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Serial Numbers: All
This manualapplies all instruments.
to Earlier
versionsof the 3325A, however,may differ
in designfrom the instrumentsthis revision
documentsdirectly. Designand documenta-
tions changes identified by a A symbol.
The deltasymbolsreferservicing personnelto
the backdating section(SectionVII) where
specific information regardingthe changeis
To prevent potential fire or shock hazard, do not
expose equipment to rain or moisture.
Manual Part No. 03325-90002
Microfiche Part No. 03325-90052
@ Copyright Hewlett-PackardCompany 1978,1981,1984
P.O. Box 69, Marysville, Washington98270
Printed: May 1384
The following gensral safety prscautions must be obssrvad during all phnsss of operation, ssrwice, and rspair of this
instrument. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates
Safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended usa nf ths instrument Hewlett-Packard Company assumtis no
liability for the custom&s failure to comply with thsse requirements; This is B Ssfsty Class 1 instrument.
To minimize shock hazard, the instrument chassis and cabinet must be connected to an elec-
trical ground. The instrument is equipped with a three-conductor ac power cable. The power
cable must either be plugged into an approved three-contact electrical outlet or used with a
three-contact to two-contact adapter with the grounding wire (green) firmly connected to an
alactrical ground (safety ground) at the power outlet. The power jack and mating plug of the
power cable meet International Electrotechnical Commission (IECI safety standards.
Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Operation of any
electrical instrument in such an environment constitutes a definite safety hazard.
Operating personnel must not remove instrument covers. Component replacement and internal
adjustments must be made by qualified maintenance personnel. Do not replace components
with power cable connected. Under certain conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even with
the power cable removed. To avoid injuries, always disconnect power and discharge circuits
before touching them.
Do not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable of rendering first
aid and resuscitation, is present.
Becausa of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install substitute parts or per-
form any unauthorized modification to the instrument. Return the instrument to a Hewlett-
Packard Sales and Service Office for service and repair to ensure that safety features are main-
Warnings, such as tha example below, precede potentially dangerous procedures throughout
this manual. Instructions contained in the warnings must be followed,
Oangerous voltages, capable of causing death, are present in this instrument, Use BX.
treme caution when handling, testing, and adjusting.
GeneralDefinitions of Safety Symbols Used On Equipment or In Manuals.
Instruction manual symbol: the product will be marked with this
A! symbol when it is necessaryfor the user to refer to the instruction
manual in order to protect against damage to rhe instrument.
Indicates dangerous voltage (terminals fed from the interior by
f voltage exceeding 1000volts must be so marked).
Protective conductor terminal. For protection against electrical
+ OR *
0 shock in case of a fault. Used with field wiring terminals to in-
dicate the terminal which must be connected to ground before
operating equipment.
Low-noise or noiseless,clean ground (earth) terminal. Used for a
signal common, as well as providing protection against electrical
0 shock in caseof a fault. A terminal marked with this symbol must
be connected to ground in the manner described in the installation
(operating) manual, and before operating the equipment.
Frame or chassisterminal. A connection to the frame (chassis)of
the equipment which normally includes all exposed metal struc-
d7 OR L tures.
b Alternating current (power line).
--- Direct current (power line).
Alternating or direct current (power line).
The WARNING sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a pro-
Lpi-, cedure, practice, condition or the like, which, if not correcrly per-
formed or adhered to, could result in injury or death to personnel.
The CAUTION sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an
m operating procedure, practice, condition or the like, which,if not
correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to or
destruction of part or all of the product.
