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File No. S360-00
Order No. GA22-6822-14
Systems Reference Library
IBM System/360 Bibliography
This bibliography identifies and describes all literature in or
related to the Systems Reference Library for the System/360,
Model 25 and above. Part 1 is a list of subject codes with publica-
tion types shown for each code. Part 2 is a set of publications
selector charts for System/360 machines and programming sys-
tems. These charts are quick and comprehensive guides for
locating documents about specific machines or programs. Part 3
provides abstracts of all publications in form-number sequence.
When you order the bibliography, you also get the current
SRL Newsletter, Form N20-0360, which should always be used
with the bibliography.
Publications relating to the Model 20 are in the IBM System/
380 Alodel20 Bibliography, Form A26-3565. Another publication
of interest to the user of System/360 is the IBM Teleprocessing
Bibliography, Form A24-3089.
Systems Reference Library
For each major IBM data processing system, a Systems A complete list of publications appears as an accumu-
Reference Library (SRL) contains all basic reference lative index in subject-code sequence in the System/
literature needed to plan, program, install, and operate 360 SRL Newsletter, Form N20-0360.
the system. An SRL Bibliography Supplement, Form
A24-3089, covers publications for IBM teleprocessing Technical Newsletters
and data collection equipment. The Bibliography of To keep publications current, additions and other
Data Processing Techniques, Form F20-8172, lists modifications are distributed as Technical Newsletters
selected IBM technique-oriented publications that are ( TNLS ). The TNL masthead carries the file number and
applicable to many types of systems. form number of the publication to which it applies.
Also, all previously issued TNLS are listed so that you
Bibliography may verify receipt of all changes.
The bibliography is always associated with the Sys-
tem/360 SRL Newsletter, Form N20-0360. When you SRL Newsletter
order the bibliography, you receive the SRL Newsletter.
The System/360 SRL Newsletter, Form. N20-0360, is
The bibliography provides publications selector charts
issued every four weeks (if changes have occurred
to aid in quickly finding publications related to specific
during that period) to update the System/360 Bibliog-
system models, input/ output devices, and program-
raphy. All current publications are listed in subject
ming systems. Additionally, abstracts for all current
code sequence. Each entry shows the form number
System/360 SRL publications (except those pertaining
and title of the publication as well as the form num-
to the Model 20) are given in form number sequence.
bers of applicable TNLS. Obsolete publications are
By reviewing the contents of this bibliography, you
listed separately, with replacement form numbers (if
may select items of interest for your installation and
any) indicated. Abstracts of new publications are also
be aware of other materials that may be useful in the
The SRL Newsletter gives the form number suffix so
that you may verify your publications as current. Some
File Numbers, Subject Codes
publications have more than one current edition, since
The cover page of each SRL manual shows the title, a reprint that incorporates previously distributed re-
abstract, form number, and file number. The file num-
placement pages is given a new suffix. All current
ber identifies the system or component discussed and
editions and applicable TNLS are listed in the SRL
the general subject area.
For publications associated with one or two Libraries,
the prefix of the file number is the system type (e.g.,
SRL Subscription Service
S360-, 1130/1800-). When the publication is included
in more than two Libraries, the component types A direct-mail service is available to IBM system users to
(e.g., 1403-, 1418/1428-) are used, if applicable. In supply new publications, major revisions, and Tech-
other cases CENL" (general) is used.
nical Newsletters for a library that is formed and
The suffix of the file number is the subject code maintained according to a profile of the user's interests.
which designates a general subject area and the sug- To subscribe, see your local IBM representative.
gested filing sequence. Code 15, for example, is used
for all publications related to physical planning specifi- IBM Programming Systems
cations; code 33 appears on all publications related to SRL Newsletters also show the current status of pro-
IBM sort and merge programs for the system. See Part 1 gramming systems available for a system. Additional
for the list of subject codes and areas covered. data, including ordering instructions, for these and
In the bibliography, the subject code for any pub- application programs are in the Catalog of Programs
lication appears to the upper right of its abstract. for IBM System/360, Form C20-1619.
Fifteenth Edition (December, 1969)
This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, A22-6822-13 and all associated
SRL Newsletters.
Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM
representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality.
