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Model 7071 General Purpose Matrix Card
Instruction Manual

Contains Operating and Servicing Information

Publication Date: June 1991
Document Number: 7071-901-01 Rev. D
Keithley Instruments, Inc. warrants this product to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of 1 year from
date of shipment.

Keithley Instruments, Inc. warrants the following items for 90 days from the date of shipment: probes, cables, rechargeable batter-
ies, diskettes, and documentation.

During the warranty period, we will, at our option, either repair or replace any product that proves to be defective.

To exercise this wannty, write or call your local Kcithley representative, or contact Keithley headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio. You
will bc given prompt assistance and return instructions. Send the product, transportation prepaid, to the indicated service facility.
Repairs will be made and the product returned, transportation prepaid. Repaired or replaced products are warranted for the balance
of the original warranty period, or at least 90 days.

This warranty does not apply to defects resulting from product modification without Keithley's express written consent, or misuse
of any product or part. This warranty also does not apply to fuses, software, non-rechargeable batteries, damage from battery leak
age, or problems arising from normal wear or failure to follow instructions.



This instrument has been inspected and tested in accordance with specifications published by Keithley Instruments, Inc,

The accuracy and calibration of this instrument me traceable to the National Bureau of Standards through equipment which is cali-
brated at planned intervals by comparison to certified standards maintained in the Laboratories of Keithley Instruments, Inc.
Instruction Manual
Model 7071
General Purpose Matrix Card

01984 Keithley Instruments, Inc.
Instruments Division
Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.
Document Number: 7071-901-01
Safety Precautions

The following safety precautions should be obsewed before using Users of this product most be protected from electric shock at all
this product and any associated instrumentation. Although some in- times. The responsible body most ensure that users arc prcvcnlcd
~trument~ and accessories would nomudly bc used with non-haz- access and/or insulated from every connection point. In some cases.
ardous voltages, there are situations where hazardous conditions connections must be exposed to potential human contact. Product
may be present. users in these circumstances must be trained 10 protect tb~n~s~l~~s
from the risk of electric shock. If the circuit is capable of operating
This product is intended for "se by qoalilied personnel who recog- at or above 1000 votts, no conductive part of the circuit may be
nize shock hazards and are familiar with the safety precautions re- exposed.
quired to avoid porsiblc injury Read the operating information
carefully before using the product. As described in tbc lntcmational Electrotechnical Commission
([EC) Standard IEC 664, dig&l multimeter measuting circuits
The types of product users are: (e.g., Kcithley Models 175A. 199. 200% 2001. 2002, sod 2010) are
Responsible body is the individual or group responsible for the "se Installation Category II. All other iostmmcots signal tuminals arc
and maintenaocc of equipment, for ensuring that the equipment is Installation Category I sod must not be connected to maios.
operated within its specifications and operating limits. and for en-
suring that operators are adequately trained. Do not connect switching cards directly to unlimited powcrcircuits.
They are intended to hc used with im~daoce limited sour~cs.
Operators "se the product for its intended function. They most be NEVER connect switching cards directly to AC mains. When cons
trained in electrical safety procedorcs and proper "se of the instru- nccth~g SOU~CCS switching cards, insult protoctivc devices 1" lim
ment. They must be pro&ted from electric shock and contact with it fault torrent and voltage to the card.
hazudous live circuits.
Before operating an iostromcnt, make sure the line cord is connect-
Maintenance personnel perform routine procedures on the product cd to a properly grounded power reccptaclc. Inspcc~ the connecting
to keep it operating, for example, setting tbc line voltage or replac- cables. test leads, ;ind jumpers for possible war. cracks, or breaks
ingconsumable materials. Maintenance procedures aredescribed in before each use.
the manual. The procedures explicitly state if tbc operator may per-
form them. Otherwise, they should be performed only by service For maximom safety. do nut touch the product. test cables. or any
personnel. other instruments while power is applied to the circuit under test.
ALWAYS remove power from the entire test system and discharge
Service personnel arc trained to work on live circuits, and perform any capacitors bcforc: connecting or disconnecting cables or jumpy
safe installations and repairs of products. Only properly trained ser. crs, installing or removing switching cards. or making intcnul
vice personnel may perform installation and sewicc procedures. changes, such as installing or removing jumpers.

