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As the frequency of a crystal oscillator increases it becomes increasingly difficult to produce
high stability resonators. Over a period of about 20 years, the frequency of the state-of-the-art
high performance crystal oscillators has increased from 100 k Hz to I MHz, then to 5 MHz.
Currently 10 MHz is the most common frequency available in the highest performance crystal
oscillators. Although 10 MHz has become accepted as the standard crystal oscillator
frequency, there are still many applications in communications, navigation, and
instrumentation which require 5 MHz, I MHz or other frequencies. Many times the system
designer would like to have a local oscillator or timebase which is not a standard frequency.
The choices are either to purchase a special frequency oscillator, often at a significant cost
increase, or to design special interface circuitry to take advantage of the standard frequency
oscillator. The purpose of this application note is to assist the system designer in designing
interface circuitry that will produce required frequencies by division (+2, +4, +10 and others) of
a standard 10 MHz oscillator.

The system designer, interested in high stability oscillators, would like an interface to the
system which minimally degrades the oscillator performance. In theory, frequency division
improves the signal to noise ratio. Practically, interface circuitry cart be designed which induces
only a small amount of deterioration in performance. This note describes specific circuits
which have produced as little as 6 dB to 8 dB of phase noise degradation (at 10 kHz
from the carrier) in divide-by-ten and divide-by-two circuits, respectively, when operating
on the output of an HP 10811 oscillator. It is a very high stability, ovenized, 10 MHz
crystal oscillator which, with a good interface, can provide a highly stable, non-10MHz
signal to a system.

The total system might look like Figure 1, with the oscillator and interface circuitry supplying
the timebase signal or local oscillator to the designer's main system. The input conditioning
modifies the oscillator output so that the divider receives the proper signal levels, then the
output conditioning provides amplification to the signal levels needed for the time base or local
oscillator requirement.

Figure 1

Noise Description

Oscillator noise performance is specified in terms of time domain stability and/or phase noise.
Time domain stability and phase noise are the time and frequency domain measurements,
respectively, of the same noise. Time domain stability is divided into two different
measurements, long term and short term. Long term stability measures the amount of change
over a day or more and is usually expressed as an aging rate. The aging rate is crystal
dependent and, in good oscillator design, is not affected by the oscillator electronics. Short
term stability can be affected by both the electronics and the crystal and includes spurious
signals. A noisy transistor can make a major difference in the noise.

Phase noise is usually discussed as random components alone and is comparable to short term
time domain stability with no spurious signals. During a phase noise measurement a 60 Hz
2 sideband will show up as a discrete frequency while a time domain stability .rneasurement will
show the 60 Hz sideband as a series of lumps in a graphical plot. Phase noise is normally the
r-- accepted measure used to determine the degradation of the oscillator's performance by the
interface circuitry.

A measurement system that can be used for understanding very low phase
noise measurements is described in the appendix after the sections on input conditioning,
frequency dividers, and output conditioning.

Input Conditioning
An input stage should accept the signal from the oscillator and shape it for use by the divider
circuit. The designer, therefore, must first decide on the logic family to be used in the divider
and then design the input stage accordingly. The HP 10811oscillator output is a 10 MHz
sinewave of O.SV rms into a sOn load. The 10 MHz signal requires DC level shifting (biasing)
and squaring before a digital divider can utilize it. The dividers chosen for this application are
low power Schottky TTL, requiring a low level of 0.8V and a high level of 2.0V. The most
important characteristics of the input conditioning circuit are: noise since it should be as quiet
as possible and speed, because sharp transitions help reduce noise. .

In some applications, emitter coupled transistors (employed as current switches) have been
used to bias and square the signal from an oscillator. The emitter coupled switch prevents
saturation of the transistors, thus improving speed and enhancing quiet operation. Another
technique described by Baughl, is to use a switching diode for the second transistor of an
emitter coupled pair. Either circuit can be used as the input stage.

