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TM 9-6695-257-34P
(NSN 6695-01-076-8966)
Current as of 5 December 1979
Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, DC
10 January 1980
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Commander, US Army Missile Command, ATTN: DRSMI-MFM, Redstone Arsenal, AL
35809. A reply will be furnished directly to you.
Paragraph Page
Scope-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1
General ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 1
Explanation of columns --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 1
Special information--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 5
How to locate repair parts ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 5
Abbreviations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 6
II. REPAIR PARTS LIST ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
Functional Group Mode Part
group title No. No.
6697 Dual Power Supply PS503 MIS30526/6
NUMBER INDEX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
TM 9-6695-257-34P
1. Scope. This manual lists spares and repair parts (2) Item Number. The number used to
that are required for maintenance of the Dual Power identify item called out in the illustration.
Supply, Tektronix Model PS503. It authorizes the
requisitioning and issue of spares and repair parts as b. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability
indicated by the source and maintenance codes. (SMR) Codes.
2. General. This repair parts and special tools list (1) Source Code. Source codes indicate the
(RPSTL) is divided into the following sections: manner of acquiring support items for maintenance,
repair, or overhaul of end items. Source codes are
a. Section I. Introduction. entered in the first and second positions of the Uniform
SMR Code format as follows:
b. Section II. Repair Parts List. A list of spares
and repair parts authorized for use in the performance of Code Definition
maintenance. The list also includes parts which must be
removed for replacement of the authorized parts. Parts PA - Item procured and stocked for anticipated or
lists are composed of functional groups in numeric known usage.
sequence, with the parts in each group listed in figure
and item number sequence. Bulk materials are listed in PB - Item procured and stocked for insurance
National Stock Number (NSN) sequence. purpose because essentiality dictates that a
minimum quantity be available in the supply
c. Section III. NSN and Part Number Index. A list, system.
in National Item Identification Number (NIIN) sequence,
of all NSN's appearing in the listings, followed by a list in PC - Item procured and stocked and which otherwise
alphameric sequence of all part numbers appearing in would be coded PA except that it is deteriorative
the listings. NSN's and part numbers are cross- in nature.
referenced to each illustration figure and item number
appearance. PD - Support item, excluding support equipment,
procured for initial issue or outfitting and stocked
3. Explanation of Columns only for subsequent or additional initial issues or
outfittings. Not subject to automatic
a. Illustration. This column is divided as follows: replenishment.
(1) Figure Number. Indicates the figure PE - Support equipment procured and stocked for
number of the illustration on which the item is shown. initial issue or outfitting to specified maintenance
repair activities.
PF - Support equipment which will not be stocked but
which will be centrally procured on demand.
TM 9-6695-257-34P
PG - Item procured and stocked to provide for AH - Item to be assembled at general support
sustained support for the life of the equipment. maintenance level.
It is applied to an item peculiar to the equipment
which, because of probable discontinuance or AD - Item to be assembled at depot maintenance
shutdown of production facilities, would prove level.
uneconomical to reproduce at a later time.
XA - Item is not procured or stocked because the
KD - An item of a depot overhaul/repair kit and not requirements for the item will result in the
purchased separately. Depot kit defined as a kit replacement of the next higher assembly.
that provides items required at the time of
overhaul or repair. XB - Item is not procured or stocked. If not available
through salvage, requisition.
KF - An item of a maintenance kit and not purchased
separately. Maintenance kit defined as a kit that XC - Installation drawing, diagram, instruction sheet,
provides an item that can be replaced at field service drawing, that is identified by
organizational or intermediate levels of manufacturer's part number.
XD - A support item that is not stocked. When
KB - Item included in both a depot overhaul/repair kit required, item will be procured through normal
and a maintenance kit. supply channels.
MO - Item to be manufactured or fabricated at NOTE
organizational level.
Cannibalization or salvage may be
MF - Item to be manufactured or fabricated at the used as a source of supply for any
direct support maintenance level. items coded above except those
coded XA and aircraft support items
MH - Item to be manufactured or fabricated at the as restricted by AR 700-42.
general support maintenance level.