Exercise extreme caution when a shock hazard is present. Lethal Do not touch any "bjcct that could provide a curreot path to the
voltage may be present on cable connector jacks or test fixtures. The comm"" side of the circuit under test or power line (earth) ground.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) states that a shock Always make mea~~ren~cnts with dry hands while stmding on n
hazard exists when voltage levels greater than 30V RMS, 42.4V dry, insulated surface capable of withstanding the voltage being
peak, or 60VDC are present. A good safety practice is to expect measured.
that hazardous voltage is present in any unknown circuit before
The instrument and accessories must be used in accordance with its The WARNING heading in a manual explains dangers that might
specitications and operating instructions or the safety of the equip- result in personal injury or death. Always read the associated infor-
ment may be impaired. mation very carefully before performing the indicated procedure.

Do not exceed the maximum signal levels of the instruments and ac- The CAUTION heading in a manual explains hazards that could
cessories, as defined in the specifications and operating informa- damage the instrument. Such damage may invalidate the warranty.
tion, and as shown on the instrument or test fixture panels, or
switching card. Instrumentation and accessories shall not be connected to humans.

when fuses are used in a product, replace with same type and rating Before performing any maintenance, disconnect the line cord and
for continued protection against fin: hazard. all test cables.
To maintain protection from electric shock and fire, replacement
Chassis connections must only be used as shield connections for
components in mains circuits, including the powcr transformer, test
measuring circuits, NOT as safety earth ground connections.
leads, and input jacks, must be purchased from Keithley Instn-
merits. Standard fuses, with applicahlc national safety approvals,
If you are using a test fixture, keep the lid closed while power is ap-
may be used if the rating and type are the same. Other components
plied to the device under test. Safe operation requires the use of a
that are not safety related may be purchased from other suppliers as
lid interlock.
long as they are equivalent to the original component. (Note that sc-
lead parts should be purchased only through Keithley Instruments
Ifa@ screw is present, connect it to safety earth ground using the
to maintain accuracy and functionality of the product.) If you are
wire recommended in the user documentation.
unsure about the applicability of a replacement component, call a
Keithlcy Instruments office for information.
m A symbol on an instrument indicates that the uscr should re-
fer to the operating instructions located in the manual.
To clean an instrument, use a damp cloth or mild, water based
cleaner. Clean the exterior of the insrmment only. Do not apply
Then symbol on an instrument shows that it can source or mca-
cleaner directly to the instrument or allow liquids to enter or spill
sum 1003 volts or more, including the combined effect of normal
on the instmmcnt. Products that consist of a circuit board with no
and common mode voltages. Use standard safety precautions to
case or chassis (e.g., data acquisition board for installation into a
avoid personal contact with these voltages.
computer) should never require cleaning if handled according to in-
stmctions. If tbc board becomes contaminated and operation is af-
fccted, the board should be returned to the factory for proper

Rev. IO/99
The following safety precautions should be observed before using the Model 7071 and the associated instru-

This matrix card is intended for use by qualified personnel who recognize shock hazards and are familiar
with the safety precautions required to avoid possible injury. Read over this manual carefully before using
the matrix card.

ALWAYS remove power from the entire system (Model 707, test instruments, DUT, etc.) and discharge any
capacitors before doing any of the following:

1. Installing or removing the matrix card from the mainframe.

2. Connecting or disconnecting cables from the mahix card. The pins of the Model 7078~MTC cable con-
nectors are easily accessible making them extremely hazardous to handle while power is applied.

3. Making internal changes to the card (such as removing or installing jumpers and quick-disconnect ter-
minal blocks).

Exercise extreme caution when a shock hazard is present at the test fixtire. User-supplied lethal voltages
may be present on the fixture or the connector jacks. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
states that a shock hazard exists when voltage levels greater than 30V Rh4S or 42.4V peak are present. A good
safety practice is to expect that hazardous voltage is present in any unknown circuit before measuring.

Do not exceed ZOOV between any two pins or between any pin and earth ground

Inspect the connecting cables and test leads for possible wear, cracks, or breaks before each use.

For maximum safety, do not touch the test fixture, test cables or any instruments while power is applied to
the circuit under test.

Do not touch any object which could provide a current path to the common side of the circuit under test or
power line (earth) ground.

Do not exceed the maximum signal levels of the test fixture, as defined in the specifications and operation
section of this manual.

Do not connect the matrix card directly to unlimited power circuits. This product is intended to be used with
impedance limited sources. NEVER connect the matrix card directly to ac mains.

When connecting sources, install protective devices to limit fault current and voltage to the card

The chassis connections on the PC board (located behind the front panel of the matrix card) must only be
used as shield connections for measuring circuits, NOT as safety earth ground connections.