A sample circuit using the diode technique is shown in Figure 2. The circuit degrades the
oscillator performance by 3 to 6 dB.* To minimize the degradation it is important to use a
well regulated DC power supply to prevent spurious signals. This can be the same + 12

r VDC supply that powers the oscillator circuitry. Also, while building this stage it is
important to keep the path from the emitter through the diode to ground via the shunt
capacitor as short as possible. This way, the inductance in the path is minimized so that
the high frequency gain of the stage is not degraded. This helps to keep the switching
transitions sharp.

+12 Vdc

{ 2N3906


___ j 1NN
1 4150
(ROUGH 1 N 4448

EQUlyALENTS) 1N 9146

RI = 1 k!1

R4 = 909!1


Figure 2


The divider circuit takes the squared 10 MHz signal from the input stage, divides by the
chosen integer, and provides a quiet squarewave signal. There are several questions the
designer needs to consider:
r-- 1) Which logic family?-Low power Schottky is chosen for this application note.
Schottky is used because it eliminates saturation, increasing the speed of the device, and

oSee appendix for measurement system. 3
low power is used because it experimentally appears to be the quietest. However, if the
designer's system uses another logic family, a trade off in performance is possible. It may
be quieter to use the system's logic in the interface circuit rather than using the LS TTL
and adding an output stage. .
2) Symmetrical or assymmetrical output?-For this application note, symmetrical
output is chosen since it can be easily filtered to provide a sinewave output. Symmetrical
signals have a 50% duty cycle (they are ON for 50'7'0 the time) and they contain no
even harmonics. The lack of a second harmonic in the signal makes filtering much
easier. Assymmetrical output eases the design process for odd integer division but
causes a loss of signal due to the <50% ON (or OFF) time. Because of the signal loss,
the signal to noise ratio is lower if the output is converted to a sinewave. Therefore, for
sinewave output the phase noise may be higher .
3) Which device?- The choice of a divider IC depends partially on the answers to
questions (1) and (2). After that the designer must choose a device that provides the
proper division ratio.
There are numerous possibilities for integers, dividers, and devices. Therefore, only two
specific examples will be discussed: symmetrical divide-by-two and divide-by-ten. Other circuits
can be designed using similar techniques. For an easy symmetrical di~de-by-ten the 74LS290,
an asynchronous bi-quinary counter, was used (see Figure 3(a)). This device is easily modified
for either asymmetrical divide-by-two (Figure 3 (b)) or an assymmetrical divide-by-five. The
74LS290 has four flipflops; three are cascaded together and the fourth can be cascaded onto
either end, providing bi-quinary, assymmetrcial divide-by-ten and symmetrical divide-by-ten.
Cascading additional devices will provide many possibilities for additional division.

Figure 3

Ideally a divider should improve the phase noise performance in dBc by 20 log N where N is
the division integer (2, 4, 10 ...). However, since the HP 10811oscillator itself has such low
phase noise, improvement is not practically possible. Any deterioration or lack of improvement
in the signal must be due to noise in the divider and the buffer stages. Little additional phase
noise improvement is seen in the division stage and the combination of input and divider stages
looks very similar to the input stage alone.

A subtle trap for the unwary designer is the frequency capability of the divider. Some TTL
devices do not function at 10 MHz, so the designer much check the frequency capabilities of
every device used. For example: The 74LS290 has a maximum frequency specification of at
least 16 MHz for the B input and at least 32 MHz for the A input. For a 20 MHz input signal
this device probably could not provide asymmetrical divide-by-ten. However, it is adequate for
a 10 MHz signal.

Power for the divider can be furnished by either a regulator circuit from the + 12 VDC supply
or from a separate +5 VDC supply.
r The output stage mayor may not be necessary since the output requirement will vary for each
application. The system for which the interface circuitry is being designed is going to have a
specific timebase or local oscillator need. This may be for a sinewave, one of various logic
levels (TTL, ECL, ...), or something else entirely. Other requirements for the output stage
are minimal phase noise degradation and proper amplification to the desired output levels.

