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File Number S360-28 BOS
Form C24--3387-3

Systems Reference Library

IBM System/360
Basic Operating System
Report Program Generator

This reference publication contains fundamentals
of RPG programndng and language specifications for
the IBM System/360 Basic Operating System Report
Program Generator. For information on the Basic
Operating System that is beyond the purpose of
this language pUblication, see IBM System/360
Basic Operating System Programmer's Guide,
Form C24-3372.

For the titles and abstracts of associated
publications, see the IBM Systern/360 Bibliography,
Form A22-6822.

The System/360 Basic operating system 6. Branch within the calculations, and
Report Program Generator (RPG) is a
problem-oriented langUage designed to pro-
vide users with an efficient, easy-to-use 7. sequence-check input records.
technique for generating programs that can:
1. Obtain data records from single- or RPG uses a set of specifications sheets
multiple-input files, on which the user makes entries. The forms
are simple, and the headings on the sheets
2. Perform calculations on data taken from are largely self-explanatory.
input records or RPG literals,
Although many reports use only one input
3. write printed reports, file, RPG can combine data from multiple
input files to create a report. The output
4. Use Table Lookup, may be a single report, or it may be sever-
al reports created simultaneously on dif-
5. Exit to a user's subroutine written in ferent devices.
a language other than RPG,


The titles of some IBM programming systems have been simplified
as shown here:

former: IBM System/360 Basic Operating System .... (8K Disk)
new: IBM System/360 Basic Operating System

former: IBM System/360 Basic Operating System .... (.16K Tape)
new: IBM System/360 Tape Operating System

former: IBM System/360 Basic Operating System .... (16K Disk)
new: IBM System/360 Disk Operating System

Major Revision, May 1966

This edition, C24-3387-3, is a major reV1Slon of and obsoletes
Form C24-3387-2, and Technical Newsletters N24-5023 and N24-5037.
Changes are designated in three ways:

1. A vertical line appears at the left of affected text where
only a part of the page has been changed.
2. A dot (e) appears at the left of the page number where the
complete page should be reviewed.
3. A dot (e) appears at the left of the title of each figure that
has been chnaged.

Cop~es of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch
Offlces. A form has been provided at the back of this publication for readers'
comments. I~ the fo:m h~s been detached, comments may be directed to:
IBM Programmlng Publlcatlons, Endicott, New York 13760.

D by International Business Machines Corporation 1965