NOTE: The NOTE sign denotes important information. It calls attention
to procedure, practice, condition or the like, which is essential to
Model 3325A Table of Contents
Section Page Section Page
1. GENERAL INFORMATION .............. 1-l 3-24. Entry Errors.................... .3-4
1-l. Introduction ....................... l-1 3-26. Function Selection .............. -3-4
l-5. Instrument Description ............ .1-l 3-28. FrequencyEntry ................ -3-4
l-9. Specifications...................... l-1 3-30. FrequencyLimits ............... .3-4
I-I I. SupplementalOperating Information l-l 3-32. FrequencyDisplay and Resolution .3-5
l-13. RemoteControl ................... .1-l 3-34. Auxiliary Output (SineFunctionOnly)3-5
l-15. Options .......................... .1-l 3-36. Amplitude Entry ................ .3-5
1-I 7. Aceessorics Supplied................ l-5 3-39. Amplitude Calibration ........... .3-5
l-19. Accessories Available ............... l-5 3-41. High Voltage Output Option 002 .3-h
1-21. Instrument and Manual Identification l-6 3-43. DC Offset. ..................... .3-6
l-24. Safety Considerations. .............. l-6 3-46. PhaseEntry .................... .3-7
1-27. Recommended Test Equipment ...... l-6 3-49. FrequencySweep................ .3-7
3-55. SweepMarker .................. .3-9
Section Page 3-58. SweepX Drive Output ......... .3-10
11. INSTALLATION ....................... .2-l 3-60. SweepZ Blank Output ......... .3-10
2-l. Introduction. ..................... .2-l 3-62. Amplitude Modulation. ......... .3-10
2-3. Initial Inspection. ................. .2-l 3-66. PhaseModulation. ............. .3-l I
2-5. PreparationFor Use............... -2-l 3-68. Modify Keys .................. .3-l I
2-6. Power Requirements. ............ .2-l 3.70, Store and Recall ............... .3-l 1
2-8. Line Voltage Selection........... .2-l 3-72. Operator'sChecks . ..3-II
2-10. Power Cable ................ ,.,.2-l 3.74. Self Test . ..3-11
2-12. HP-IB Connections ............. .2-l 3-76. Output Checks.............. .3-11
2-15. 3325A Listen/Talk Address ...... .2-3 3-78. Operator'sMaintenance. .3-12
2-17. HP-IB Description .............. .2-4 3-81. HP-B Operation .3-12
2-19. ConnectingOven Option 001 ..... .2-4 3-83. GeneralHP-IB Description -3-13
2-21. OperatingEnvironment ............ .2-4 3-88. Definition of HP-IB Terms
2-23. Cooling System................. -2-4 and Concepts .3-13
2-26. Bench Operation................ .2-4 3-89. Basic DeviceCommunication
Z-28. Rack Mounting ................. .2-4 Capability. .3-14
2-30. Storageand Shipment ............. .2-4 3-91. Message Definitions -3-14
2-31. Environment ..................... .2-4 3-93. 3325A Response Messages .3-14
2-33. Instrument Identification ........... .2-h 3-95. HP-IB Work Sheet.. .3-14
2-35. Packaging........................ .2-6 3-97. HP-IB Addressing.. .3-14
3-100. 3325A RemoteProgramming .3-14
Section Page 3-101. 3325A HP-IB Capabilities .3-14
111. OPERATION., ......................... .3-l 3.103. Developingan HP-IB Program .3-15
3-l. Introduction ...................... .3-l 3.107. Universaland Addressed Commands3-17
3-3. Panel Features .................... .3-3 3-109. Placing the 3325Ain Remote. .3-17
3-S. Power/Warm-Up ................. .3-3 3-111. The 3325AAddress . .3-17
3.8. Initial Conditions ................. .3-3 3.113. 3325A Data Message Formats .3-17
3.10. Self Test ......................... .3-3 3.115. Data Transfer Mode. -3-20
3-12. Front/Rear Signal Output .......... .3-3 3-118. ProgrammingData Transfer Mode 3-21
3-14. sync Output.......................3- 3 3.120. Programming Entry Parameters .3-21
3.16. External Reference Input ........... .3-4 3-122. ProgrammingWaveform Function 3-21
3-18. 1OMHzOven Option 001 .......... .3-4 3-124. ProgrammingBinary (On or Oft?
