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In-Fixture Characterization Using the
ENA Series RF Network Analyzer with
Cascade Microtech Probing System
Product Note E5070/71-4
Introduction On the other hand, de-embedding This product note explains a new
Many different techniques have uses a model of the test fixture to approach to in-fixture characteri-
been developed for eliminating the mathematically remove unwanted zation using the Agilent ENA
influence of test fixtures from test fixture effects from the overall Series RF network analyzer with
measurement results. These can measurement results. Usually, de- Cascade Microtech's probing sys-
be classified into two fundamental embedding data can be obtained tem. This solution can drastically
approaches. One is performing from the simulation results of the reduce your characterization time,
calibration at the tips of a test test fixture model, which is mod- especially for multiport test fix-
fixture's electrodes and the other eled with simulation tools such as tures. By using this new approach,
is de-embedding characterized test the Agilent Advanced Design you can easily obtain fixture char-
fixture models. The first method System (ADS); however, accurate acteristics data without modeling
requires customized calibration test fixture modeling is difficult complex multiport test fixtures.
standards for each test fixture, and time-consuming. Therefore, This product note also compares
which are very expensive and engineers have been seeking an the new in-fixture characteriza-
inflexible. easy and accurate in-fixture tion method with the de-embed-
characterization method. ding technique using ADS.

1. System configuration
The recommended system configu-
ration of an in-fixture characteri-
zation system using the ENA
Series along with the Cascade
Microtech Probe Station is shown
in figure 1.

Figure 1. In-fixture characterization system configuration: Agilent ENA Series RF network analyzer and
Cascade Microtech Summit 9100 RF Probe Station

This solution enables you to char-
acterize test fixtures up to 8.5
GHz. Furthermore, an Air Copla-
nar Probe (ACP) Series (refer to
figure 2) or Fixed-Pitch Compliant
(FPC) Series probe (refer to figure
3) provides a reliable connection
from the ENA Series to the test
fixture's electrodes over a wide
bandwidth. Both probes are avail-
able with a pitch range of 150 to
1,250 microns, so you can choose
probes that are suitable for a vari-
ety of test fixture electrodes.

Accurate in-fixture characteriza-
tion requires accurate one-port Figure 2. ACP Series probe
calibration at the tip of the probe.
As shown in figures 4 and 5,
Cascade Microtech provides
high-precision calibration
standards on Impedance Standard
Substrates (ISS) and ENA Wafer
Cal for highly accurate calibration.
ENA Wafer Cal* is a software
program that runs on the ENA
Series. This software guides the
user through the setup of the
CalKit and calibration steps, thus
reducing one of the greatest Figure 3. FPC Series probe
sources of error in calibration.
Consequently, this program
improves calibration accuracy
and repeatability.

Figure 4. Impedance Standard Substrate (ISS)

* ENA Wafer Cal requires the "B" version of the
ENA Series, which has Windows