8 rows by 12 columns. Path WvIIiz, 1MO load): > 1OWo. clOpF.
Spole Form A. DifferentfaI: 109, 45pF nominal.
CONNECTOR TYYPE:Quick disconnect using Common Mode: lO'R, 165pF nominal.
38 pin umnectom or screw temals (HI, INSERTION LOSS (YMHz, 50" source, IMR
LO, Guard). load): O.ldB tvoicaf.
cany/O.SA switched. 1OVA peak (resistive
RELAY DRIVE CURRENT (Per crosspoint):
between any 2 pins or chassis.
Opedng: O" to WC, up to 35'C at 70% R.H.
Cold Switching: 10' closures. Storage: -25 to +65-C.
At M&mum Sigrul Level: 10' closures. ACCESSORY SUPPLIED: Instnxtion manual
initial, <1.5ll at end of contact life. Model 7078~CIT: Contact Insertion and
CONTACT POTENTIAL: <5pV per aosspoint Extraction Tools
(HI to LO). Model 707%HCT: Hand Crimping Tool
OFFSET CURRENT: Model 707EMTC: Mass Terminated Cable
Assembly, 6m (20 ft.)
Contains information on Model 7071 features, specifica-
tions, and accessories. SECTION 1
General Information

Details installation of the Model 7071 General Purpose
Matrix Card within the Model 707 Switching M&ix,
covers card connections, and also discusses basic m&ix
configurations and matrix expansion. Operation I

Gives two typical applications for the Model 7071, in-
cluding thick film resistor network testing and tran- SECTION 3 '
sistor testing.

Contains performance verification procedures, trouble-
shooting information and principles of operation for SECTION 4 /
the matrix card.
Service Information

Lists replacement parts, and also includes component
layout and schematic drawings for the Model 7071.
Replaceable Parts i
Table of Contents

SECTION i-General Information
1.1 INTRODUCIION ......................... 1-l
1.2 FFXURES ......................... 1-l
1.3 WARRANTY INFORMATION ......................... 1-l
1.4 MANUAL ADDENDA ......................... 1-l
1.5 SAFETY SYMBOLS AND TERMS ............ ......................... l-1
1.6 SPECIFICATIONS ........................... ......................... l-1
1.7 UNPACKING and INSPECTION .............. ......................... 1-l
1.7.1 Inspection for Damage ...... ......... ......................... l-1
1.7.2 Shiuuine Contents ......... ......... .......................... 1-2
1.73 Inst%ti;n Manual ......... ......................... 1-2
1.8 REPACKING FOR SHIPMENT ......... ......................... 1-2
1.9 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES.. ......... ......................... 1-2

SECTION 2-Operation

2.1 INTRODUCITON ........................ .......... ........... 2-l
2.2 HANDLING PRECAUTIONS ........................ .......... ........... 2-l
2.4 BASIC MAIRIX CONFIGURATIONS .......... ...... 2-2
2.4.1 Single-Ended Switching .................... ...... .,.... 2-b
2.4.2 Differential Switching ....................... 2-6
2.4.3 Guarding ................................... ...... ...... 2-6
2.4.4 Sensing .................................... ...... ...... 2-6
2.5 CONNECTION METHODS .................................................................... 2-8
2.5.1 Connection Methods Using Mass Terminated Cable (Model 7U78MTC). .......................... 2-9
2.5.2 Direct Connection Method .................................................................. ` !-15
2.5.3 Connection Method Using Connector Kit (Model 7078~KIT) .................................... !-15
2.6 MATRIXEXI'ANSION ........................................................................ t-18
2.6.1 Narrow Matrix Expansion.. ................................................................. 98
2.6.2 WideMatrixExpansion ..................................................................... !-19
2.6.3 PartiaIMatrixImplementation ................................................................ ; -20
2.6.4 Mainframe MahixExpansion ................................................................. 2-20
2.7 TYT'ICAL CONNECI-ION SCHEMES ........................................................... 2:-21
2.7.1 Single Card System ......................................................................... 2:-21
2.7.2 Multiple Card System ....................................................................... 2,722
2.7.3 Multiple Mainframe System .................................................................. 2-22