3-20. Manual Programming ............. .3-4 Functions .3-22
3-22. Clear Display. .................. .3-4 3-126. Programming SelectionFur,,~ons .3-22
Table of Contents Model 3325A
3.128. ProgrammingExecution Functions3-22 4-47. Ramp RetraceTime .4-16
3-130. ProgrammingAmplitude Units 4-49. Sync-OutputTest .............. -4-16
Conversion .3-23 4-51. SquareWave Symmetry. ........ .4-16
3-132. ProgrammingStorageRegisters , .3-23 4-53. FrequencyAccuracy ............ .4-17
3-134. ServiceRequests .3-23 4-55. PhaseIncrementAccuracy ...... .4-17
3-136. Serial Poll., .3-23 4-57. PhaseModulation Linearity ..... .4-19
3.138. StatusByte.. .3-24 4-59. Amplitude Accuracy. ........... .4-20
3-140. Busy Flag .3-24 4-61. DC Offset Accuracy (DC Only), .4-23
3.142. SweepFlag.. .3-24 4-63. DC Offset Accuracy
3.144. Masking or Enabling Service with AC Functions ............. .4-25
Requests .3-24 4-65. Triangle Linearity .............. .4-25
3-146. interrogating Program Errors. -3-24 4-67. X Drive Linearity .............. .4-27
3-148. InterrogatingEntry Parameters .3-25 4.69. Ramp Period Variation ......... -4-29
3.150. InterrogatingFunction 4.71. HP-IB InterfaceTest ........... -4-30
3-152. hrterrogatingMiscellaneous Section Page
Parameters -3-26 V. ADJUSTMENTS ........................ .5-l
3-154. Using the InterrogateCapability ,316 5-l. Introduction. ..................... .5-l
3.156. 3325AProgramming Procedure .3-27 5-3. Equipment Required............... .5-2
5-5. Adjustment Procedures............ .5-2
Appendix A. Meta Messages Block 5-7. Power Supply .................. .5-2
Diagrammed ........................... .A-1 5-8. D/A ConverterOffset ........... -5-2
5-9. Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Appendix B. Programming The Model 3325A (VCO Frequency)............... .5-2
with the 9825ACalculator ............... .B-1 5-10. Analog PhaseInterpolation (API). 5-2
5-11. 30MHz Reference Oscillator ....... 5-3
Section Page 5-12. Option 001 High Stability
IV. PERFORMANCE TESTS ................ -4-l FrequencyReference............ .5-3
4-l. Introduction. ..................... .4-l 5-13. Sine Wave Amplitude Calibration .5-3
4-3. Calculator-ControlledTest ......... .4-l 5-14. X Drive. ....................... .5-4
4-5. OperationalVerification ........... .4-l 5-15. Amplifier Bias Adjustment ....... .5-4
4-8. RequiredTest Equipment ........ .4-l 5-16. Ramp Stability...................5- 5
4-10. Self Test ....................... .4-l 5.17. Amplitude Flatness,............. .5-5
4.12. Sine Wave Verification .......... .4-l 5-18. Mixer SpuriousSignal ... .1. ..... .5-6
4.14. SquareWave Verification ........ .4-2
4-16. Triangle and Ramp Verification .. .4-3
4-18. Amplitude FlatnessCheck. ....... .4-3 Section Page
4-20. Sync Output Check ............. .4-4 VI. REPLACEABLE PARTS ................ .6-l
4-22. FrequencyAccuracy ............. .4-4 6-l. Introduction. ..................... -6-l
4-24. Output Level and Attenuator 6-4. Ordering Information .............. .6-l
Check ........................ ..4- 4 6-6. Non-Listed Parts. ................. .6-l
4.26. Harmonic Distortion Test ........ .4-5 6-8. Proprietary Parts ................. .6-l
