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File No. 8370-36
Order No. GC28-2004-6

IBM Time Sharing System
Assembler User
Systems Macro Instructions

Provides the information necessary to code assembler
language macro instructions in the I BM Time Sharing
System (TS8). The intended audience is non privileged
assembler language users.

The primary macro instruction services are program
management and data management. These macro
instructions facilitate T8S application programming.

The first section describes lhe macro instructions by
functional groups, enabling the user to select macro
instructions needed to manage programs (manage virtual
storage, load and link modules, handle interruptions,
transfer to command mode, use SYSIN/SYSOUT and the
system log, communicate with the operator, maintain
timers, and create commands) and to manage data
(define, connect, access, manipulate, disconnect, or
remove data sets). The second section lists the macro
instructions alphabetically and provides the information
needed to code the macro instructions. Appendixes
describe exit lists, synchronous error exits, end-of-data
processing, machine control characters, linkage conven-
tions, DCB fields, the DDEF macro instruction, the
generation of literals by macro instructions, interruption
handling, the TSS Macro and Copy library, data set
sharing, the OPEN/CLOSE generated parameter list, and
the conditional assembly of macro instructions.


The reader should be familiar with the information
presented in the publications:

IBM Time Sharing System:
Concepts and Facilities, GC28-2003
Assembler Language, GC2S-2000

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Page of GC28-2004-6
Revised 27 Nov, 1979
By TNL GN20-7000

This ?ublication contains a de8cription Appendixes -- explains the U8e of exit
of the IB~ Time Sharing System (TSS) macro routines, control characters available wi'
instructions available to the nonprivileged certain data management facilities and il
assembler language user. terruption handling routines, and the con-
ditional assembly of macro instructions.
The publlcation is divided as follows:

rart I: r.acro Instruction Services
contains a summary of the macro instruc-
tions arranged into functional categories.
Following a brief summary of the catego-
ries, section 1 describes the data manage-
m8nt services and section 2 describe s the
program &anagement services of TSS.

~art II: Macro Instructions - provides
descriptions of the TSS macro instructions.
section 1 shows how th8 macro instructions
are described and defines the terms and Other recommended TSS publications are:
syrubols used in the macro instruction
descriptions. section 2 includes the de-
tailed descriptions of the macro instruc-
tions, arranged alphabetically; the 'lAMII
fuacro instructions are described in Appen-
dix N.

Sevent,h Edition {August 1976)

This .is a revision of, and makes obsolete, GC28-2004-5 and
Technical Newsletter GN28-3202.

This edition has been updated technica~ly to reflect the ad-
dition of new macros for: handling virtual storage segments~
T~ese macros are as follovs:
BSVSEG -- Reserve Segment Group
DISCSEG -- Disconnect Segment Group
RELSEG Release Reserved segment Group
DRLSEG -- Delete Disconnected Segment Group
CONSEG -- Connect Disconnected Ssg.ant Group

Othtr technical changes are:

A new operand has been added to the GETI'lAIN macro ..

New intet:rupti.on codes for the SPEC .aero have been
added to indicate monitor call and prograa event

A Change in return codes for the GATRD .aero.

A new pat:ameter for the SAEC and SIEC macros.

This edition is current with Release 2.0 of the IB~ Time
Sharing system/370 ITSS/370) r and remains in e