(2) Maintenance Code. Maintenance codes
MD - Item to be manufactured or fabricated at the are assigned to indicate the levels of maintenance
depot maintenance level. authorized to USE and REPAIR support items. The
maintenance codes are entered in the third and fourth
AO - Item to be assembled at organizational level. positions of the Uniform SMR Code format as follows:
AF - Item to be assembled at direct support (a) The maintenance code entered in
maintenance level. the third position will indicate the lowest maintenance
level authorized to remove, replace, and use the support
item. The maintenance code entered in the third
position will indicate one of the following levels of
TM 9-6695-257-34P
Code Application/Explanation D- The lowest maintenance level capable of
complete repair of the support item is the depot
C- Crew or operator maintenance performed within level.
organizational maintenance.
L- Repair restricted to (enter applicable designated
O- Support item is removed, replaced, used at the specialized repair activity), Specialized Repair
organizational level. Activity.
F- Support item is removed, replaced, used at the Z- Nonreparable. No repair is authorized.
direct support level.
B- No repair is authorized. The item may be
H- Support item is removed, replaced, used at the reconditioned by adjusting, lubricating, etc., at
general support level. the user level. No parts or special tools are
procured for the maintenance of this item.
D- Support items that are removed replaced, used
at depot, mobile depot, or specialized repair (3) Recoverability Code. Recoverability
activity only. codes are assigned to support items to indicate the
disposition action on unserviceable items. The
(b) The maintenance code entered in recoverability code is entered in the fifth position of the
the fourth position indicates whether the item is to be Uniform SMR Code format as follows:
repaired and identifies the lowest maintenance level with
the capability to perform complete repair (i.e., all Recoverability
authorized maintenance functions). This position will Codes Definition
contain one of the following maintenance codes:
Z- Nonreparable item. When unserviceable,
Code Application/Explanation condemn and dispose at the level indicated in
position 3.
O- The lowest maintenance level capable of
complete repair of the support item is the O- Reparable item. When uneconomically
organizational level. reparable, condemn and dispose at
organizational level.
F- The lowest maintenance level capable of
complete repair of the support item is the direct F- Reparable item. When uneconomically
support level. reparable, condemn and dispose at the direct
support level.
H- The lowest maintenance level capable of
complete repair of the support item is the
general support level.
TM 9-6695-257-34P
H- Reparable item. When uneconomically e. Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer
reparable, condemn and dispose at the general (FSCM). The FSCM is a 5-digit numeric code listed in
support level. SB 708-42 which is used to identify the manufacturer,
distributor, or Government agency, etc.
D- Reparable item. When beyond lower level
repair capability, return to depot. Condemnation f. Description. Indicates the Federal item name
and disposal not authorized below depot level. and, if required, a minimum description to identify the
item. The physical security classification of the item is
L- Reparable item. Repair, condemnation, and indicated by the parenthetical entry (insert applicable
disposal not authorized below depot/specialized physical security classification abbreviation, e.g., Phy
repair activity level. Sec C1 (C) -Confidential, Phy Sec C1 (S) -Secret, Phy
Sec C1 (T) -Top Secret). Items that are included in kits
A- Item requires special handling or condemnation and sets are listed below the name of the kit or set with
procedures because of specific reasons (i.e., the quantity of each item in the kit or set indicated in the
precious metal content, high dollar value, critical quantity incorporated in unit column. When the part to
material or hazardous material). Refer to be used differs between serial numbers of the same
appropriate manuals/directives for specific model, the effective serial numbers are shown as the
instructions. last line of the description. In the Special Tools List, the
initial basis of issue (BOI) appears as the last line in the
c. National Stock Number (NSN). Indicates the entry for each special tool, special Test, Measurement,
NSN assigned to the item and which will be used for and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE), and other special
requisitioning. support equipment. When density of equipments
supported exceeds density spread indicated in the BOI,
d. Part Number. Indicates the primary number the total authorization is increased accordingly.
used by the manufacturer (individual, company, firm,
corporation, or Government activity), which controls the g. Unit of Measure (U/M). Indicates the standard
design and characteristics of the item by means of its of the basic quantity of the listed item as used in
engineering drawings, specifications, standards, and performing the actual maintenance function. This
inspection requirements to identify an item or range of measure is expressed by a two-character alphabetical
items. abbreviation (e.g., ea, in, pr, etc). When the unit of
measure differs from the unit of issue, the lowest unit of
NOTE issue that will satisfy the required units of measure will
be requisitioned.
When a stock numbered item is
requisitioned, the item received may
have a different part number than the
part being replaced.