This manual has been prepared by the IBM Systems Development Division,
Product Publications, Dept. B98, PO Box 390, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12602.
A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this publication.
If the form has been removed, comments may be sent to the above address.
Part l-Subiect Codes
00 General Information 28 Report Program Generator (RPG)
Bibliographies, System Summaries, 29 PL/I
30 Input/Output Control System (lacs),
01 Machine System Data Management
Principles of Operation, Functional
Characteristics, Operating Procedures 31 System Service Programs
03 Input/ Output 32 Utility Programs
Component Descriptions 33 Sort/Merge
05 Magnetic Tape Units and Controls 35 Simulation, Emulation
Component Descriptions, Operator Cards 36 Control Programs
07 Direct Access Storage Units and Controls
37 Automatic Testing Programs
Component Descriptions, Handling Procedures
09 Teleprocessing Equipment 48 Miscellaneous Programs
Component Descriptions 50 Systems Techniques
10 Auxiliary Equipment 60 Application Programs
Component Descriptions
65 Program Products
13 Special and Custom Features
Special Feature Descriptions, Custom Feature
80 Installation Supplies
vVorksheets, Coding Forms, Physical Planning
15 Physical Planning Specifications
Installation Manuals-Physical Planning 85 Reference Cards
Formats, Capacities, Characteristics
19 Original Equipment Manufacturers' Information
90 Education Literature
20 Programming Systems-General Course Descriptions
21 Assembler
95 Student Texts
24 COBOL Guides, Introductions, Illustrations
25 FORTRAN 99 Other Supplementary Information
26 ALGOL KWIC Index, Application Bibliographies
IBM System/360 Bibliography 3
Part 2-Publications Selector Charts
These charts are aids for quickly finding form numbers attach, see IBM System/360 Input/Output Configu-
for System/360 publications about a specific machine rator, Form A22-6823. See IBM System/360 Model 20
or programming system, except for those pertaining to Bibliography, Form A26-3565, for information on
the Model 20. The machine charts are arranged accord- Model 20 machines and programming systems.
ing to the numbers of the system models and the I/O
devices. The programming charts are arranged to show Publications listed with a Y-prefixed form number
prerequisite publications and categories of publications have restricted distribution. Such publications may
for a particular system. To determine the models of only be released to those having valid equipment and
the System/360 to which an I/O device currently may application requirements.
Machine System
Publication Form Number
Description Model 25 Model 30 Model 40 Model 44 Model 50 Model 65 Model 67 Model 75 Model 85 Model 91 Model 195
System Summary A22-6810 (for all models)
System Reference A22-6821 (for all models)
System Physical
C22-6820 (for all models)
Planning Reference
Model Reference A24-3510 A24-3231 A22-6881 A22-6875 A22-6898 A22-6884 A27-2719 A22-6889 A22-6916 A22-6907 A22-6943
Model Configurator A24-3511 A24-3232 A22-6813 A22-6874 A22-6814 A22-6887 A27-2713 A22-6888 A22-6920 (In A22-6944
Model Operating
A24-3523 A24-3373 A22-6911 A22-6910 A22-6908 A27-2728 A22-6909 A22-6927
Model Physical
X22-6894 X22-6894 X22-6894 X22-6914 X22-6914 X22-6856 X22-6905 X22-6856 X22-6923
Planning Template
I/O Reference See separate I/O chart.
I/O Configurator A22-6823 (for all models)
OEMI: Channel-
to-Control Unit A22-6843 (for all models)
OEMI: Power
A22-6906 (for all models except 91)
Control Interface
OEMI: Direct
A22-6845 (for all models except 44)
Control Feature
A22-6892 (for all models)
Adapter Feature
Other Features A24-3512 A24-3255 L22-6902 A22-6900 A27-2717 A27-2715 A27-2715 A27-2733
A24-3524 A24-3365 L22-6903 A27-2716
A24-3526 C20-1650 L22-6904 A27-2717
Publication Form Number Publication Form Number
I/O Device or Physical I/O Device or Physical
Control Unit Reference OEMI Planning Control Unit Referenca OEMI Planning
Manual Menual Template Manual Manual Template
50 Magnetic Data A27