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File Number S360-21
Order No. GC24-3414-7 DOS

Systems Reference Library

IBM System/360
Disk and Tape Operating Systems
Assembler Language

This reference publication contains specifications
for the IBM System/360 Disk and Tape Operating
Systems Assembler Language (including macro
instructions and conditional assembly facilities).

The assembler language is a symbolic
programming language used to write progra.ms for
the IBM System/360. The language provides a
convenient means for representing the machine
instructions and related data necessary ,to progrant
the IBM System/360. The IBM System/360 Disk and
Tape Operating Systems Assembler Programs process
the language and provide auxiliary functions
useful in the preparation and documentation of a
program, and include facilities for processing
macro instructions.

Part 1 of this publication is an introduction
to the assembler language.

Part 2 describes the basic functions of the
assembler language.

Part 3 describes the conditional assembly and
macro facilities in the assembler language .

.,,-.. ,


This publication is a reference manual for iBM System/360 machine concepts. The pub-
the programmer using the assembler language lications most closely related to this are:
(including macro definitions and condition-
al assembly facilities). This publication 1. IBM System/360 Principles of Operation,
also contains information peculiar to the Order No. GA22-682l.
IBM System/360 Disk and Tape Operating Sys-
tems for the D and F assembler. 2. IBM System/360 Disk Operating System:
Part 1 of this publication presents Data Management Concepts, Order No.
information common to all parts of the GC24-3427, or
language. Part 2 contains specific infor- IBM System/360 Tape Operating System:
mation concerning the symbolic machine Data Management Concepts, Order No.
instruction codes and the assembler program GC24-3430.
functions provided for the programmer's
use. Part 3 of this publication describes 3. IBM System/360 Disk Operating System:
the conditional assembly and macro facili- Supervisor and Input/Output Macros,
ties in the assembler language. Order No. GC24-S037 or
.A.ppendixes A through P follow Part 3. IBM System/360 Tape Operating System:
Appendixes A through F are associated with Supervisor and Input/Output Macros,
Parts 1 and 2 and present such items as a Order No. GC24-S03S.
summary chart for constants, instruction
listings, character set representations, 4. IBM System/360 Disk Operating System:
and other aids to programming. Appendix System Control and System Service Pro-
G contains macro facility summary charts, grams, Order No. GC24-S036 or
and Appendix H discusses table capacities IBM System/360 Tape Ope~ting System:
for various elements of the language. Appen- System Control and System Service Pro-
dix I is a sample program and assembler grams, Order No. GC24-S034.
listing description. Appendix J is a fea-
tures comparison chart of the IBM System/360 S. IBM Systern/360 Disk Operating System:
asse~lers. Appendix K gives examples of the System Generation and Maintenance,
cards needed for assembler runs. Appendix L Order No. GC24-S033 or
contains a description of how another ver- IBM System/360 Tape Operating System:
sion of the assembler can be included in the System Generation and Maintenance,
core-image library. Appendix M describes Order No. GC24-S0lS.
the output produced by the assembler.
Appendix N explains the diagnostic error 6. IBM System/360 Disk and Tape Operating
messages that can be issued by the assembler. Systems utility Macro Specifications,
Appendix 0 contains self-relocating program Order No. GC24-S042.
techniques. Appendix P contains sample macro
definitions. Titles and abstracts of other related
Prerequisite for a thorough understanding publications are listed in the IBM
of this publication is a basic knowledge of System/360 Bibliography, Order No. GA22-6822.

Eighth Edition (January 1970)

This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, GC24-3414-6. All changes to the text, and small
changes to illustrations, are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change; changed or
added illustrations are denoted by the symbol. to the left of the caption.
This edition applies to:
version 2, modification 5, of 360M - AS - 465 of the Tape Operating System, Assembler (D)
version 3, modification 5, of 360N - AS - 465 of the Disk Operating System, Assembler (D)
ve~ion 3, modification 7, of 360N - AS - 466 of the Disk Operating System, Assembler (F)
and to all subsequent modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical
Newsletters. Changes are periodically made to the specifications herein; before using this
publication in connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the latest SRL
Newsletter, Form N20-0360, for the editions that are applicable and current.

Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the
IBM branch office serving your locality.

A form is provided at the back of this publication for reader's comments. If the form has been
removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Nordic Laboratory, Technical Communications,
Box 962, S-18109 Lidingo 9, Sweden.