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'To: Lisa Users
From: Rich Page
Date: September 23,1982
Subj: Monitor Release 11.2
The changes in this release are as follows:
1) Lisabug now provides the facil ity to time (and count)
portions oT a program.
2) The Drivers have been modified to support the
microsecond timer needed by Lisabug.
3) The A(pple command in sysmgr has been improved.
4) The O(fT command with the reboot option has been
modiTied in the Sysmgr.
R11 .2:
MON.LOADER 10 I-Sep-82 6 512 Datafile
CONFIG.DATA 1 22-Sep-82 16 512 Datafile
BOOTFILES.DATA 1 13-Aug-82 17 512 Datafile
LISABUG.OBJ 64 23-Sep-82 18 512 Datafi1e
LISABUG2.0BJ 25 22-Sep-82 82 512 Datafile
DRIVERS.OBJ 18 24-Sep-82 107 512 Datafi1e
~IS. OBJ 4 20-Aug-82 124 512 Datafi1e
UARTDRVR.OBJ 2 23-Apr-82 128 512 Datafile
LOADER.OBJ '25 21-May-82 130 512 Datafi1e
TWGDRVR7.0BJ 3 13-Aug-82 155 512 Dataf 1e
MONITOR.OBJ 35 22-Sep-82 158 512 Dataf 1e
MONITOR. SYMBOLS 11 1-Sep-82 193 512 Dataf 1e
MON.MISCINFO 1 12-Jun-80 204 192 Dataf 1e
MON.STARTUP 4 8-0ct-81 205 512 Textf 1e
MONSTARTI .OBJ 3 4-Jun-81 209 512 Dataf le
SYSMGR.OBJ 37 23-Sep-82 212 512 Dataf 1e
FILER.08J 123 22-Jul-82 249 512 Dataf 1e
FORMATTER.OBJ 15 14-Aug-82 372 512 Dataf le
Lisabug allows the user to create up to 10 timing
buckets. Using the microsecond timer in Drivers,
time is accumulated in each bucket and is saved
along with a count of the number of times the
bucket was entered.
The typical sequence.would be as follows:
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1) Enter the debugger for a given process and create
one or more timing buckets (with the TB command).
2) Set a break point to stop execu'tion at some point.
3) Go.
4) When the breakpoint is reached print the timing
summary (with the PT command).
5) Use the End Timing command to remove all buckets.
The new commands are as follows:
BT expr
The Begin Timing specifies the process number.
If the Begin Timing command is not given the
current process is assumed. A process number
of zero can be used to indicate domain O.
TB addrl addr2
A Timing Bucket is created from addrl to addr2.
Print Timing summary. There are five columns
printed as follows:
1) Bucket number
2) Total time in this bucket
3) Number of times this bucket was entered
4) Starting address for this bucket
5) Ending address for this bucket
End Timing prints tne timing summary and removes
all of the timing buckets.
KB expr
Kill Bucket can be used to remove a single bucket.
Reset Times will reset the timing and count tables
leaving the current definition of the bucKets intact.
1) All addresses are in the same process.
2) The process number is defined by either the BT
command or the first TB, PT, KB or RT command.
If the process number is not given in the BT
command the current process is assumed.
The Sysmgr has been modified so that the connection
with the Apple is more rel iable. To establ ish the
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connection with the Apple do the following:
1) Type ~A~
2) Type ~y~
3) Boot the Apple with either
the WAKEUP disK or
a Monitor boot disK and type A
4) After the Apple is booted type
The Sysmgr has been modified such that if YOU turn
off your machine with the reboot option without the
date/time set, the Sysmgr will no longer start the
clock for you. This means that if the clock is not
set your machine will not automatically reboot.
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