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InternalNubControl.mesa 2-Sep-78 15:32:14 Page 1

Edited by:
Sandman on May 3. 1978 3:50 PM
Barbara on July 20. 1978 4:49 PM
AltoDefs: FROM "altodefs" USING [PageSize].
AltoFileDefs: FROM "altofiledefs" USING [FA].
ControlDefs: FROM "controldefs" USING [
GFT. GlobalFrameHandle. NullGlobalFrame].
DebugData: FROM "debugdata" USING [textwindow. userwindow].
DebugMiscDefs: FROM "debugmiscdefs" USING [
DebugAbort, Debuglnit, DebugProceed. Quit].
FSPDefs: FROM "fspdefs" USING [AddToNewZoneJ.
ImageDefs: FROM "imagedefs" USING [
AddFileRequest, FileRequest, ImageVersion, StopMesa].
InternalNubDefs: FROM "internalnubdefs" USING [
DebuggerDebuggerlnstall. Install].
IODefs: FROM "iodefs" USING [
ControlX, CR. DEL, LineOverflow, NewLine, NUL. NumberFormat. ReadChar.
ReadlD, ReadNumber. Rubout. SP. WriteChar, WriteNumber, WriteOctal,
LoaderDefs: FROM "loaderdefs" USING [Load. Loader. New, VersionMismatch].
LoaderUtilityDefs: FROM "loaderutilitydefs" USING [FileNotFound].
MiscDefs: FROM "miscdefs",
Mopcodes: FROM "mopcodes" USING [zKFCB].
ProcessDefs: FROM "processdefs" USING [Aborted].
RectangleDefs: FROM "rectangledefs" USING [
BMHandle, CreateRectangle. GetDefaultBitmap, ReallocateBitmap.
RectanglesB, Rptr].
SDDefs: FROM "sddefs" USING [sCallDebugger],
SegmentDefs: FROM "segmentdefs" USING [
DefaultVersion, FileSegmentHandle. InsufficientVM. LockFile, NewFile.
Read. ReleaseFile, UnlockFile],
StreamDefs: FROM "streamdefs" USING [
Append, CreateByteStream, CreateDisplayStream, GetDefaultKey, GetFA.
JumpToFA, KeyStreams, Read, StreamHandle. Write],
StringDefs: FROM "stringdefs" USING [
AppendChar, AppendString, EquivalentString. InvalidNumber].
SystemDefs: FROM "systemdefs" USING [AllocatePages, FreePages, HeapZone],
TimeDefs: FROM "timedefs" USING [AppendDayTime, UnpackDT].
WindowDefs: FROM "windowdefs" USING [
CreateDisplayWindow, GetCurrentDisplayWindow, RepaintDisplayWindows,
SetCurrentDisplayWindow, WindowHandle. WindowsB];
InternalNubControl: PROGRAM
IMPORTS DDptr: DebugData, DebugMiscDefs, FSPDefs, ImageDefs,
InternalNubDefs. IODefs, LoaderDefs. LoaderUtilityDefs. ProcessDefs.
RectangleDeFs, SegmentDefs, StreamDefs, StringDeFs, TimeDefs, WindowDefs.
EXPORTS InternalNubDefs =
-- System Signals are converted to these to prevent NubCommand
-- from catching user generated signals
Delete: SIGNAL = CODE; nee Rubout
StringTooLong: ERROR = CODE; nee Li neOverfl ow
BadFile: ERROR [badname: STRING] = CODE; nee FileNameError
BadNumber: ERROR = CODE; nee InvalidNumber
BadVersion: SIGNAL [badname: STRING] = CODE; nee VersionMismatch
CallDebugger: PROCEDURE =
MACHINE CODE BEGIN Mopcodes.zKFCB, SDDefs.sCallDebugger END;
level: CARDINAL ~ 0;
installed: BOOLEAN ~ FALSE;
useCommandLine, skiplmage: BOOLEAN ~ TRUE;
defaultframe: GlobalFrameliandle ~ ControlDefs.NullGlobalFrame;
GlobalFrameHandle: TYPE