4-28. Close-InSpurious SignalTest .... .4-6 6-10. Printed Circuit Assemblies......... .6-l
4.30. HP-IB InterfaceTest ............ .4-6
4-32. PerformanceTests ............... .4-l 1
4-35. Equipment Required............ .4-12 seaiorl Page,
4-37. Harmonic Distortion Test ....... -4-12 VII. MANUAL BACKDATING -7-l
4-39. SpuriousSignal Tests........... .4-13 7-l. Introduction.. .7-l
4-41. IntegratedPhaseNoise Test ..... .4-15 7-3. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...7-1
4-43. Amplitude Modulation Envelope 7-5. ChangeSheetsand ServiceNotes .7-l
Distortion Test ................ .4-15 7-8. Backdating Information. .7-2
4-45. SquareWave RiseTime 7-9. ServiceGroup A Keyboardand
and Abberations............... .4-16 Display (03325-66505) Al .7-2
Model 3325A Table of Contents
Section Page Section Page
7-12. Service Group B - HP-IB Circuits 8.7. Keyboard and Display
(P/O 0332566506) A2 .7-3 (Service Group A). .8-l
7-15. Service Group C Control Circuits S-12. HP-IB Circuits (Service Group B) .8-3
(P/O 03325-66506) A2 .7-3 8-18. Control Circuits (Service Group C) .8-5
7.18. Service Group D Voltage Controlled 8-24. Frequency Synthesis .8-8
Oscillator Shield (P/O 03325.66521) 8-43 Reference Circuits
A3 .7-5 &mice Group G). .&I2
7-21. Service Group E + N.F. Counter 8-51. Mixer (Service Group H) .8-l 3
(P/O 03325-66521) A3 .7-7 E-53. D/A Converter (Service Group 1) .8-13
7-24. Service Group F Fractional N S-59. Function Circuits
Analog Circuits (P/O 0332566521) (Service Group J) .8-16
A3 . .. ,.., ,... 7-10 8-72. Output Amplifier
7-27. Service Groups W and G " VCO Buffer (Service Group 9). .8-19
(P/O 03325.66503), 30MHz Reference 8-77. Attenuator (Service Group L) S-19
and Dividers (P/O 03325.66503) 8-80. High Voltage Output Option 002
A4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...7-12 (Service Group M) .8-19
7-31. Service Group H Mixer 8-82. Sweep Drive Circuits
(P/O 03325.66503) A4 .7-14 (Service Group N). .8-19
7-34. Service Group I D/A Converter and 8.89. Crystal Oven Option 001
Sample/Hold (P/O 03325-66514) (Service Group M) .8-22
A5 --- 7-15 8-91. Power Supplies (Service Group 0) 8-22
7-37. Service Group J Function Circuits S-98. Sine Amplitude Control Path S-23/8-24
(P/O 03325.66514) A5 .7-17 8-99. Amplitude Control Circuitry g-23/8-24
7-40. Service Group K Output Amplifier 8-102. Auto Calibration Disable
(P/O 03325-66514) A5 .7-20 (ACD) .8-23/S-24
7-43. Service Group L Attenuator 8-104. Servicing Information .8-25
(03325-66523) and Relay Drivers 8.105. Power Line Voltage Selection. .8-25
(P/O 03325~66514) A5,A6 .7-22 8-107. Fan Filter .8-25
7-47. Service Group M - Options: High Voltage S-109. Adapter Cable.. .8-25
Output (Opt. 002) (03325-66508) and S-111. Access to Reverse Side of A21, A3, A14,
High Stability Reference (Opt. 001) and A6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...8-25
(03325.66509) A7. .7-24 8.113. A6, A14, A3, A21, A23 Connector
7-49. Service Group N Sweep Drive Circuits Compatibility. .8-26
(P/O 03325-66514) A5 .7-24 S-115. Troubleshooting Information .8-26
7-52. Service Group 0 Power Supplies S-117. Test Equipment Required .8-26