SECTION 3-Applications

3.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 3-l
3.2 THICK FILM RESISTOR NETWORK TESTING ................................................. 31
3.2.1 Four-terminal Ohms Measurements ........................................................... 3-2
3.2.2 Voltage Divider Checks ...................................................................... 33
3.2.3 Current Shunt Checks ....................................................................... 3-5
3.3 TRANSISMR TESTING ....................................................................... 3-5
3.3.1 Current Gain Checks ....................................................................... 3-7
3.3.2 I, and V., Measurements ................................................................... 37
SECTION 4-Service Infmmation
4.1 INTRODUCITON .............................................................................. 4-l
4.2 HANDLING AND CLEANING PRECAUTIONS .................................................. 4-1
4.3 RELAY TEST PROGRAM SETUP ................................................................ 4-l
4.4 PERFORMANCE VERIPICATION ............................................................... 42
4.4.1 EnvhonmentaI Conditions .................................................................... 43
4.4.2 Recommended Equipment .................................................................... 43
4.4.3 Path Resistance Tests ......................................................................... 43
4.4.4 Offset Current Tests.. ........................................................................ 45
4.4.5 Contact Potential Tests ........................................................................ 4-7
4.4.6 Path Isolation Tests ........................................................................... 49
4.4.7 DtierenhaI and Common Mode Isolation Tests ................................................. 411
4.5 PRINCIPLESOF OPERATION ................................................................. 413
4.5.1 Card Identification ........................................................................... 4-W
4.5.2 switching circuitry .......................................................................... 414
4.5.3 Power Up Sateguard ......................................................................... 414
4.6 SPECL4L HANDLING OF STATIC-SENSITIVE DEVICES ......................................... 414
4.7 TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................................................... 415
4.7.1 Recommended Equipment ................................................................... 415
4.7.2 Troubleshooting Procedure ................................................................... 415

SECTION S-Replaceable Parts
5.1 INTRODUCIlON .............................................................................. 5-l
5.2 PARTS LISTS ..................................................................... : ............ 5-l
5.3 ORDERING INFORMATION.. .................................................................. 5-l
5.4 FACTORY S?ZR\ JICE ............................................................................ 5-l
5.5 COMPONENT LAYOUT AND SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM. .......................................... 5-l
List of Tables

SECTION 2-Operation
2-l Column Number Assignments .................................................................. 2-2
2-2 Model 7071 Available Accessories ............................................................... Z-10
2-3 Model 7078 MTC Wire Identification ............................................................ Z-12
2-4 Narrow Matrix Expansion* ..................................................................... Z-18
2-5 Wide Matrix Expansion* ....................................................................... 2-19

SECTION 4-Service Information

41 Verification Equipment ......................................................................... 44
42 Path Isolation Tests ............................................................................ 4-10
4-3 Differential and Common Mode Isolation Test ................................................... 411
4-4 Recommended Troubleshooting Equipment ...................................................... 4-15
45 Troubleshooting Summary* .................................................................... 4-15

List of Illustrations

SECTION 2-Operation

2-l MatrixCard Installation ........................................................................ 2-3
2-2 CableClamp Assembly ......................................................................... 2-4
2-3 Simplified Schematic of Model 7071 ............................................................. 2-5
2-4 Single-Ended Switching Example (Guard Used as Shield) ......................................... 2-6
2-5 Differential Switching Example (Shielded) ........................................................ 2-7
2-6 Driven Guard Example (Shielded) ............................................................... 2-7
2-7 SensingExample(Shielded) .................................................................... 2-8
2-8 Connections Using two Model 70%MTC Cables ................................................. 2-11
2-9 Connecting PlugtoRectacle .................................................................... 2-U
2-m Receptacle Contact Assignments ................................................................ 2-U
2-u Connections Using One Model 7078-MTC Cable Cut in Half ...................................... 2-14
2-w. TerminalBlock Connections .................................................................... 2-15
2-u CablePreparation ............................................................................. 2-16
2-14 Connecting Beldon 9734 Cable to Receptacle ..................................................... 2-V
2-15 Cable Positions ............................................................................... 2-V
2-16 Narrow Matrix Example (8 x 36) (Backplane Jumpers Not Removed) .............................. 2-18
2-v Two 8 x 36 Matrices Using Six Model 7071s. .................................................... 2-19
2-18 Wide Matrix Example (16 x 24) ................................................................ 2-20
2-19 Partial Matrix Expansion (16 x 24). ............................................................. 2-21
2-20 Single Card System Example. .................................................................. 2-22
2-21 MultipleCard SystemExample ................................................................. 2-23
2-23 Plug Contact Assignments ..................................................................... 2-25
2-22 Multiple Mainframe Example .................................................................. 2-24

SECTION 3-Applications

3-l Thick Film Resistor Network Testing ............................................................. 3-l
3-2 4TerminalOhmsMeasurements ................................................................. 3-2
3-3 Voltage Divider Checks ......................................................................... 3-4
3-4 Current Chunt Checks.. ....................................................................... 3-6
3-5 Transistor Testing .............................................................................. 3-7
3-6 Transistor Current Gain Checks ................................................................. 3-8
3-7 Common-Emmitter Characteristics of an NPN Silicon Transistor. ................................... 3-9
Transistor IE Measurements .................................................................... 510
El Transistor VgE Measurements. .................................................................. 3-11

