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File Number 1401/1460-30
Form C24-1462-3

Systems Reference Library

Input/Output Control System (on Tape)
Specifications and Operating Procedures
IBM 1401 and 1460

Program NI:.Jmber 1401 - 10 - 065

This publication describes the programming required
to use lacs to control the input/output of data from
card reader, card punch, printer, and tape files. The
lacs descriptive entries (DlaCS and DTF) and macro
instructions are explained in detail. The types of data
records and tape labels handled by lacs "are defined.
Also, two sections are included that should be espe-
cially useful to experienced programmers: (1) Sum-
maries - briefly lists storage-area considerations, macro
instructions, and processing-overlap considerations; (2)
Program Operation - describes lacs library routines,
labels, halts, and error indications.
lacs is a supplement to the 1401 Autocoder program,
and the reader should be familiar with the program
described in Autocoder (on Tape) Specifications for
IBM 1401 and 1460, Form C24-1434.
Fourth Edition

This is a reprint of C24-1462-2 incorporating changes released in the following Tech-
nical Newsletter:

Form Number Pages Affected

N24-0286 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12.1, December 23, 1964
25, 26, 28, 29, 33, and 34

Significant changes or additions to the specifications contained in this publication will
be reported in subsequent revisions or Technical Newsletters.

Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or
to the IBM branch office serving your locality.

Address comments concerning this manual to: IBM Corporation, Programming Publica-
tions, Dept. 425, Rochester, Minn. 55901.