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File No. 5360-29
Systems Reference Library
VersiDn 8.1
IBM System/3S0 Time Sharing System
PL/I Programmer's Guide
This publication is a companion volume to IBM
System/360 Time Sharing System: PL/I Language
Reference Manual, GC28-20Q5. Together, the two books
form a guide to the writing and e~ecution of PL/I ~ro
grams under the control of an IBM System/360 Time Shar-
ing System that includes a PL/I compiler. This putli-
cation is concerned with the relationship between a
PL/I program and the Time Sharing System. It explains
how to compile and execute a PL/I program, and intro-
duces the command system. data management, and other
essentiai features of TSS/360.
Thi.s publication is a guide to the faci- If additional k~owledge of the time-
lities of the IBM SysteuV360 Time Sharing sharing system is needed, the following
System (TSS/360) for the PUI user. It publicatibns should be refe.rred to:
explains how to compile and execute a FL/I
program. and introduces the command system, IBM Systeml360 Time Sharing System:
data management, and other essential fea- Concepts and Facilities, GC28-2003.
tures of TSS/360. provides a broader system survey than
does Part I of tbis manual.
Pclrt I explains how to use PL/I on TSSI
360 without previous knowledge of TSS/360i IB~ System/360 TimeSharing System:
Parts II and III q.escribe the more advanced Command System User's Guide, GC2B-
facilities of the TSS/360 PL/I compiler and 2001, describes the entire command
provide a brief survey of TSS/360 features language.
available to the PL/I user.
IBM System/360 Time Sharing System:
Data Management Facilities. GC28-
.PRER1&..l!ISITE KNOWLEDGE 2056, describes, in detail, the sys-
tem's facilities for data management.
Readers should be familiar with the PLII
language, since this book does not describe IBM Systero/3~O Time Sqarinq System:
the language, but rather the use of the System Messages. GC28-2037. lists all
system. of the messages prclduced by the
The PL/I user will find the language
specified in these publications: IBM System/360 Time Sharing System:
Terminal User's Guide, Ge28-20i?,
gives details of the facilities and
IBM system/360 Time Sharing System: operations of the various terminals
pLlr Language Reference ~anual, supported by TSS/360.
If you have access to a remote job entry
IBM liY.ste-ID/36 0 Ttme Sharing System: (RJE) device and you want to use the RJE
PYI I.ibrary cOIDFutational Subrou- feature, see IBM System/]60 Time Sbaring
!:iJles. GC2B-2046. System: Re~ote Job Entry, GC2S-205?
Thi!> l~~ .fI._ MdijOL"" rt"Vi!;;lOn of. dnd re!;laces, t.he [,revious
t:'-dit-10n~ CCla--.NI,I9-0. and T.achnical H~'fl.letteI:
Thi s .;.J it). on tlOt;'t.Hoenl::.5 changes to the FLI command and
th(~ TS.';;'J\,Q cOf'l'/,llk1.nd sy~1t_em. Use of the linKage editor
and tht;: ~.'roqrr.rIl cont rol systlf'.lD are explained in greater
i1tdil. Shat '_~,g of PL/I lIiooules is explained. Two new
tiect.ion,3. "T('rt"llinal I/O," and "'Interface between FL/l
imd Ab~;(~mLle,~- progy.-al1ls*"" bL~ve been add.ed to Part II.
Ttlls editl:.l!~ i::> (;u.tt!)t with Version e. Modification 1,
ot lbM" :'y:.:;t.:m.I360 'T.im~."! Sha.ting SY9b;;!Jl (TSS/)60). and
l'elJ'l.ains ;..c eff("ct. fot: all s'.1b5-equent versions or mcdi-
flcat:Hm!~ (if T5S/360 unless <:n.. herwise not.ed. Signifi-
cant Cb'i"Yi2'~ (1':- additions 0::.0 tnis publ.1catlon 'Wil.l he
f.',tovided in new edit.Lons Dr. T~chfi.ical Newsletters.
fjefore u:;:;iuq t.his pl.lblicat.ion~ ref:t t.o t .. he latest: edi-
tlon of AL~_ .. 2..'L~_1.;..t~jf>.Q~~.!...!!!~....?E.!.~~2~f
l;C29-2;)lkL wf\ich mQ',' contain inf0.l:'1M.t.ion pe~tinent to
'lh-e topi,~s cQvet:'i-?d in t.his j::ditlot'l.~ The Addenduct also
ilsts tf,(' f'