Computer When
Measuring is Complete--Example 3 3-69
Operation Status Register 3-69
Programming the Instrument to Display Results 3-72
Configuring the Instrument's Display 3-72
Operating and Programming Guide vii
Commands for Displaying Results 3-73
Command for Displaying Raw Results 3-73
Commands for Displaying Relative Results 3-73
Commands for Enabling and Disabling the Display 3-73
Programming the Instrument to
Synchronize Measurements 3-74
Synchronizing Measurement Completion 3-74
Resetting the Instrument and Clearing the Interface 3-74
Using the *WAI Command 3-75
Using the *OPC? Command 3-76
Using the *OPC Command to Assert SRQ 3-76
Writing SCPI Programs 3-78
Programming Examples 3-80
Using BASIC 3-80
Sending Double-Quoted and Single-Quoted Strings 3-80
Using C 3-81
List of the Programming Examples 3-81
Making a Frequency Measurement (BASIC) 3-82
Making a Frequency Measurement (QuickBASIC) 3-83
Making a Frequency Measurement (C) 3-84
Command Reference 3-86
:ABORt Command 3-88
:CALibration Subsystem 3-89
:DISPlay Subsystem 3-95
Group Execute Trigger (GET) 3-97
:INITiate Subsystem 3-98
:INPut Subsystem 3-99
:MEASure Subsystem 3-100
Measurement Instructions
(:CONFigure, :FETCh, :MEASure, :READ) 3-100
Descriptions of the Measurement Functions 3-106
How to Use the Measurement Instruction Commands 3-109
Using :MEAsure 3-109
Using :CONFigure with :READ? 3-110
viii Operating and Programming Guide
:MEMory Subsystem 3-111
[:SENSe] Subsystem 3-113
[:SENSe]:FUNCtion Subtree 3-118
[:SENSe]:POWer Subtree 3-120
[:SENSe]:ROSCillator Subtree 3-121
:STATus Subsystem 3-122
:STATus:OPERation Subtree 3-122
:STATus:QUEStionable Subtree 3-127
:SYSTem Subsystem 3-130
:SYSTem:COMMunicate Subtree 3-130
:TRIGger Subsystem 3-133
:UNIT Subsystem 3-134
Common Commands 3-135
*CLS (Clear Status Command) 3-135
(Define Device Trigger Command)
(Define Device Trigger Query) 3-136
*ESE (Standard Event Status Enable Command)
*ESE? (Standard Event Status Enable Query) 3-137
*ESR? (Event Status Register Query) 3-139
*IDN? (Identification Query) 3-140
*IST? (Instrument Status) 3-140
*OPC (Operation Complete Command) 3-141
*OPC? (Operation Complete Query) 3-141
*PRE (Parallel Poll Enable Register)
*PRE? (Parallel Poll Enable Register Query) 3-142
*RCL (Recall Command) 3-142
*RST (Reset Command) 3-143
*SAV (Save Command) 3-144
*SRE (Service Request Enable Command)
*SRE? (Service Request Enable Query) 3-145
(Trigger Command) 3-147
*TST? (Self-Test Query) 3-148
*WAI (Wait-to-Continue Command) 3-149
Operating and Programming Guide ix
Errors 3-150
Reading an Error 3-150
Error Queue 3-151
Error Types 3-152
No Error 3-152
Command Error 3-152
Execution Error 3-153
Device-Specific or Instrument-Specific Error 3-153
Query Error 3-154
Error List 3-154
4 Specifications
Introduction 4-2
Measurement Specifications and Characteristics 4-3
A Rack Mounting the Instrument
Rack Mounting the Instrument A-2
B Messages
Overview B-2
Status Messages B-2
Self-Test Messages B-3
Error Messages B-4
C Using the Battery Option
Overview C-2
Operating the Instrument from the Batteries C-2
Operating the Instrument
from a DC Power Source C-4
Replacing the Batteries C-5
Removing the Batteries C-5
Installing Batteries C-5
Charging the Batteries C-8
Precautions C-9
x Operating and Programming Guide
In This Guide
This book is the Operating and Programming Guide for the
Agilent 53147A, 53148A, and 53149A. It consists of a table of contents,
this preface, a quick-reference guide, four chapters, three appendices,
and an index.
This preface contains the following information: