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File NumbElr 1401/1460-32
Form C24-3105-3

Systems Reference Library

Disk Utility Programs Operating Procedures
IBM 1401 and 1460 (with 1301 and 1311)

Program 1401-UT-053

This reference publication contains the procedures
to follow to operate the following IBM 1401, 1460
(with 1301 and 1311) programs:

Clear-Disk-Storage Progranl
Disk-to-Tape Program
Tape-to-Disk Program
Disk-to-Card Program
Carol-to-Disk Program
Copy Disk Program
Print Disk Program
Disk-Record-Load Program
Disk - Label Program

The reader should be familiar with the IBM 1401
pUblication: Disk Utility Programs Specifications,
IBM 1401, 1440, 1460 (with 1301 and 1311), Form
C24-1484. That publication describes the function of
each of the programs, and contains detailed control-
card formats.

For a list of related publications and abstracts,
see the IBM 1401 Bibliography, Form A24-1495.
Fourth Edition

This is a reprint of C24-3105-2 incorporating changes released in the following Tech-
nical Newsletter:

Form Number Pages Affected

N24-0296 5, 6, 8, 9, 16, and 31 January 13, 1965

Significant Changes or additions to the specifications contained in this publication will
be reported in subsequent revisions or Technical Newsletters.

Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or
to the IBM branch office serving your locality.

Address comments concerning this manual to: IBM Corporation, Programming Publica-
tions, Dept. 425, Rochester, Minn. 55901.

IBM 1401, 1460 (WITH 1301 AND 1311). . . . .