(03325.66502) A8. .7-25 8-l 19. Adjustments Required After
Repair .8-28
Section Page 8-121. Basic Troubleshooting Procedures 8-28
Vlll. SERVICE .............................. -8-I 8.124. Orientation Of Components .8-28
8-l. Introduction ...................... .8-l 8-126. Mnemonic Wictionary .8-28
8-3. Basic Theory ..................... .8-l 8.128. Logic Troubleshooting by Signature
8-5. Theory Of Operation ............... S-1 Analysis .8-28
Table Page Table Page
l-1. Specifications. l-2 3-l. Operating Information. -3-I
1-2. Supplemental Information. l-3 3-2. Amplitude Limits of AC Function .3-S
l-3. HP-IB Interface Capability.. l-6 3-3. High Voltage Output Amplitudes
l-4. HP-IB Response Times I-7 (Option 002). .3-6
1-S. Recommended Test Equipment . l-8 3-4. Maximum DC Offset
2-l. HP-IB Addresses. .2-5
Tableof Contents Model 3325A
Table Page Table Page
3-5. GeneralInterfaceManagementLines3-14 7-4. A6 Board Revisions.............. ..7- 3
3-6. Definition of Meta Messages ...... .3-15 7-s. A21(Al) Board Revisions.......... .7-6
3-l. 3325A Implementationof Messages .3-16 7-6. A21(Al) Board Revisions.......... .7-S
3-8, InterfaceFunctions............... .3-16 I-1. A21(Al) Board Revisions......... .7-10
3-9. Summary of 3325A Programming 7-8. A3 Board Revisions.............. .7-12
(ASCII). .................... , . , . .3-I8 l-9. A3 Board Revisions.............. .7-14
3-10. ProgrammingCodes.............. .3-19 7-10. A14(A4) Board Revisions......... .7-16
3-11. SRQ Mask/Enable Data .......... .3-25 7-11. A14(A4) Board Revisions......... .7-I7
4-l. Test Equipment Requiredfor 7-12. A14(.44)Board Revisions ......... -7-21
OperationalVerification ........... .4-Z 7-13. A23(A7) Board Revisions ......... .7-22
4-2. Test Equipment Required 7-14, A14(A4) Board Revisions ......... .7-24
for PerformanceTests ............ .4-11 7-15. A2 Board Revisions.............. .7-25
5-1. Test Equipment RequiredFor 8-l. Attenuation and VoltageRanges.... .8-20
Adjustments...................... .5-l 8-2. Assembly/CableCompatibility
5-2. PaddingValues ................... .5-6 for Serial Numbers 1748A04250
6-I, List of Abbreviations.............. -6-Z and Below. ....................... .S-25
6-2, List of Manufacturers ............. .6-2 8.3. Test Equipment for Troubleshooting S-26
6-3, Replaceable Parts List ............. .6-3 s-4. Adjustments RequiredAfter Repair .8-28
7-l 3325A Circuit Board Revisions ...... l-2 8-5. Trouble Symptoms................ .8-29
7-2 A5 Board Revisions............... .7-2 8-6. Mnemonic Dictionary. .............. S-30
7-3. A6 Board Revisions...... ... .... .7-3
Figure Page Figure Page
2-I. Line Voltage Selection............. .2-Z 5-I * Ramp ResetWaveform .5-5
2-2. Power Cables..................... .2-3 5-2. Amplitude FlatnessAdjustment ,526
2-3. HP-IB Connector ................. .2-3 5-3. Location of Adjustments. .5-7
2-4. Rack Mount and Handle Kits ...... .2-6 6-l. Location of Parts 6-31/6-32
3-I. Front and Rear Panel Controls ..... .3-Z 7-l. ProcessorInterrupt Circuitry (Serial
3-2. Maximum DC Offset with Numbers 1748A00230 Below) .7-4
AC Functions .................... .3-8 7-2. Schematic Board Location of Rll and
