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General Information 1. Check for correct location of all neck compo- 2. Adjust VR401 so that the horizontal centre of PIF ADJUSTMENT Adjustment Sequence
nents (See figure. 5). the picture may be coincident with the The VCR should be adjusted in the sequence
2. Rough-in the static convergence at the centre mechanical centre of CRT. 1. APPARATUS CONNECTION & shown below.
Also Covers: of the CRT, as explained in the static conver- PRESETTING
DVT-1484D, DVT-2084D 3. Rotate the picture control to centre of its 1. Receive RETMA pattern signal. CONNECTION
rotation range, and rotate brightness control 2. Adjust the FOCUS VOLUME on the FBT and 1. Connect H-out of LSW-480 to X-axis of the
to max. CW position. make the picture on the screen be finest. oscilloscope and V-out of LSW-480 to Y-axis
Ferguson 4. Apply green color signal to procedure a green of the oscilloscope.
raster. 2. Connect the sweep signal output to TP1.
FG 14 CB 12V, FG 20 CB 12V 5. Loosen the deflection yoke tilt adjustment
1. Receive PAL COLOR BAR signal in the VHF 3. Set ATTENUATOR of LSW-480 to 30dB.
wedges (3), loosen the deflection yoke clamp high band where the strength of signal can be 4. Supply 12V D.C. voltage (B+) to TP4.
Goodmans screw and push the deflection yoke as close 60-65 dB. 5. Supply 4-5V D.C. voltage to TP3.
as possible to the CRT screen. 2. Set the CONTRAST control to Max., the
TVC 1400 & TVC 14 VP 6. Begin the following adjustment with the tabs BRIGHTNESS control to provide adequate PRESET
on the round purity magnet rings set together, black and grey scales. 1) Oscilloscope Scaling
initially move the tabs on the round purity 3. Maintain the fine tuning on the screen, and a) Put the scale of X and Y of the oscilloscope
magnet rings to the side of the CRT neck. adjust VR601 (AGC DELAY CONTROL VR.) to D.C level.
Then, slowly separate the two tabs while at in order that it may be located on the position b) Set the horizontal time display to X-Y
Electrical Adjustments (TV) the CRT. This is accomplished as follows: the same time rotating them to adjust for a which the picture noise disappear on the c) Put the horizontal axis (X) to 1V/div. and the
uniform green vertical band at the CRT image. vertical axis (Y) to 2V/div.
GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Switch the receiver on allow it to warm up for screen.
All adjustments are throughly checked and 15 minutes. 7. Carefully side the deflection yoke backward to MAIN B+ (+103V) ADJUSTMENT 2) LSW-480 MARKER FREQ. SETTING.
corrected when the receiver leaves the factory. 2. Apply crosshatch pattern from dot/bar achieve green purity. (uniform green screen) 1. Set the Bright, Contrast and colour to MAX.
Therefore the receiver should operate normally generator to the receiver. Observe spacing Centre purity was obtained by adjusting the 2. Connect DC voltage meter to the P405 and fp(n+1) fs fc fp-2 fp fs(n-1)
and produce proper colour and B/W pictures between lines around edges of the CRT tabs on the round purity magnet rings, outer adjust VR801 for +103V DC. B/G, D/K, L 31.9 33.4 34.5 36.9 38.9 40.4
upon installation. But, several minor adjust- screen. edge purity was obtained by sliding the 31.9 33.5 35.07 37.5 39.5 41
ments may be required depending on the 3. Tilt the deflection yoke up and down, and deflection yoke forward. Tighten the deflection
particular location in which the receiver is insert tilt adjustment wedges 1 and 2 between yoke clamp screw.
operated. This receiver is shipped completely in the deflection yoke and the CRT until the mis- 8. Check for red and blue field purity by applying
a card-board carton. Carefully draw out the convergence illustrated in figure. 2 (A) has red signal and touch up adjustments, if
receiver from the carton and remove all packing been corrected. required. SERVO
materials. 4. Tilt the deflection yoke right and left, and 9. Perform black and white tracking procedure.
Plug the power cord into a AC power outlet. insert tilt adjustment wedge 3 between the 1. PLAYBACK PHASE
Turn the receiver ON and adjust the FINE deflection yoke and the CRT until mis- SCREEN & WHITE BALANCE ADJUSTMENT
TUNING for the best picture detail. Check and convergence illustrated in figure. 2 (B) has 1. This adjustment is to be made only after Mode Play
adjust all the customer controls such as been corrected. warming up at least 15 minutes. Adjustment Parts R595
BRIGHTNESS, CONTRAST and COLOUR 5. Alternately change spacing between, and 2. Receive B/W pattern signal Check Point TP396
Controls to obtain a natural B/W picture. depth of the insertion of, the three wedges 3. Set the RGB Bias VR (R522, R512, R502) to Test Equipments Oscilloscope
until proper dynamic convergence is ob- center. Test Tape DP-1
PROTECTION CIRCUIT CHECK tained. 4. Set the G, B Drive VR (R515, R505) to
1. Turn on the receiver. 6. Use a strong adhesive tape to firmly secure CENTER. Location of Adjustments Parts
2. The receiver must be turned off and changed latch of the three rubber wedges to the funnel 5. Set the CONTRAST, BRIGHTNESS, COLOR II. ADJUSTMENT OF AFT(B/G, D/K, I, L) MAIN PCB
in stand-by mode. of the CRT. control to MIN, and Sub-brightness control to 1. Connect the test point of LSW-480 to TP2.
