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by Jonathan D. Simonoff
Macintosh User Education
Apple Computer, Inc.
The Usa
~ ~ for SOftware Oevelqes
~le has.8 low-cost l1cens~ progJarlt, Which permtts deVelopers Of software
for the Lisa to lrlCOrporate ~1e-deVelq)ed libraries am ooject code files
Into their pl'tlOJets. Both In-twJuse n2 external distribution l8(JJlre a llcense.
Before d1st.rlbut1~ eI'ly procl.Cts that lrmrporate ~le software, please
contact SOftware Llcens~ at the dJIess below for bOth llcens~ ens
tecmlcal lnformatlcn
el983 by ~le ~r, 1m
20525 Martel'll AVfnIJ
~rt1ro, California 9501"
~le, LIsa, am the ~le 10',1) are tradellmkS of ~le ~r, 1m
Sirrulta'leOUSly pt.a)lished In the USA am C8aada.
o.tmner satlsfactkIl
If you discover physicaldefects In the fTlEI'U8ls dlst.rlbuted wltn a Lisa
~ or In the media on Whidl a software procl.lct Is dlstrlbuted, ~le will
replace the doa.mentatlon or media at no aage to you ~ the 9O-day
periOd after yoo pulctaseeJ the procl.Ict.
In acJdlUoo, If ~le releases a correcUve l4)date to a software ~t ~
tne 9O-day periOd after you purchased the SOftwre, ~e ~. replace the
appllcable dlSkettes n:J doa.mentaUoo with the revised version at no Charge
to you (ln1ng tile six maltns after tile date of pulChaSe.
In scme COU'ltries tile replacement periOd may be different; CheCk with your
auttoriZed LIsa dealer. Return 8l)' Item to be replaced with proof of
pUJChase to ~eor to CI'l auttorlzed Usa dealer.
UmltaUm m W8rIaltJes 8'ld LJabWty
. All lrT1lUecJ ~tles concerning tnts rnerud and media, inclUdIng lrT1l11ed
warrantles of merchantablllty ns ntness for a particular purpose, are llmltecl
In maration to ninety (90) days fnm the date of original retall purchaSe of
Even tI'loUCJ1 ~le teas tested the software deSCrlbed In this fTlEI'U8l em
revte'Ned its CCIltents, ne1tner ~le ror Its SOftware ~llers make 81y
warranty or representatlo\ eltner ~ress or lrT1l11ed, with respect to this
mcrual or to the software CleSCrlbed In tills rnn.taL tnetr quality,
perforrrsa, merchantabWty, or fltness fOr any particular purpose. ~ a
result, this SOftware a'O fTlEI'U8l are sold -as Is,: am you the purchaSer are
asst.mlrYJ tne enUre rlsk as to their quality and peJ'fOrmallC8.
In ro event will ~le or Its software ~llers be 11able for dlrect, lndlrect,
special, lrotdentaL or ca aseQJenUal da'nageS resultlBJ fnrn CI'ly defeet In tne
software or rnn.taL even