3-3. InterfaceConnectionsand R12 (SerialNumbers 1748A02600 and
Bus Structure. ................... .3-13 Bel0w)............................7-4
4-I. Harmonic Distortion Verification 7-3. VCO Circuitry Serial Numbers
(High Voltage Output). ............ .4-5 1748A02475 Below
and -7-6
4-2. Mixer SpuriousTest .............. .4-I3 7-4. VCO Circuitry - Serial Numbers
4-3. IntegratedPhaseNoise Test ....... .4-14 1748A03226 1748A07390
to .7-7
4-4. AM EnvelopeDistortion .......... .4-15 7-5. HINV Clocking Circuitry SerialNumbers
4-5. SquareWave Symmetry........... .4-17 1748A00230 Below
and .7-8
4-6. FrequencyAccuracy.............. -4-18 7-6. A21U8 Gating Circuitry - Serial Numbers
4-7. PhaseIncrementAccuracy ........ -4-18 1748A02475 Below
and l-9
4-8. PhaseModulation Linearity ....... .4-19 7-7. A21U8 Cating Circuitry Serial.Numbers
4-9. Amplitude Accuracy and Flatness.. .4-24 1748A02476 1748A07390
to .7-9
4-10. Triangle and Ramp Linearity Test. .4-26 7-8. Integratorand PhaseModulation Circuitry
4-11. Triangle Linearity Test ........... .4-27 Serial Numbers 1748A02475
4-12. X Drive Linearity Test. ........... .4-29 and Below .7-IO
4-13. X Drive Linearity Test. ........... .4-30 Sample/Hold Circuitry (Serial Numbers
4-14. Ramp ResetWaveform ........... .4-30 1748A02475 Below)
and .7-l 1
Model 3325A Table of Contents
Figure Page Figure Page
7-10. U14 Biasing Circuitry (Serial Numbers 8-22. Simplified Illustration of Ramp
1748AOO620 and Below) .7-12 Generation .8-18
7-11. Sine Amplitude Control and Amplitude 8.23. Marker and X Drive Start-Stop
Modulation Circuitry (Serial Numbers Flip-Flops S-20
1748A04675 and Below) _, .7-13 8-24. X Drive Ramp Output. .8-21
7-12. Mixer Driver Circuitry (Serial Numbers 8-25. Power Supply Standby/On Circuit .8-22
1748A04675 and Below) .7-15 S-26. Sine Amplitude Control Path S-23/8-24
7-13. DC Offset Control (Serial Numbers 8-27. Adapter Cable . . . .8-27
1748A01075 and R&w) .7-18 X-B(a). Access to Keverse Side of
7-14. WC Offset Control (Serial Numbers
1748A08790to 1748A01076)........7-18 8-28(b). Basic Troubleshooting Procedure .8-31
7-15. Amplitude Control Circuitry (Serial 8-29. Signature Analysis Test 4 .8-A-5
Numbers 1748A05825 and Below) .7-19 S-30. Keyboard and Wisplay, A5 S-A-7/8-A-S
7-16. Amplitude Control Circuitry (Serial 8-3 l(a). Signature Analysis Test 3 8-B-5/8-8-6
Numbers 1748A05826 to 8-3 l(b). Signature Analysis Test 3 .8-B-7/8-B-8
1748A08790) .7-20 8-31(c). Signature Analysis Test 3. .3 8-B-9
Output Amplifier (Serial Numbers 8-32. HP-IB Circuits, A6 .8-B-l 1
1748A01900 and below). _, _, .7-21 8-33(a). Signature Analysis Test 1 S-C-19/8-C-20
Relay Drive Circuitry (Serial Numbers 8-33(b). Signature Analysis Test 1 8-C-21/8-C-22
1748AO1075 and Below) .7-23 8-34(a). Signature Analysis Test 2 8-C-25/8-C-26
Location Of F2 (Serial Numbers 8-34(b). Signature Analysis Test 2 S-C-27/8-C-28
1748AO5825 to 1748A01076). -7.2G 8-35(a). Signature Analysis Test 5 8-C-31/8-C-32
a 7-20,
j, 15V Regulator (Serial Numbers
1748A01075 and Below)
Simplified Block Diagram .8-2
8-35(b). Signature Analysis Test 5 8-C-33/8-C-34
8-35(c). Signature Analysis Test 5
8-36. Control Circuits, A6