TM 9-6695-257-34P
h. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. Indicates the NOTE
quantity of the item used in the breakout shown on the
illustration figure, which is prepared for a functional Repair parts should not be
group, subfunctional group, or an assembly. A "V" requisitioned for plug-in boards
appearing in this column in lieu of quantity indicates that identified in the plug-in board
no specific quantity is applicable (e.g., shims, spacers, exchange program, except by the
etc). depot designated to perform the
repair. Repair of calibration set
4. Special Information components, with plug-in board
assemblies or subassemblies
a. Repair parts for components of standards sets designated as program exchange
which can be identified as existing in the supply system replacements with a recoverability
will be requisitioned through normal supply channels code of L, will be accomplished by
from the appropriate supply commodity manager. replacing the plug-in board.
b. Repair parts for components of standards sets c. The plug-in board exchange program functions
which cannot be identified as to proper supply source are as follows:
will be requisitioned from USAMICOM, using routing
identifier B64 and furnishing as a minimum, the following (1) Requisitioning instructions for initial issue
as exception data. plug-in boards will be provided since new instrument
boards are included in the program.
(1) Component stock number of the individual
end item to be repaired. (2) As a plug-in board covered by the
program fails, a replacement will be requisitioned.
(2) Component manufacturer's equipment Requisitions will be submitted to Commander, US Army
model number and serial number. Missile Command, B64, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35809.
(3) The equipment manufacturer's stock (3) Simultaneously with c(2) above, the
number as listed in the appropriate manual for the defective board being replaced will be shipped by
desired repair part. certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following
(4) The repair part reference designation,
circuit reference, circuit symbol schematic designation, Transportation Officer
or reference number as listed in the manufacturer's Anniston Army Depot
manual. M/F Field Service Stock
Anniston, AL 36201
(5) The technical specification of the repair
part as contained in the appropriate manufacturer's When requisitioning a replacement board, the turn-in
manual. document number of the replaced board shall be cited
on the requisition.
(6) The title and date of the manufacturer's
manual from which the information in paragraphs a, b(3), 5. How to Locate Repair Parts
(4), and (5) above was taken.
a. When NSN or reference number is unknown:
(1) First. Using the table of contents,
determine the assembly (functional group) within which
the repair part belongs.
TM 9-6695-257-34P
(2) Second. Using the repair parts listing, COR ------------------------------- corrosion
find the functional group to which the repair part belongs CPS-------------------------------- cycles per second
and locate the item by description. CU ---------------------------------- cubic
CUR-------------------------------- current
b. When NSN or reference number is known: CYL -------------------------------- cylinder
DB ---------------------------------- decibel
(1) First. Using the index of NSN's and DBL -------------------------------- double
reference numbers, find the pertinent NSN or reference DC ---------------------------------- direct current
number. This index is in ascending NSN cross- DEG-------------------------------- degree
referenced to the illustration figure number and item DET-------------------------------- detector
number. DIA --------------------------------- diameter
DIM --------------------------------- dimension
(2) Second. Using the repair parts listing, DIV --------------------------------- division
find the figure and item number, and locate the figure DPDT------------------------------ double pole double
and item number in the repair parts list. throw
DPL -------------------------------- deployment
6. Abbreviations. The abbreviations listed below may ELEC------------------------------ electrical
appear in this RPSTL: EQUIPM-------------------------- equipment
F------------------------------------- Fahrenheit
AC ---------------------------------- alternating current FED -------------------------------- Federal
ACC-------------------------------- accordance FIN---------------------------------- finish
ACCUR --------------------------- accuracy FLG -------------------------------- flange
