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File Number S360-36 (DOS)
Form Y24-5017-7

Program Logic

IBM System/3S0
Disk Operating System
Introduction to System Control Programs
Program Number 360N-CL-453, Version 3

This reference publication is one of five program
logic manuals that describe the internal logic of
the IBM System/360 Disk Operating System system
ccntrol prcgrarrs:

1. IEM System/360 Disk Operating System,
Introduction to System Control Programs, Form

2,. IBM System/360 Disk Operating System" IPL and
Job Control Programs, Form Y24-5086.

3. IBM System/360 Disk Operating system,
SUFervisor and PhySical and Logical
Transients, Form Y24-5084.

4,. IBM System/360 Disk Operating system,
Librarian Maintenance and Service Programs,
Form Y24-5079.

5. IEM System/360 Disk Operating System, Linkage
Editor~ Form Y24-5080.

These manuals are intended for persons who are
involved in program maintenance and for system
pregrarrmers who are altering the program design.
Program logic information is not needed fer normal
use cr operation of the system control program;
therefore" distribution of these publications is
lirrited to those with reaintenance and alteration

These manuals are designed to be used as a
supplement to the program listing. Their
effective use requires an understanding of IBM
System/360 operation and of IBM System/360 Disk
Operating System control and service programs,
macro instructions" and operating procedures.
Reference publications for this information are
listed in the Preface of this rranual.

Restricted Distribution
RESTRICTED DISTRIBUTION: This publication is intended
~rimarily for use by IBM personnel involved in program design
and maintenance.. It may not be made available to others
without the ap~roval of local IBM management.

Eighth Edition (September 1969)
This edition applies to Release 21 of IBM System/360 Disk
Operating System and to all subsequent releases until
otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters.
Changes are continually made to the specifications herein;
before using this publication in connection with the
operation of IBM systems, consult the latest system/360 SRL
Newsletter, Form N20-0360, for the editions that are
ap~licable and current.

This edition is a major revision of, and obsoletes,

Summary of Amendments
This edition reflects the addition of information on Outboard
Recorder (OBR), Statistical Data Recorder (SDR), and Machine
Check Recording and Recovery (MCRR) records, plus updates to
the Error Message Cross-Reference List, Microfiche Index
Cross-Reference List, and the Master Index.
Changes are indicated by a vertical line to the left of
affected text and to the left of affected parts of figures.
A dot (e) next to a figure title or page number indicates
that the entire figure or page should be reviewed.
Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to
your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving
your locality.
A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this
pUblication. If the form has been removed, comments may be
addressed to IBM Laboratory, Publications Department,
P.O,. Box 24, Uithoorn, Netherlands.

@Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1966, 1967, 1968

This Program Logic Manual (PLM) is a