8-2. Basic Block Diagram, Logic Circuits .8-2 8-37. VCO, A21, and VCO Buffer,
8-3. Keyboard and Display Block Diagram 8-3 A3 .8-D-7/8-D-8
8-4. HP-IB Data Input Path. .8-4 8-38. + NJ, Counter, A21 S-E-3/8-E-4
8-S. HP-IB Data Output Path .8-4 8-F-I. TP9 and TPlO Waveforms .8-F-4
8-6. HP-IB Management and Handshake ,8-S 8-39. Fractional N Analog, A21 .8-F-5/8-F-6
8-7. Basic Block Diagram of Control 8-G-l. Sine h'nDhKk Control Path 8-G-2
Circuits .8-6 8-40. 30MHz I&ference and Dividers,
8-8. Phase Lock Loop -8-7 A3 .8-G-3/8-G-4
8-9. Phase Detector .8-8 ~-H-I Sine Amplitude Control Path -8-H-2
s-10. Integrator Output .8-9 8-41. Mixer, A3 .8-H-3/8-H-4
S-11. Addition of D/A Converter and 8-I-l. Sine Amplitude Control Path .8-l-3
Pulse Remove Blocks.. .8-9 8-42. D/A Converter and Sample/Hold,
8-12. Phase Accumulation. -8-10 Al4. .8-I-5/8-1-6
8-13. Divide By N Counter . . . .. .8-l 1 8-J-l. Sine Amplitude Control Path -8-J-4
S-14. External Reference Phase Lock Loop 8-43. Function Circuits, Al4 S-J-7/8-5-8
Block Diagram .. . .8-12 8-K-l. Sine Amplitude Control Path .8-K-2
S-15. Level Control and Amplitude 8-44. Output Amplifier, Al4 8-K-5/8-K-6
Modulation -8-13 8-45. Relay Wrivers, A14, and Attenuator,
S-16. Mixer Diagram .8-14 A23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...8-L-3/8-L-4
S-17. Preset Counters. .8-14 8-46. High Voltage Output Option 002
8.18. D/A Converter -8-15 A8 .8-M-3/8-M-4
S-19. DAC Sample/Hold.. ,8-15 8-41. High Stability Reference Option 001,
8-20. Enable Signals For Function A9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...8-M-S/S-M-6
Switching _, .8-17 8-48. Sweep Drive Circuits, Al4 .8-N-3/8-N-4
S-21. Simplified Illustration of Triangle 8-49. Power Supplies, A2 .8-O-3/8-0-4
Gencration .8-18 8-50. Function Block Diagram .8-P-l /8-P-2
Model 3325A General Information
1-l. INTRUUUCTION. l-8. The Model 3325A is fully programmable through
the rear panel Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus (HP-IB)
l-2. The Operating and Service ManuaI contains infor- connector. A device such as a programmable calculator
mation required to install, operate, test, adjust, and WV- is capable of remoteIy controIling the 3325A. Interface
ice the Hewlett-Packard Model 3325A Synthesizer/Func- information is given in Section II of this manual, and
tion Generator. The Operating Manual supplement is a programming inf0rmaticm is in Section III.
copy of the first three sections of the Operating and Serv-
ice Manual, plus the Operational Verification procedures l-9. SPECIFICATIONS.
from Section IV. The supplcmsnt should be kept with
the instrument for use by the operator. The part num- I-10. Instrument specifications are listed in Table 1-I.
bers of both the Operating and Service Manual and the These specifications are the performance standards or
Operating Manual supplement are Shown on the titIe limits against which the instrument is tested. Any
pages. changes in specifications due to manufacturing, design
or traceability to the U.S. Nationai Bureau of Standards
are included in Table l-l of this manual and/or the
l-3. Also shown on the title page of this manual is a Manual Changes Supplement.