AL----------------------------------- aluminum FREQ------------------------------ frequency
AMP ------------------------------- ampere FSCM ----------------------------- Federal supply code for
ASSY------------------------------ assembly manufacturers
ASTM------------------------------ American Standard for FT----------------------------------- foot
Testing Materiel GC---------------------------------- gigacycles
ATTEN---------------------------- attenuation GEN-------------------------------- generator
AWG------------------------------- American Wire Gage GHZ-------------------------------- gigahertz
BAN-------------------------------- banana GPM ------------------------------- gallons per minute
BLK -------------------------------- black GRAD----------------------------- graduation
BR ---------------------------------- brass H ------------------------------------ high
C ------------------------------------ centigrade, calibration, HD ---------------------------------- head
cycles per second HYDR ----------------------------- hydraulic
CAL -------------------------------- calibrate HZ ---------------------------------- hertz
CAP-------------------------------- capacitance ID------------------------------------ inside diameter
CD ---------------------------------- code IN------------------------------------ inch
CER-------------------------------- ceramic INCL ------------------------------- inclusive
COAX------------------------------ coaxial K ------------------------------------ thousand (prefix)
COMP----------------------------- composition KC ---------------------------------- kilocycles
COND ----------------------------- conductor KG---------------------------------- kilograms
CONN ----------------------------- connector KHZ-------------------------------- kilohertz
CONS ----------------------------- consisting KMHZ ----------------------------- thousand megahertz
CONT ----------------------------- continual KV ---------------------------------- kilovolts
COP-------------------------------- copper LAB -------------------------------- laboratory
LB----------------------------------- pounds
LG ---------------------------------- length
LT----------------------------------- light
TM 9-6695-257-34P
M-------------------------------- thousand RPM--------------------------- revolutions per minute
MA------------------------------ milliampere S ------------------------------- single
MAX---------------------------- maximum SEC --------------------------- seconds
MC------------------------------ megacycles SECT ------------------------- section
MFD---------------------------- millifarads SERR ------------------------- serrated
MFR---------------------------- manufacturer SHK --------------------------- shank
MG ----------------------------- milligrams SNG --------------------------- single
MHZ---------------------------- megahertz SPEC ------------------------- specification
MIN----------------------------- minimum, minutes SPL---------------------------- special
ML ------------------------------ milliliters SQ ----------------------------- square
MM ----------------------------- millimeters STD --------------------------- standard
MOD --------------------------- modified STGT ------------------------- straight
MSEC-------------------------- milliseconds SW----------------------------- switch
MTL ---------------------------- material SWR -------------------------- standing wave ratio
MV------------------------------ millivolts SYS --------------------------- system
MW----------------------------- milliwatts TEL ---------------------------- telescopic
NBS ---------------------------- National Bureau Standards TERM ------------------------- terminal
NEG---------------------------- negative THD --------------------------- thread
NO------------------------------ number THERM----------------------- thermometer
NOM --------------------------- nominal THK --------------------------- thick
NPT ---------------------------- National Pipe Thread TSTR-------------------------- tester
NSN ---------------------------- National stock number U ------------------------------- unit
OA------------------------------ overall UF ----------------------------- microfarads
OD------------------------------ outside diameter UHF --------------------------- ultra high frequency
OPER-------------------------- operating V ------------------------------- volts
OZ ------------------------------ ounce VAC --------------------------- volts alternating current,
PCS ---------------------------- pieces vacuum
PCT ---------------------------- percent VDC --------------------------- volts direct current
