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File No. 8360-36

Program Logic

Version 8.1

IBM System/360 Time Sharing System
Task Monitor

This publication describes the internal logic of the
group of routines that make up the task monitor. The
task monitor deals with the reception and control of
those interruptions that directly concern the user of
the system. It resides in virtual memory and is com-
posed of ten modules.
Program logic manuals are directed to systems
engineers and programmers who require descriptions of
the internal logic of a system. Together with program
listings, they can be used to examine specific areas of
program logic for purposes of maintaining or altering
the system.

The task monitor resides in virtual PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS
storage and directs the processing of task-
oriented interruptions. This book attempts IBM System/360 Principles of Operation,
to make clear the internal logic of the GA22-6821
group of routines which comprise the task IBM System/360 Time Sharing System:
monitor. System Logic Summary, GY28-2009

For more information about interruption
There are five sections in this manual. handling macro instructions, SVC codes,
Section 1, the introduction, provides back- linkages, time sharing support and virtual
ground information essential to an under- support systems, and system control blocks,
standing of task monitor processing. Sec- see:
tion 2, Method of operation, contains a
general overview of that processing. From IBM System/360 Time Sharing System:
this section the reader should be able to Assembler User Macro Instructions,
gain an understanding of how the task mon- GC28-2004
itor accomplishes its objectives. Section Resident SupervisorPLM, GY28-2012
3 describes program organization. It con- System Programmer's Guide, GC28-2008
sists of flowcharts and detail.ed routine Time Sharing Support System,
descriptions. Section 4, Data Areas, con- GC28-2006
tains a brief description of the control System Control Blocks PLM, GY28-2011
blocks used by the task monitor, and how
they are used. Section 5, Diagnostic Aids,
contains helpful information for the cus-
tomer engineer; for example, a microfiche
directory and layouts of the task monitor's
enter tables and log.

Fourth Edition (September 1971)

This is a major revision of, and makes obsolete GY28-
2041-). This edition should be reviewed in its
The task monitor has been changed to improve handling
of attention interruptions, program interruptions, and
MCB headers. In addition, improvements to the HOLD and
DROP commands have necessitated some changes.

This edition is current with Version 8, Modification 1,
of IBM system/360 Time Sharing System (TSS/360l and
remains in effect for all subsequent versions or modi-
fications of TSS/360 unless otherwise noted. Signifi-
cant changes or additions to this publication will be
provided in new editions or Technical Newsletters.
Before using this publication, refer to the latest edi-
tion of IBM System/360 Time Sharing System: Addendum,
GC28-2043, Which may contain information pertinent to
the topics covered in this edition. The Addendum also
lists the editions of all TSS/360 publications that are
applicable and current.

Specifications contained herein are subject to change
from time to time. Any such change will be reported in
subsequent revisions or Technical Newsletters.
This publication was prepared for production using an IBM computer to
update the text and to control the page and line format. Page impres-
sions for photo-offset printing were obtained from an IBM 140) Printer
using a special print chain.
Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM
representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality.
A form is provided at the back of this publication for reader's com-
ments. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM
Corporation, Time Sharing System/360 Programming Publications, Depart-
ment 643, Neighborhood Road, Kingston, New York 12401.