Microfiche part number. This number can be used to
order 4 x 6 inch transparencies of the Operating and
Service Manual, Each Microfiche contains up to 96
photo-duplicates of the manual pages, The Microfiche
package includes the latest Manual Changes supplement
as well as pertinent Service Notes. 1-l 1. SUPPLEMENTAL OPERATING INFORMATION.
1-4. Additional cop& of the Operating and Service I-12, Table 1-2 contains information describing general
Manual, Operating Information Supplement, or Service operating characteristics of the 3325A, This informa-
No&$ can be ordered through your nearest Hewlett- tion is supplemental operating information and is not to
Packard Sales and Service Office. (A list of these offices be considered as specifications.
is provided at the end of this manual.)
l-13. REMOTE CONTRcll.
1-14. Table l-3 lists the HP-IB interface capabilities of
f-4. The Mode1 3325A Synthesizer/Functicm Generator the Model 332SA in conformity with IEEE Standard
producea the following signals at a minimum frequency 483-1978, "Standard Digital Interface for Programmable
of 1 pI+z and maximum frequency of: Instrumentation". HP-II3 response times are given in
Sine wave 20 MHz Table 1-4.
Square wave 10 MHz
TriangIe 10 kHz 1-I 5. UPTIDNS.
Positive slope ramp 10 kHz
Negative slope ramp IO kHz 1-16. The following options extend the frcquebcy
stability and output amplitude capabilities of the Model
Frequency may be seiected with up to eleven digits of 33251%:
resolution. Output amplitude is 1 mV to 10 V peak-to-
peak. The output level may also be selected or displayed Option 001 High Stability Frequency Reference
in V rms or in dBm (50 ohms). Any function may be dc High Voltage Output
Option 002
offset up to f 4.5 V, or the output may be dc only up to
L 5 V. An optitmal high voltage output produces up to The following options indicate the line voltage to which
40 V p-p into ~500 ohms load. the instrument was set at the factory:
1-7. Frequency sweep of all functicm$ is provided ia Option 100 Nominal 100 V ac
linear OJ lbg sweep, at sweep times of 10 milliseconds to Option 120 Nominal I20 V ac
99.99 seconds for linear sweep. Maximum time for log Option XXI Nominal 220 V ac
sweep is 99.99 seconds and minimum time is 2 seconds Option 240 Nominal 240 V ac
for sir@ log sweep and 0.1 second for continuous log
sweep. Single linear sweep may be up or down, while
continuous sweep is up/down/up, etc., in the linear
mode and up/up, etc., in log mode.
General hfmnation Model 3325A
Table 1.1. Specifications.
Amplitude Accuracy with no Attenuation lAttenuator
Sine WBYW range 1) into 50 ohm Load. INo D.C. offset1
Signal Output ,FrO"t or Rear Panel,:
0.000 001 Hz to 20 999 999.999 Hz Function and Tolerance relative to
frequency range programmed amplitude
Auxiliary Output ,Rear Panel,:
21 000 000.000 Hz to 60 999 999.999 Hz
Underrange fo 19 000 000.001 Hz
Square Wave: 0.000 001 Hz to 10 999 999.999 Hz
,001 Hz to 100 kHz
Triangle: 0.000 001 Hz to 10 999.999 999 Hz
,001 Hz to 2 kHz
Positive and Negative Slope Ramp:
0.000 001 Hz to 10 999.999 999 Hz
nlEG"ENCY NEGGLUTlGN ,001 Hz to 500 Hz
500 Hz to 10 kHz
1 pHz for frequencies below 100 kHz
1 mHz for freq"e"cies 100 kHr and higher Flatness with no attenuation Tolerance relative to
(Attenuator Range 1 I into programmed amplitude at
mEG"ENCY ACCURACY ,Standard I"strY.e"t, a 50 Ohm load 1 kHz
* 5 x 10~6 of selected "abe ,20