PF ------------------------------ picofarads VHF --------------------------- very high frequency
PK ------------------------------ peck VSWR ------------------------ voltage standing wave
PLTD--------------------------- plated ratio
PN ------------------------------ part number W ------------------------------ watts, with, width
POS---------------------------- positive WT----------------------------- weight
PP ------------------------------ peak-to-peak
PSI ----------------------------- pounds per square inch
PWR --------------------------- power
REF ---------------------------- reference
REP ---------------------------- repetition
REQ---------------------------- required
REQMTS --------------------- requirements
RES ---------------------------- resistance
RF ------------------------------ radio frequency
RG------------------------------ range
RH ------------------------------ right hand
RL ------------------------------ reel
RM------------------------------ rack mounted
RMS---------------------------- root mean square
ROT---------------------------- rotating
7 (8 blank)
TM 9-6695-257-34P
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
GROUP 6697
PS503 80009
MIS30526/6 18876
1 10 PAFZZ 5910-00-782-7614 283-0081-00 80009 CAPACITOR, FIXED, CER..................................................... EA 1
1 20 PAFZZ 5910-00-139-0362 290-0522-00 80009 CAPACITOR, FIXED, ELE .................................................... EA 1
1 30 PAFZZ 5910-00-445-3272 VL1770 56289 CAPACITOR, FIXED, ELE ..................................................... EA 1
1 40 PAFZZ 5910-00-407-1764 290-0320-00 80009 CAPACITOR, FIXED, ELE ..................................................... EA 2
1 50 PAFZZ 5910-00-801-1005 9995456 18876 CAPACITOR, FIXED, CER..................................................... EA 3
1 60 PAFZZ 5910-00-879-0123 8959154-166 49671 CAPACITOR, FIXED, ELE ..................................................... EA 2
1 70 PDFDD 6695-01-084-3984 670-3291-00 80009 CIRCUIT CARD ASSY............................................................ EA 1
1 80 PDFDD 6695-01-084-3985 670-3291-01 80009 CIRCUIT CARD ASSY............................................................ EA 1
1 90 PDFDD 6695-01-084-1887 670-3291-02 80009 CIRCUIT CARD ASSY............................................................ EA 1
1 100 PAFZZ 5910-00-436-3382 152-0040-00 80009 CAPACITOR ........................................................................... EA 4
1 110 PAFZZ 5961-01-039-1194 151-0506-00 80009 DIODE ..................................................................................... EA 2
1 120 PAFZZ 5920-00-842-0224 159-0016-00 80009 FUSE ....................................................................................... EA 2
1 130 PAFZZ 6240-00-008-4550 CM7220 71744 LAMP, INCANDESCENT ....................................................... EA 2
1 140 PAFZZ 5962-00-365-5977 156-0277-00 80009 MICROCIRCUIT, LINEAR ...................................................... EA 1
1 150 PAFZZ 5962-01-010-7442 156-0067-00 80009 MICROCIRCUIT, LINEAR ...................................................... EA 6
1 160 PAFZZ 5940-00-902-5610 DF21WTC 58474 POST, BINDING, ELECTRONIC ........................................... EA 1
1 170 PAFZZ 5940-00-915-1024 129-0064-00 80009 POST, BINDING, ELECTRONIC .......................................... EA 1
1 180 PAFZZ 5940-00-733-6758 DF21GNC 58474 POST, BINDING, ELECTRONIC .......................................... EA 1
1 190 PAFZZ 5905-00-961-1683 EB2415 01121 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP.................................................... EA 1
1 200 PAFZZ 5905-01-064-9049 MFF18X016G14001F 91637 RESISTOR, FIXED, FILM....................................................... EA 2
1 210 PAFZZ 5905-00-308-7594 RNC60K1212FS 81349 RESISTOR, FIXED, FILM....................................................... EA 2
1 220 PAFZZ 5905-01-011-8204 HB7515 01121 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP.................................................... EA 2
1 230 PAFZZ 5905-00-110-7620 RCR07G102JS 81349 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP.................................................... EA 6
1 240 PAFZZ 5905-00-008-8200 301-0152-00 80009 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP.................................................... EA 1
1 250 PAFZZ 5905-00-405-7793 321-0170-00 80009 RESISTOR, FIXED, SOIL....................................................... EA 1
1 260 PAFZZ 5905-01-031-1408 RNC56K1300FS 81349 RESISTOR, FIXED, FILM....................................................... EA 1
