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A Semaphore Corporation
publication for Usa
users and developers.

Shading a LlsaDraw cannot recognize that
the object is one enclosed region.
Rounded Region How can the object be shaded?

Imagine using LisaOraw to One solution is to define a more
construct the fOllowing region or less congruent polygon, such


using four line segments and an but with the Unes deflned White
arc. You group all of the instead of black. Then shade the
objects (in an attempt to form polygon, position it to overlap
one region) and ask LlsaDraw to the original region, and send the
shade the result, only to see: polygon to the background.
The final result will look like
the desired reglon, shaded In the
arc by the foreground object, and
Because IncJlvl(lUal Une segments ShaOeCJ everywnere else by the
have been used as boundaries, background polygon.