SECTION 4-Service Information

41 Relay Test Setup ............................................................................... 42
42 PathResistanceTesting ......................................................................... 44
43 Differential Offset Current Testing ............................................................... 46
4-4 Common Mode Offset Current Testing ........................................................... 4-7
45 Contact Potential Testing ........................................................................ 48
46 Path Isolation Testing (Guarded). ............................................................... 410
47 Differential Isolation Testing .................................................................... 4-U
48 Common Mode Isolation Testing ............................................................... 4-U
49 IDD~ Tuning Diagram ....................................................................... 414
410 Receptacle Contact Identification ................................................................ 416
General Information

1.1 INTRODUCTION with the unit. Be sure to note these changes and incor-
porate them into the manual.
This section contains general information about the Model
7071 General Purpose Matrix Card and is arranged in the
following manner: 1.5 SAFETY SYMBOLS AND TERMS

1.2 Features The following symbols and terms may be found on an in-
1.3 Warranty Information strument or used in this manual.
1.4 Manual Addenda
1.5 Safety Symbols and Terms
The symbol A on an instrument indicates that the user
1.6 Specifications
should refer to the operating instructions located in the
1.7 Unpacking and Inspection instruction manual.
1.8 Repacking for Shipment
1.9 Optional Accessories
The symbol & on an rnshument shows that high
voltage may be present on the terminal(s). Use standard
1.2 FEATURES safety precautions to avoid personal contact with these
The Model 7071 is a general purpose, three-pole 8 x 12
(8 row by I2 column) matrix card. Some of the key features The WARNING heading used in this manual explains
include: dangers that might result in personal injury or death.
Always read the associated information very carefully
. Guard capability. Each HIILQ path pair on the PC board before performing the indicated procedure.
is surrounded by a third path that can be used for
l Low contact potential and offset current for minimal The CAUTION heading used in this manual explains
effects on low-level signals. hazards that could damage the matrix card. Such damage
l Quick disconnects using the "rack and panel" receptacles may invalidate the warranty.
on the rear panel or terminal blocks on the PC board.

Model 7071 specifications may be found at the front of this
Warranty information is located on the inside front cover manual. These specifications are exclusive of the matrix
of this instruction manual. Should your Model 7071 require mainframe specifications.
warranty service, contact the Keithley representative or
authorized repair facility in your area for further informa-
tion. When returning the matrix card for repair, be sure 1.7 UNPACKING AND INSPECTION
to fill out and include the service form at the back of this
manual in order to provide the repair facility with the
necessary information. 1.7.1 Inspection for Damage

The Model 7071 is packaged in a resealable, anti-static bag
1.4 MANUAL ADDENDA to protect it from damage due to static discharge and from
contamination that could degrade its performance. Before
Any improvements or changes concerning the matrix card removing the card from the bag, observe the following
or manual will be explained in an addendum included precautions on handling.


Handling Precautions: l Advise as to the warranty status of the matrix card.
1. Always grasp the card by the handle and side edges. ping label.
Do not touch the edge connectors and do not touch l Fill out and include the service form located at the back
board surfaces or components. of this manual.
2. When not installed in a Model 707 mainframe, keep the
card in the anti-static bag and store in the original pack-