Since individual output needs will vary substantially, this application note will address directly
only TTL and sinewave outputs. The quietest output will be the TTL from the divider as there
will be no additional stages in the interface to add noise. The output of the TTL device
functioning as the divider may be applied to any system with TTL requirements; of course, it is
necessary to follow fan-out restrictions of the divider .

Additional amplification and signal conditioning will add some amount of noise. A circuit which
supplies a sinewave output of 1 Vrms into 500 is shown in Figure 4. This circuit adds about 2
dB of noise* to the output. Note that shorting the output of this stage causes the collector of
the second transistor to suffer very large voltage swings. If the load impedance isn't matched
to the output impedance, filtering problems may occur since the filter does an impedance
transformation. A low pass filter is used to produce the sinewave from a squarewave. A
capacitor and an inductor, resonant at the desired output frequency, provide additional band
pass filtering at the frequency of interest.

Figure 4

Figure 5

Another possible output stage, shown in Figure 5, provides an amplified squarewave output.
The shape of this squarewave depends on transformer parameters, especially its primary
magnetizing inductance. If the primary inductance is not high enough, an inordinate amount of
*See appendix for measurement system. 5
sag or droop will occur in the signal. The transformer also does an impedance transformation
on the output. This circuit introduces about the same amount of noise* as the one in Figure 4.
but it is isolated better. The amplifiers are similar in function: the one in Figure 5 outputs 1.5V
peak to peak squarewave into 50!1 and it uses fewer components. The designer has a trade off
of simplicity and squarewave versus sinewave.

Complete circuits are shown in Figure 6. Typical measurements data for each circuit is shown
in Table 1. The .C(f) values represent the combined noise of both oscillators or oscillator/
interface combinations. These are worst case .C(f) values. The corrected values can vary from
one oscillator being actually at the listed value and the other being at least 6 dB better to both
oscillators being 3 dB better than the measured value.

Figure 6

Table 1

frequency (Hz)
What was measured? Output circuit (offset from carrier) .C(f) (dB)

10811vs 10811 10k -160
lk -157
100 -148

10811 + 2 ~Ok -153
V5. Figure 4 lk -152
10811 + 2 100 -147

10811+ 10 10k -154
vs. Figure 4 lk -152
10811+ 10 100 -145

10811 + 2 10k -152
VS. Figure 5 lk -151
10811 + 2 -147
6 100

*See appendix for measurement system.
Measuring low phase noise can be very difficult. This appendix is added to describe the system
used, with the intention of giving the reader some understanding of how the measurements
were made. It is not intended to provide a cookbook measurement system. For those
interested in actually making low phase noise measurements, Fischer's papers on frequency
stability3 and frequency domain measurements2 should be helpful.

What is phase noise and how is it measured? Phase noise is the amount of phase jitter or
variations in zero crossings of a signal. It can also be described as random FM or PM
sidebands on the signal. If non-random or discrete frequency sidebands are present, it is more
meaningful to specify and discuss the non-random components separately. Phase noise is
usually described in one of two ways.
S", (f)-the spectral density of phase modulation in a 1 Hz bandwidth, or
'c(f)-the single sideband phase noise-to-carrier ratio in a 1 Hz bandwidth which, for high
purity signals, is ~ S", (f) -3 dB.
Phase noise can be measured by several different techniques,2 most of which use spectrum
analyzers. When the phase noise is lower than the noise floor of the spectrum analyzer ,
mixing/filtering techniques must be used. Measurements for this application were made using
a double-balanced mixer and a low pass filter for a quadrature mixing technique (see Figure 7).
This is a phase locked loop; the null meter and oscilloscope are used to monitor the phase lock.

Figure 7

This system mixes two signals in phase quadrature (90