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File No. 8360-36
Form C30-2008-0 os
Systems Reference Library
IBM System/360 Oper~ting System
Planning for Remote Job Entry (MFT Version II)
Remote Job Entry (RJE) alldws users at remote locations
to submit jobs over communi;cation lines to an IBM Sys-
tem/360 using the Operating System that provides multi-
programming. RJE includes ia unique Job Entry Control
Language which provides the additional flexibility and
control required for remote entry.
This publication provide,s preliminary information
required by the programmer :and the operator concerning
general RJE concepts and fai,cili ties, and a complete dis-
cussion of RJE capabilities: and uses. Job Entry Control
Language is introduced and ~xplained. Sections describ-
ing RJE system generation ait the central installation
and at a remote computer ar~ included for the system
programmer. In addition, RJE operating procedures for
both the central and remote operation are included.
The telecommunications support used by RJE is discussed,
in general terms, only when necessary to give a com-
plete picture of the system.
Remote Job Entry (RJE) extends operating
system facilities to remote users. This
publication describes the facilities pro-
the central RJE system also should be
familiar with:
IBM System/360 Operating System
vided by RJE, the use of these facili- System Generation, Form C28-6554
ties and the creation of an RJE system. Basic Telecommunications Access
A brief description of the related tele- Method, Form C30-2004
communications systems is included. System Programmer's Guide, Form
Operating procedures are defined for the C28-6550
central installation and the various Publications relevant to programming
work stations. This publication also and operation of remote work stations are:
introduces Job Entry Control Language IBM System/360 work station
(JECL) with which a user requests, con- IBM System/360 Basic Operating System
trols, and maintains RJE facilities in System Generat10n and Maintenance,
the system. Form c24-5060
The material contained in this docu- Programmer's Guide, Form C24-3372
ment is to be used for planning purposes Control Program and Assembler Oper-
only. For Remote Job Entry information ating GU1de, Form c24-3450
not pertaining to MFT (i. e., MVT) , the Operator Message, Form C24-5024
user should consult: IBM System/360 IBM System/360 Basic Programming Support
Operating System Remote Job Entry, Form Programmer's Guide, Form C24-3350
C30-2006. IBM 2780 Data Transmission Terminal work
The RJE user should be familiar with station
the concepts and terminology introduced IBM 2780 Data Transmission Terminal
in: Component Description, Form A27-3005
IBM System/360 Operating System IBM 1130 Comput1ng System work station
Introduction, Form C28-6534 IBM 1130 Disk Monitor System, Version 2,
Concepts and Facilities, Form System Introduction, Form C26-3709
C28-6535 IBM 1130 Functional Characteristics,
Job Control Language, Form C28-6539 Form A26-588l
The installation programmer responsi-
ble for the creation and maintenance of
First Edition, December 1967
Specifications contained herein are subject to change from time to time.
Any such change will be reported in subsequent revisions or Technical
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