After removing the card from its anti-static bag, inspect The following accessories are available for use with the
it for any obvious signs of physical damage. Report any Model 7071.
such damage to the shipping agent immediately.
Model XIB-CIT Contact Insertion and Extraction Tools
lf you are going to install the card in the Model 707 main-
frame at this time, be sure to follow the additional handl- The Model 707%CIT contains an insertion tool that is used
ing precautions explained in paragraph 2.2 to insert wire crimp tail contacts into "rack and panel"
plugs and receptacles. Conversely, the extraction tool is
used for the removal of the contacts.
1.7.2 Shipping Contents
Model 707&HCT Hand Crimping Tool
The following items are included with every Model 7Ril
order: The Model 7U7&HCT is used to attach wire crimp tail con-
tacts to #l8 to %26 AWG stranded wire.
l Model 7071 General Purpose Matrix Card.
l Model 7071 Instruction Manual.
l Additional Accessories as ordered. Note that the Model Model 7U784UT Connector Kit (Plug)
7VBMTC may be shipped in a separate packing carton.
The Model 7UBKlT contains the parts to assemble one
"rack and panel" plug. This plug will mate to either the
1.7.3 Instruction Manual ROWS or COLUMNS receptacle on the rear panel of the
card. Parts contained in the kit indude the phzg, plug hous-
ing and 40 wire crimp tail contacts.
The Model 7071 Instruction Manual is three-hole drilled
so that it can be added to the three-ring binder of the
Model 707 Switching Matrix Instruction Manual. After Model 7U78-MTR Connector Kit (Receptacle)
removin the plastic wrapping, place the manual in the
binder a8 er the mainframe instruction manual. Note that The Model 7RBMTR contains the parts to assemble and
a manual identification tab is included and should precede mount one "rack and panel" receptade. Parts contained
the matrix card instruction manual. in the kit indude the receptade, 40 wire crimp tail con-
tacts, and mounting hardware.
If an additional instruction manual is required, order the
manual package, Keithley part number 7071-901-00. The Model 7lVEMTC-5 Mass Terminated Cable Assembly
manual package includes an instruction manual and any
pertinent addenda. The Model iQ%M'lC-5 is a 5foot (1.5 meter), 36-conductor
cable terminated with a "rack and panel" plug on both
ends. This cable connects to either the ROWS or COL
1.8 REPACKING FOR SHIPMENT UMNS receptade on the rear panel of the card. This cable
is commonly cut in half to provide two separate cables.
Should it become necessary to return the Model 7071 for The cables can then be used to connect to both the ROWS
repair carefully pack the unit in its original packing car- and COLUMNS receptades. The unterminated ends of the
ton or the equivalent, and include the following cables are then connected to instrumentation and DUTs.

Model 7078~MTC-20 Mass Terminated Cable Assembly CS-570-3 Quick Disconnect Terminal Block

This cable assembly is the sames as the Model Three-terminal block accomodating up to 16 AWG wires.
707&m-5 except that it is 20 feet (6 meters) in length. Mates to matrix board pin terminals.


Do not store the csrd by leaning it against an
This section contains information on aspects of matrix card object (such as a wall) with Its edge connectors
operation and is arranged as follows: in contact with a contaminated surtace (such
as the floor). The edge connectors will become
2.2 Handling Precautions: Details precautions that should contaminated, and tapes and solder connec-
be observed when handling the matrix card to ensure tions on the PC board may break as the card
that its performance is not degraded due to bends. ALWAYS store the card (in its anti-static
contamination. bag) in the original shipping carton.

2.3 Card Installation and Removal: Covers the basic pro-
cedure for installing and removing the card from the Dirt build-up over a period of time is another possible
Model 707 Matrix. source of contamination. To avoid this problem, operate
the mainframe and matrix card only in a clean
2.4 Basic Matrix Configurations: Explains some the basic environment.
ways that a matrix can be used to source or measure.
Covers single-ended switching, differential (floating)
switching, sensing, shielding, and guarding. If the card becomes contaminated, it should be thoroughly
cleaned as explained in paragraph 4.2.
2.5 Connections: Discusses the various methods and
techniques that can be used to connect DUB and in-
strumentation to the matrix card. 2.3 CARD INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL

2.6 Matrix Expansion: Discusses the various matrix con- Connections to the matrix card make it awkward to install/
figurations that are possible by using multiple cards. remove the card in the mainframe. Thus, it is advisable
The significance of the Model 707 backplane row to install the card and then make connections to it. Con-
jumpers on matrix configurations is also covered here. versely, cables and wires should be disconnected before
removing the card from the mainframe.
2.7 Typical Connection Schemes: Provides examples of ex-
temal connections for single card, multiple card and
multiple mainframe systems. Referring to Figures Z-1 and 2-2, perform the following prw
cedure to install the Model 7071 matrix card in the Model
1. Turn the Model 707 off.
To maintain high impedance isolation, care should be 2. Select a slot in the mainframe and remove the cover
taken when handling the matrix card to avoid contamina- plate. The cover plate is fastened to the mainframe
tion from such foreign materials as body oils. Such con- chassis with two screws. Retain the cover plate and
tamination can substantially lower leakage resistances, screws for future use.
degrading performance. 3. With the relay side of the matrix card facing towards the
fan, feed the card into the slot such that the top and
bottom card edges seat into the the card edge guides
To avoid possible contamination, always grasp the card by of the mainframe. Slide the matrix card approximately
the handle and side edges. Do not touch the edge con- % of the way into the mainframe.
nectors of the card and do not touch board surfaces or com- 4. If using quick-disconnect terminal blocks to make con-
ponents. On "rack and panel" connectors and quick- nections, perform the following steps. Otherwise, pro-
disconnect terminal blocks, do not touch areas adjacent ceed to step 5.
to the electrical contacts.


