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Fluke Calibration
Certificates Application Note
A guide to understanding different types of
calibration certificates and certificate terminology

Fluke Corporation is a supplier of
a variety of electronic testing and This guide answers frequently
measurement instruments. Fluke asked questions and provides
is also a provider of precision general information about the
measurement instrumentation calibration and test reports avail-
used as calibrators and standards able from Fluke. It should be
in various areas of metrology. noted that reports of calibration
Additionally, Fluke provides evolve over time and Fluke has
repair and calibration services for the right to change some aspects
many different test instruments. of these reports, as needed, and
In each of these roles, providing at any time.
calibration certificates plays a
part which is very important, but What report types are
sometimes different. available with Fluke's
instrumentation and what
Also, Fluke is a company with a are the purposes of these
presence throughout the world. documents?
Original manufacturing is done Reports on instrument perfor-
from a series of worldwide facto- mance supplied with Fluke's
ries. Additionally, the calibration instruments can range from sim-
and repair services are done at ple documents that certify that a
different authorized service cen- general testing philosophy was
ters throughout the counties from applied to a particular instrument,
which Fluke serves its customers. to very detailed calibration
Out of this manufacturing and reports that outline specific test-
service network there can be ing details intended to satisfy for-
seen variations in the calibration mal guidelines or requirements.
certificates that Fluke provides. Performance reports available
from Fluke include:
While these variations are very
reasonable and acceptable, the 1) Statement of calibration
differences do raise questions practices Figure 1. Statement of calibration practices.

from users of the test instru- A statement of calibration prac-
ments. Fluke frequently is asked tices is not a formal calibration to national and international
questions about what different certificate. This document standards. However, because
types of calibration and testing commonly accompanies most such testing and calibration
reports are available with our newly purchased test instru- is done in a high volume
products and services, what the ments that are of a general production environment, no
different reports are, what reports purpose nature. It attests that specific calibration certificate
and certificates accompany new the quality control, testing, and is available and no details of
instruments and what are avail- calibration of this particular the testing can be provided.
able optionally. The most impor- instrument were done accord- If a calibration certificate is
tant issue is to determine what ing to Fluke's quality standards, required, a separate calibra-
type of report will best meet the and the instrument will meet tion must be done following
needs of the customer. its published specifications. production