1 270 PAFZZ 5905-00-441-7816 321-0192-00 80009 RESISTOR, FIXED, FILM....................................................... EA 1
1 280 PAFZZ 5905-01-007-6279 311-1310-00 80009 RESISTOR, VARIABLE.......................................................... EA 1
1 290 PAFZZ 5905-00-131-9729 RCR07G302JS 81349 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP ................................................... EA 1
1 300 PAFZZ 5905-00-426-7785 321-0254-00 80009 RESISTOR, FIXED, FILM....................................................... EA 2
1 310 PAFZZ 5905-00-105-7767 RCR07G474JS 81349 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP 315-0474-00 FSCM 80009 ....... EA 2
1 320 PAFZZ 5905-01-017-3200 91AR5K 73138 RESISTOR, VARIABLE ......................................................... EA 2
1 330 PAFZZ 5905-01-036-9405 311-1561-00 80009 RESISTOR, VARIABLE.......................................................... EA 2
1 340 PAFZZ 5905-00-369-6916 RCR32G122JS 81349 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP.................................................... EA 2
TM 9-6695-257-34P
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1 350 PAFZZ 5905-00-104-8349 RCR20G511JS 81349 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP.................................................... EA 2
1 360 PAFZZ 5905-00-120-9154 RCR07G471JS 81349 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP.................................................... EA 3
1 370 PAFZZ 5905-00-111-4852 RCR20G2R7JS 81349 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP 307-0051-00 FSCM 80009 ....... EA 2
1 380 PAFZZ 5905-00-063-6850 308-0245-00 80009 RESISTOR, FIXED, WIREWOUND....................................... EA 2
1 390 PAFZZ 5905-01-054-7338 311-1197-00 80009 RESISTOR, VARIABLE.......................................................... EA 2
1 400 PAFZZ 5905-00-135-6046 RCR07G681JS 81349 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP.................................................... EA 2
1 410 PAFZZ 5905-00-119-3504 RCR07G273JS 81349 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP.................................................... EA 1
1 420 PAFZZ 5905-00-426-7701 321-0216-00 80009 RESISTOR, FIXED, FILM....................................................... EA 1
1 430 PAFZZ 5905-00-788-0302 321-0213-00 80009 RESISTOR, FIXED, FILM....................................................... EA 2
1 440 PAFZZ 5905-00-141-0600 RCR20G822JS 81349 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP 301-0822-00-FSCM 80009....... EA 2
1 450 PAFZZ 5905-00-430-0869 301-0302-00 80009 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP.................................................... EA 3
1 460 PAFZZ 5905-00-136-8405 RCR07G131JS 81349 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP.................................................... EA 2
1 470 PAFZZ 5905-00-106-1356 RCR07G152JS 81349 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP.................................................... EA 1
1 480 PAFZZ 5905-01-046-2548 321-0282-00 80009 RESISTOR, FIXED, FILM....................................................... EA 1
1 490 PAFZZ 5905-01-044-8431 321-0224-00 80009 RESISTOR, FIXED, FILM....................................................... EA 1
1 500 PAFZZ 5905-01-007-6279 311-1310-00 80009 RESISTOR, VARIABLE.......................................................... EA 1
1 510 PAFZZ 5961-00-936-7719 IR69-6512 81483 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE ................................................. EA 2
1 520 PAFZZ 5961-00-436-2890 152-0280-00 80009 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE ................................................. EA 2
1 530 PAFZZ 5961-00-878-4286 JAN1N971B 81349 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE ................................................. EA 2
1 540 PAFZZ 5961-00-833-3043 JAN1N757A 81349 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE ................................................. EA 1
1 550 PAFZZ 5961-00-237-2353 SZ50646 04713 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE ................................................. EA 1
1 560 PAFZZ 5961-00-436-2888 152-0265-00 80009 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE ................................................. EA 2
1 570 PAFZZ 5961-00-899-8924 1N4152 80131 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE 152-0141-02 FSCM 80009 .... EA 13
1 580 PAFZZ 5961-01-018-2610 150-1001-00 80009 LIGHT EMITTING DIODE....................................................... EA 3
