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---- H20-0207-0
~= - y- Application Program

1401 Data Analysis and Reduction System

(1401-CA-04X), Version 2
Application Description

The program is a general purpose statistical reporting, data
analysis, and information retrieval system of wide use in
areas such as medical research, capital investment, stock
analysis, market research, inventory, and others. It is
extremely useful in analyzing and preparing data for the
study of complex systems.

This manual contains a general description of the program
options, machine configuration, and general system chart.
Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM branch
offices. Address comments concermng the contents of this publication to
IBM, Technical Publications Department, 112 East Post Road, White Plains, N. Y. 10601

@ International Business Machines Corporation, 1965
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
General Description of Application. . 2
Input Programs . . . . . . . 2
Data Manipulation Programs 2
Data Extract Program. 2
Report Programs . . . . . 2
System Programs . . . . . . . . . . 3
System Generation and Modification Programs 3
System Description . . . . . . . . . . 3
Input . . . . 3
Processing . . . . 4
Output . . . . . . . 4
Program Modifications 4
Tape Labels . . . . . . . . . 4
Operating Programs. 4
Storage As signments . 5
System Configuration . . . 5
Programming Systems . 5
General System Chart of Application 6

The IBM 1401 Data Analysis and Reduction System is a powerful series
of programs to generate tabular and statistical reports from existing
card or magnetic tape files. Three types of programs, modified by
control cards to suit individual requirements, operate under the control
of a monitor program.

1. The data preparation programs accept punched cards or magnetic
tape in a variety of formats, and add, delete, and/or change the
format and content of each record or user-selected records from
the data file. Records may be selectively extracted for information
retrieval purposes. Communications-based messages of fixed- or
variable-length variable format may be used as input to 'Create
fixed-length, fixed-format output records.

2. The report programs produce, as specified in control cards, matrix-
type, frequency tabulation, and statistical reports. The matrix
reports, consisting of horizontal columns and vertical rows, present
crossfooted distributions expressed in percentages, counts, or
summaries as required. The frequency tabulation reports contain
the frequency of occurrence of the values in a specified field of
every data record. The quantitative statistical reports contain
parameters such as the mean, variance, and standard deviation,
along with a matrix-type presentation of frequency, count, and
percentage for each defined group. Tabulations up to ten fields,
maximum length of 18 positions each, may be specified as an
independent function, or with simultaneous listing and/or punched

3. The utility programs provide the ability to list records, control
program operating sequence, prepare and modify the systems tape,
and perform various other functions to facilitate using the system.

These programs can be used in almost any industry to provide a concise
analysis of subjects such as: