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Jitter Analysis Option
For InfiniiVision 6000 X-Series Oscilloscopes
Data Sheet
As data rates continue to increase in today's state-of-the-art high-speed digital designs, timing
budgets are decreasing. Ensuring that high-speed clocks and serial data signals are valid and stable
when receivers sample data often requires an understanding of the effects of the various components
of jitter that may contribute to decreased valid data windows. With the DSOX6JITTER jitter
analysis option, the InfiniiVision 6000 X-Series oscilloscope can perform various types of jitter
analysis measurements with multiple views and quantization of jitter to provide you with valuable
insight into the source of unwanted timing errors. The Keysight Technologies, Inc. InfiniiVision 6000
X-Series oscilloscope with the DSOX6JITTER jitter analysis option is the lowest priced oscilloscope
jitter analysis test solution in the market today.