WARNING 6. To remove the card from the mainframe make sure the
To avoid electrical shock which could result in Model 707 is off, power is removed from external cir-
injury or death, make sure all power is off and cuitry, and then reverse the above procedure.
stored energy in external circuitry is dischag-
ed before making any connections to the matrix

A simplified schematic of the Model 7071 8 x I2 matrix
A. There are two cable clamps on the rear panel of the
card is shown in Figure 2-3. Each of the 96 crosspoints is
matrix card that serve as strain reliefs for terminal
made up of a three-pole switch. In this simple configura-
block wires. Loosen the two screws of each cable
tion, any row can be connected to any column by closing
clamp and remove the top half of each clamp.
the appropriate crosspoint switch. The columns of every
B. Install the pre-wired terminal blocks (see paragraph Model 7071 matrix card are numbered 1 through l2.
2.52) on the matrix card. Make sure the pins on the However, the actoal column numbers of the matrix are
card are properly mated to the terminal blocks. determined by which mainframe slot the card is installed
C. Route the wires through the rear panel cable clamps. in. For example, the columns of a matrix card installed in
Make sure there is some slack in the wires between slot 4 of the mainframe are numbered 37 through 48. Col-
the terminal blocks and the clamps before tightening umn number assignments for all six mainframe slots are
the clamps. listed in Table 2-l.
5. Slide the matrix card all the way into the mainframe and
tighten the two spring loaded panel fastenters.
Table 2-1. Column Number Assignments
The mounting screws must be secured to en- Matrix
sure a proper chassis ground connection be- 7Wl Card Location CoIumn Numbers
twsen the card and the mainframe. Failum to
properly secure this ground connection may I
result in petsonal injury or death due to elec-
tric shock.

If using the terminal blocks, leave enough slack
in the external cabling so that the card can slide
out far enough to gain access to the connections.



Figure 2-l. Matrix Card Installation


Top hail of Cable Clamp

Figure 2-2. Cable Clamp Assembly


I Column I
I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 '


I 1

I Row D


/ F



Figure 2-3. Simplified Schematic of Model 7071


2.4.1 Single-Ended Switching same potential as signal high, protection from possible
hazardous voltages (up to 2ooV) must be provided. Many
In the single-ended switching configuration, the source or instruments have the capability of configuring their input
measure instrument is connected to the DUT through a or output such that a driven guard is placed on the inner
single pathway as shown in Figure 2-4. Note that in the shield of a triax connector. The outer shield, connected to
illustration that the matrix card guard (G) is used as a system common, provides protection from the guard
shield. The matrix card guard is used as the shield because voltage. When making connections from the matrix card
its PC board trace physically surrounds the high (H) and to the DUT, make sure that a safety shield is used as shown
low (L) traces. in the illustration.

2.4.2 Differential Switching 2.4.4 Sensing

The differential or floating switching configuration is Figure 2-7 shows how the matrix card can be configured
shown in Figure 2-5. The advantage of using this configura- to use instruments that have sensing capability. The main
tion is that the terminals of the source or measure instru- advantage of using sensing is to cancel the effects of matrix
ment are not confined to the same matrix crosspoint. Each card path resistance (< 1.5II) and the resistance of exter-
terminal of the instrument can be connected to any of the nal cabling. Whenever path resistance is a consideration,
96 matrix crosspoints. Again, the guard terminals of the sensing should be used. In the illustration, matrix card
matrix card are used as a shield. guard is again used as a shield. In a system whew a driven
guard is required, matrix card guard (G) can be discon-
nected from circuit LO and connected to the guard poten-
tial. However, make sure that the guard is adequately in-
2.4.3 Guarding sulated to prevent possible electrical shock, or use quadrax
cables using the outer shield as a grounded safety shield.
Figure 2-6 shows how the matrix card can be used with
a driven guard. Since the driven guard is at virtually the


Figure 2-4. Single-Ended Switching Example (Guard Used as Shield)


Figure 2-5. Differential Switching Example (Shielded)




Figure 2-5. Driven Guard Example (Shielded)


System Common

Figure 2-7. Sensing Example (Shielded)