1 590 PAFZZ 5930-01-034-6694 260-1310-01 80009 SWITCH, PUSH ...................................................................... EA 1
1 600 PAFZZ 5961-00-951-8757 JAN2N2222A 81349 TRANSISTOR ......................................................................... EA 1
1 610 PAFZZ 5961-00-105-7680 151-0208-00 80009 TRANSISTOR ......................................................................... EA 1
1 620 PAFZZ 5961-00-498-2093 151-0136-02 80009 TRANSISTOR ......................................................................... EA 1
1 630 PAFZZ 5961-00-365-9935 151-0347-00 80009 TRANSISTOR ......................................................................... EA 2
1 640 PAFZZ 5961-00-246-2427 2N4249 80131 TRANSISTOR ......................................................................... EA 2
1 650 PAFZZ 5961-00-359-9493 151-0350-00 80009 TRANSISTOR ......................................................................... EA 2
1 660 PAFZZ 5961-00-925-3777 JAN2N2907A 81349 TRANSISTOR ......................................................................... EA 1
1 670 PAFZZ 5961-01-025-2643 X43C181 03508 TRANSISTOR ......................................................................... EA 1
TM 9-6695-257-34P
6240-00-008-4550 1 130 5940-00-733-6758 1 180
5905-00-008-8200 1 240 5910-00-782-7614 1 10
5905-00-063-6850 1 380 5905-00-788-0302 1 430
5905-00-104-8349 1 350 5910-00-801-1005 1 50
5961-00-105-7680 1 610 5961-00-833-3043 1 540
5905-00-105-7767 1 310 5920-00-842-0224 1 120
5905-00-106-1356 1 470 5961-00-878-4286 1 530
5905-00-110-7620 1 230 5910-00-879-0123 1 60
5905-00-111-4852 1 370 5961-00-899-8924 1 570
5905-00-119-3504 1 410 5940-00-902-5610 1 160
5905-00-120-9154 1 360 5940-00-915-1024 1 170
5905-00-131-9729 1 290 5961-00-925-3777 1 660
5905-00-135-6046 1 400 5961-00-936-7719 1 510
5905-00-136-8405 1 460 5961-00-951-8757 1 600
5910-00-139-0362 1 20 5905-00-961-1683 1 190
5905-00-141-0600 1 440 5905-01-007-6279 1 280
5961-00-237-2353 1 550 5905-01-007-6279 1 500
5961-00-246-2427 1 640 5962-01-010-74 42 1 150
5905-00-308-7594 1 210 5905-01-011-8204 1 220
5961-00-359-9493 1 650 5905-01-017-3200 1 320
5962-00-365-5977 1 140 5961-01-018-2610 2 580
5961-00-365-9935 1 630 5961-01-025-2643 1 670
5905-00-369-6916 1 340 5905-01-031-1408 1 260
5905-00-405-7793 1 250 5930-01-034-6694 1 590
5910-00-407-1764 1 40 5905-01-036-9405 1 330
5905-00-426-7701 1 420 5961-01-039-1194 1 110
5905-00-426-7785 1 300 5905-01-044-8431 1 490
5905-00-430-0869 1 450 5905-01-046-2548 1 480
5961-00-436-2888 1 560 5905-01-054-7338 1 390
5961-00-436-2890 1 520 5905-01-064-9049 1 200
5910-00-436-3382 1 100 6695-01-084-1887 1 90
5905-00-441-7816 1 270 6695-01-084-3984 1 70
5910-00-445-3272 1 30 6695-01-084-3985 1 80
5961-00-498-2093 1 620
CM7220 71744 1 130 151-0350-00 80009 1 650
DF21GNC 58474 1 180 151-0506-00 80009 1 110
DF21WTC 58474 1 160 152-0040-00 80009 1 100
EB2415 01121 1 190 152-0265-00 80009 1 560
HB7515 01121 1 220 152-0280-00 80009 1 520
IR69-6512 81483 1 510 156-0067-00 80009 1 150
JAN1N757A 81349 1 540 156-0277-00 80009 1 140
JAN1N971B 81349 1 530 159-0016-00 80009 1 120
JAN2N2222A 81349 1 600 2N4249 80131 1 640
JAN2N2907A 81349 1 660 260-1310-01 80009 1 590
MFF18X016G14001F 91637 1 200 283-0081-00 80009 1 10
RCR07G102JS 81349 1 230 290-0320-00 80009 1 40
RCR07G131JS 81349 1 460 290-0522-00 80009 1 20
RCR07G152JS 81349 1 470 301-0152-00 80009 1 240
RCR07G273JS 81349 1 410 301-0302-00 80009 1 450
RCR07G302JS 81349 1 290 308-0245-00 80009 1 380
RCR07G471JS 81349 1 360 311-1197-00 80009 1 390
RCR07G474JS 81349 1 310 311-1310-00 80009 1 280
RCR07G681JS 81349 1 400 311-1310-00 80009 1 500
RCR20G2R7JS 81349 1 370 311-1561-00 80009 1 330
RCR20G511JS 81349 1 350 321-0170-00 80009 1 250
RCR20G822JS 81349 1 440 321-0192-00 80009 1 270
RCR32G122JS 81349 1 340 321-0213-00 80009 1 430
RNC56K1300FS 81349 1 260 321-0216-00 80009 1 420
RNC60K1212FS 81349 1 210 321-0224-00 80009 1 490
SZ50646 04713 1 550 321-0254-00 80009 1 300
VL1770 56289 1 30 321-0282-00 80009 1 480
X43C181 03508 1 670 670-3291-00 80009 1 70
1N4152 80131 1 570 670-3291-01 80009 1 80
129-0064-00 80009 1 170 670-3291-02 80009 1 90
150-1001-00 80009 1 580 8959154-166 49671 1 60
151-0136-02 80009 1 620 91AR5K 73138 1 320
151-0208-00 80009 1 610 9995456 18876 1 50
151-0347-00 80009 1 630
TM 9-6695-257-34P
By Order of the Secretary of the Army:
General, United States Army
Official: Chief of Staff
Major General, United States Army
The Adjutant General
To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-34A, requirements for Calibration Procedures Publications.
TM 9-6695-257-34P
PIN: 045354-000