Text preview for : 10_UObject_Classes.pdf part of apple 10 UObject Classes apple lisa toolkit_3.0 Package_2_Examples 10_UObject_Classes.pdf

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UObject Classes:
Class Fields
TCollection size dynStart holeStart holeSize holeStd
TArray recordBytes
TFile path password scanners
TScanner collection position increment scanOone atEnd
TStringScanner actual
TFileScanner accesses refnum error

UDraw Classes:
Class Fields
TlJbject (de;ined in {}Object)
TArea innerReet outerReet parentBraneh
TPad port viewedLReet visLRect 8vailLRect scrollOffset
origin edOffset clippedRect padRes viewedRes
seeled sceleFactor zoomFactor
TBranehArea arrangement elderFirst resizability elderChild

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UABC Classes:

Class fields
TObject (deFined in Wbject)
TProcess (global variables)
TDocDirectory window classWorld
TDocManager files dataSegment docHeap window pendingNote
openedAsTool '
TClipboard hasView hasPicture hasUniversalText haslcon
cuttingTool cuttingProcessID clipCopy
TConmand cmdNumber image undoable doing revelation
unHiliteBefore hiliteAfter
TCutCopyConmand iSCut
Tlmage extentlRect view allowMouseOutside
TView panel clickLPt printManager res screenPad
fitPagesPerfectly isPrintable iSMainView
stdScroll scrollPastEnd
TPaginatedView unpaginatedView pageSize workinglnMargins
THeading printManager pageAlignment offsetFromAlignment
oddOnly evenOnly minPage maxPage
TPrintManager view pageView breaks pageMargins headings
canEditPages layoutDialogBox frameBody paperLRect
printableLRect contentLRect printerMetrics
pageRiseOirection . ..
TSelection window panel view kind anchorLPt currLPt boundLRect
coSelection canCrossPanels
'Area (defined in lLJr811)
TWindow panels panel Tree dialogBox selectPanel undoSelPanel
olickPanel undoClickPanel selectWindow
undoSelWindow wmgrID isResizable believeWmgr
maxlnnerSize changes lastCmd printerMetrics
pgSzOK pgRgOK panelToPrint objectToFree
TDialogBox keyResponse menuResponse downlnMainWindowResponse
TBand window panes panel scroller scrollOir
TSideBand topOrLeft
TPanel window panes currentView view paginatedView selection
undoSelection bands scrollBars abilities
minlnnerOiagonal resizeBranch zoomed zoomFactor
previewMode lastClick contentRect tlSideBandSize
brSideBandSize deletedSplits
!Pad (defined in tLJra,)
TPane currentView panel
TMarginPad view pageNumber bodyPad
TBodyPad marginPad nonNullBody
TScroller scrollBar band sBoxID
TScrollBar firstBox isVisible
THenuBar isLoaded mapping numMenus numCommands

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UUnivText Classes:

Class fields
TlJbject (defined in Wbject)
TTKUnivText paragraphDescriptor characterDescriptor maxOataSize
data itsOurTString
TTKReadUnivText buffer columnCount dataBeforeTab
UT ext C I asses:

Class fields
TObject (defined in Wbject)
TParaFormat dfltTStyle wordWrap quad firstlndent leftlndent
right Indent spaceAbovePara spaceBelowPara
lineSpacing tabs refCount permanent styleSheet
TCollection (defined in Wbject)
TString (defined in Wbject)
TParagraph typeStyles
TEditPara bsCount nestLevel format beingFiltered images
TLinelnfo valid startLP lastDrawnLP endLP lineLRect lineAscent
TIlIJ8ge (defined in 1JA8C)
TParalmage paragraph height lineList changed tickCount startLP
endLP text Image wasOffset
TTextlmage text imageList tickCount growsDynamically minHeight
formerBottom updateLRect firstLinePixel
useFirstPixel first Index startLP endLP prevTxtImg
nextTxtlmg headTxtlmg tailTxtImg
TVielll (defined in UABC)
TIextView text Image valid
TStyleSheet formats
TTextRange firstPara firstlndex lastPara lastlndex lastLP
TText paragraphs styleSheet txtlmgList
T1K~rit e{jni vTe)r;t (defined in WnivText)
TTextWriteUnivText textSelection currIndex currPara currLP
currStyleIndex currTStyles
TSelection (defined in 1JA8C)
TTextSelection textImage textRange isWordSelection isParaSelection
viewTick amTyping currTypeStyle
TInsertionPoint typingCmd styleCmdNumber newestLP justReturned
nextHighTransit nextTransitTime
TOneParaSelection anchorBegin anchorEnd
THultiParaSelection anchorPara anchor Index anchorBegin anchorEnd
TCtxfIIJ8nd (defined in 1JA8C)
TClearTextCmd savedText text
TStyleCmd text textSelection firstFiltParaIndex
lastFiltParaIndex filtFirstLP filtLastLP
currFilteredPara filteredStyles
TCutCopyCOI1R/8nd (defined in 1JA8C)
TTextCutCopy text
TPas teCOIMIand (def'ined in lVlBC)
TTextPaste savedText pasteRange text origIsPara origIsWord
TTypingCmd savedText text newCharCount newParaCount typingRange

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UOialog Classes:

Class Fields
TObject (defined in Wbject)
TArea (defined in {Draw)
"indo" (defined in lJ48C)
TDialogBox (defined in 1.JA8C)
TDialogWindow controlPanel dialogView mainDialog
TDialogDesignWindow hostWindow hostDialogView fromDialogBox
TPageDesignWindow hostView layoutPanel
TIlII8ge (de;ined in 1.JA8C)
TIitleTab layoutBox legend shouldDrawLegend
THeading (de;ined in IJIIBC)
TLegendHeading masterLegend currentLegend topToBaseline borders
TViell (de;ined in 1.J48C)
TDialogView rootDialog nonDialogExtent currentDialoglmage
defaultButton hitButton isShowing paintFreeBoxes
paintSense startedPainting styleSheet mouseIsDown
TPlannerView viewBeingPlanned allowSketching retainPickedBox
TDialoglmage parent iSActive isEditable withID
TLegend location paragraph wouldBeDraggable usesSysFont
TRectlmage penState
TlmageWithID children id idNumber
TDialog stringKey
TPageStatusDialog currentHeading oddEvenCluster minPageFrame
maxPageFrame alignCluster unitsCluster
marginTitle leftCluster topCluster rightCluster
TButton omdNumber minWidth isHighlighted nextSameSizedButton
legend buttonMetrics
TCheckbox isSelected rectlmage legend
TCluster location hitBox hiLitBox lastBox
TlnputFrame textDialoglmage prompt borders drawlnputLRect
drawHitLRect maxlnputChars inputTypeStyle
TPicObject picture boxAtCreation
TIextDialoglmage textlmage wouldBeDraggable refCount
TLayoutBox manipulee titleTab suppressDrawingManipulee
isResizable borders wouldMakeSelection
isDraggable shouldFrame hasDraggee
TLegendLayoutBox textDialoglmage
TButtonLayoutBox nextSameSizedBox oldlegendTopLeft
TLgHdngLayoutBox legendLayoutBox
TSelection (de;ined in lWJC)
TFrameSelection inputFrame
TLayPickSelection layoutBox
TEditLegendSelection legendlayoutBox hostLegend textDialoglmage
suppressHost tripleClick
TCOIfIINInd (defined in 1.J48C)
TLayMoveCmd layoutBox hOff set vOffset
TPrintlfanaller (defined in IJIIBC)

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20 Rug 1984 10:48:10 tmJECT. T