7. Check purity and readjust, if necessary. CENTER. 2. Adjust L103 (AFT COIL) so that the P marker
HIGH VOLTAGE CHECK 6. Rotate the R, G and B Bias VR of the other point is located on the reference level.
1. Connect an accurate high voltage metre to STATIC (CENTRE) CONVERGENCE color which did not appear on the screen
the anode of the picture tube. ADJUSTMENT clockwise, until a dim white is obtained.
2. Turn on the receiver. Set the BRIGHTNESS 1. Switch the receiver on and allow it to warm 7. Rotate the Screen control gradually anti-
and CONTRAST controls to minimize (zero up for 15 minutes. clockwise until the last horizontal line
beam current). 2. Connect the output of a crosshatch generator disappears on the screen.
3. High voltage should be below 27.5kv to the receiver and concentrating on the 8. Set the CONTRAST, BRIGHTNESS, COLOR
(14:25.0kv, 21": 29.0kv) centre of the CRT screen, proceed as follows: control to MAX.
a. Locate the pair of 4 pole magnet rings. 9. Set the G, B Drive VR to obtain the best white Observation Waveform
AUTOMATIC DEGAUSSING Rotate individual rings (Change spacing uniformity on the screen. Horizontal Axis: S/DIV
A degaussing coil is mounted around the picture between tabs) to converge the vertical red 10.Rotate the CONTRAST, BRIGHTNESS, Vertical Axis: CH1: SW30, CH2: V.OUT
tube so that external degaussing after moving and blue lines. Rotate the pair of rings COLOR controls until a dim raster is obtained Electrical Adjustments (VCR)
the receiver is normally unnecessary. Providing (maintaing spacing between tabs) to con- and touch-up adjustment of RGB Bias VR to
the receiver is properly degaussed upon verge the horizontal red and blue lines. (Refer obtain the best white uniformity on the screen. ALIGNMENT AND ELECTRICAL ADJUST-
installation. The degaussing coil operates for to fig. 1 (A)) MENT
about 1 second after the power of the receiver is b. After completing red and blue centre conver- SUB-BRIGHTNESS ADJUSTMENT
switched ON. If the set is moved or placed in a gence, locate the pair of 6 pole magnet rings. 1. White balance adjustment must proceed this For these adjustment, use the equipment
different direction, the power switch must be Rotage individual rings (change spacing procedure. mentioned below The suitable output waveform
switched off for at least 15 minutes in order to between tabs) to converge the vertical red 2. Set the CONTRAST, BRIGHTNESS, COLOR of the color-bar singal and proceed by using the
make the automatic degaussing circuit operate and blue (Magenta) and green lines. Rotate control to MIN. alignment tape and video signal. generator is Adjustment Procedure
properly. the pair of rings (maintaining spacing 3. Rotate the SUB-BRIGHTNESS VR (VRAO1) shown below.
Should the chassis or parts of the cabinet between tabs) to converge the horizontal red gradually CCW until the last beam disappears 1. Preparation
become magnetized to cause poor colour purity, and blue (Magenta) and green lines. (Refer to on the screen. Instrument and Tools Required 1) Play back on test tape (COLOR BAR).
use an external degaussing coil. Slowly move Fig. 1(B)) 1. Color TV receiver. 2) Set the oscilloscope to the CHOP mode.
the degaussing coil around the faceplate of the VERTICAL HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT 2. Oscilloscope having 10 MHz or more Connect CH1 to the SW PULSE (PT01 (3))
picture tube, the sides and front of the receiver COLOR PURITY ADJUSTMENT 1. Receive RETMA pattern signal. bandwidth. and CH2 to the VIDEO OUT (TP396) and
and slowly withdraw the coil to a distance of For the best result, it is recommended that the 2. Set the BRIGHTNESS control and CON- 3. Color-bar generator. trigger the scope with the signal from CHi.
about 2m before disconnecting it from the AC purity adjustment is made in final receiver TRAST control to Max., and the COLOR 4. Frequency counter. 2. Adjustment
source. location. If the receiver will be moved, perform control to centre. 5. VTVM. 1) Adjust R595 to position the rising edge of SW
If colour shading still persists, perform the adjustment with it's facing east. The receiver 3. Adjust VR301 for the optimum vertical height 6. VOM (20 k