2.5 CONNECTION METHODS makes it most convenient to connect the matrix card to a
test fixture that uses a "rack and panel" receptacle.
As shipped, all rows and columns of the 8 x 12 matrix
are connected to the two "rack and panel" receptacles Direct Connection Method--This method makes connec-
mounted on the rear panel of the matrix card. These rwep- tions at the quick-disccmn& terminal blocks bypassing the
tacles will mate with either the optional mass terminated "rack and panel" receptacles. This method should be used
cable (Model 7078~MTC) or the plug provided in the op- when optimum guarding and/or shielding (i.e. high fre-
tional connector kit (Model m-KIT). If the receptacles quency noise) are required. If using the Model 7Cl78-MTC
are not going to be used, they should be disconnected from cable, the concentric guard or shield conductor will be ter-
the matrix. Connections are then made directly to quick- minated at the receptacle. The direct connection method
disconnect terminal blocks. allows concentric guard and shield conductors to be ex-
tended to the terminal blocks. Another advantage of this
method is that it is convenient to connect unterminated
The following paragraphs explain the three connection cables from instrumentation to the terminal blocks.
methods. Keep in mind that based on convienence and
performance considerations, it may best to use a combina- Connector Kit (Model 717%KITFThis kit contains a plug
that mates to the "rack and panel" receptacles. This plug
tion of connection methods. For example, it may be most
convienent to connect instrumentation to the matrix us- is used to custom build a cable assembly that meets the
ing quick-disconnect terminal blocks, while connecting user's requirements. This allows the user to s&d the cable
DUT to the matrix using a mass terminated cable. and wire only the rows and column needed for a particular
application. Thii can result in a cable assembly that is
much smaller in diameter than the Model 7078MCT.
Some advantages of each of the connection methods are
as follows: Each conductor of the 20-foot Model 7UiB-ME-20 cable
has 4Nrn0 of resistance. Each conductor of the 5-foot
Mass Terminated Cable Method (Model 7U7&MTC)- Model 7@7BMlC-5 cable has l2Om0 of resistance. In an
Probably the most convenient method to make conn&ons application where path resistance is critical, this path
to the m&ix card. By cutting the cable in half (or wherever resistance may be too high. Thus, another advantage of
appropriate), two separate cables, unterminated at one the connector kit is to build shorter, low resistance cables.
end, will result. These cables can then be hard wired to An alternative to building a cable from scratch is to cut the
DUTs or to a user's test fixture. The plug on each cable Model ?378-M'IC cable at a length that is suitable and then
will then connect to the ROWS or COLUMNS receptacle attach the plug to it.
on the card. Using the whole cable (both plugs intact)


WARNING 1. Remove 118" of insulation from the wires that are to be
To avoid electrical shock which could result in connected to the receptacle.
iniurv or death. make sure all Dower is off and 2. Using the Model 7U7SHcT crimping tool, connect a wire
&r&d energy in external ciffi&try Is dischag- cnmp tail to each of the wires.
ed before making any connections to the matrix 3. Figure Z-10 provides contact identification for "ROWS"
card. and "COLUMNS" receptacles. Using this ilh~stration as
CAUTION a guide, insert the wire crimp tails into the receptacle.
Contamination will degrade the Performance of use the Model Xi78 CIT insertion tool to push each wire
crimp tail completely into the receptacle.
tha matrix card. To avold contamination, always
grasp the card by the handle and side edges. Modified Mass Terminated Cable
Do not touch the edge connectors of the card,
and do not touch the board surfaces or com- Another way to use the Model 7UiSMTC cable is to remove
ponents. On "rack and panel" connectors and one of the plugs. Cutting the cable in half will provide hvo
quick disconnect termlnal blocks, do not touch 10 foot cables. Each cable can then be mated to the "ROWS"
areas adjacent to the electrical contacts. or "COLUMNS" receptacle (see Figure 2-11). The wire end
of each cable can then be wired to another connector or
wired directly to instrumentation or DUTs. The cable con-
2.5.1 Connections Using Mass tains twelve bundles of wires each of which corresponds
Terminated Cable (Model 70784TC) to a row or column. Each bundle contains three wires; a
bare wire (guard) and hvo insulated wires that have a uni-
que color combination for identification purposes. Table
The Model 7W78-MTC is a 36 conductor cable terminated 2-3 provides the color combinations for each bundle. For
with a "rack and panel" plug on each end. This cable is example, with the cable connected to the "ROWS" recep-
used to connect the "COLUMNS" or "ROWS" receptacle tacle of the matrix card, Row E can be identified by locating
on the rear panel of the card to external instrumentation the bundle that has a red insulated wire (H) and a blue
and test circuits. Figure 2-8 shows how two cables can be insulated wire (L). The bare wire in the bundle is guard
used to connect rows and columns of the