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When interrupted for a priority document,
When used in conjunction with your Xerox
850 Page Display System, the Xerox 850 ribbon changing or other reasons, work in
Automatic Paper Feeder provides an process will resume at the correct point size and Weight
extra measure of speed and efficiency without operator attention. Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..12"
which will increase productiyity and de- Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19'
The APF features acoustic noise sup- Depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18"
crease turnaround time in your office. pression to ensure quiet operation, allow- Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Ibs.
The Automatic Paper Feeder provides ing personnel in the area to work without Space: APF and Printer fit into a 24"
paper to the printer-smoothly, steadily, distraction. Whenever the APF needs at- deep work space.
one sheet at a time-up to 200 pages tention, both the 850 display screen and
without operator intervention. Various an audible signal will alert the operator. Paper Specifications
paper sizes, weights and finishes can be The APF is light and compact for quick Tray Capacity . . ,200 sheets of 20 Ib.
easily loaded into your APE The APF also removal and replacement by the bond paper or 0.8"
collates printed pages into the desired operator. total stack thickness
final order. Paper . . . . . .18,20 or 24 Ib. paper
Convenience and ease of operation are 7" x 7" minimum to
The APF provides additional benefits key attributes of this cost-effective 850 8Y2" ~ 1 4 maximum,
when used with the Xerox 850 Shared Page Display accessory. portrait or landscape
Printer Interface since one printer Your Xerox Office Systems Representa- orientation
equipped with an APF can serve as
tive will explain how simply a Xerox 850
many as three Xerox 850 Page Display Automatic Paper Feeder can be installed
Systems. on your 850 Page Display System. It's a
The APFwill adjust margins and tabs, and labor-saving convenience that operates
can move in half-line increments to print so quietly and efficiently on its own you'll
subscript or superscript symbols-all wonder how you ever did without it.
automatically. Of course, the operator
can feed the APF manually for initial setup
or to print an urgent document.

Xerox Corporation
1341 West Mockingbird Lane XEROX@and 850 are trademarks of XEROX CORPORATION.
Printed in U.S.A. 610P70301B
Dallas, Texas 75247
Xerox 860 IPS Records Processing Package XEROX

Records Processmg IS an opt~onal new soft-
Step-by-step promptrng automat~cally gu~des local levels. The bottom line results: more accu-
ware package from Xerox that extends the mul- the operator before each step In a clear, rate record keeping, better dissemination of in-
trfunct~onal capab~l~t~es 860 lnformat~on
of the easy-to-follow manner. All instruct~ons Inare formation, easier access to selected informa-
Processmg System by prov~d~ng h~ghly eff~crent language that's readrly understood by users tion, faster decision-making and better man-
processlng of data The package IS a versatrle lnformat~on may be categorrzed rn as many agement control.
professronal and managerral tool that's espe- as I 0 0 f~elds such as: age, salary, soc~al
c~ally valuable for departmental or locallzed securlty number, serral number or descr~p- SPECIFICATIONS AND CAPABILITIES
off~ce use, as well as for small busmesses trve aloha, numerlc or aloha-numeric com-
bination. Specifications
A departmental or profess~onal manager w~th
the 860 can automate all phases of stonng, re- As many as 12 different selections or fields Field Type: Alpha, Numeric, Alpha-Numeric
trrevlng and manrpulatmg mformatron requrred may be processed at any one t~me Fields: 100 per Record
to support dec~s~on makmg and plann~ng the at The select~on process hkewrse perm~ts In- Records Size: 5,020 Characters
local level format~on be extracted between ranges,
to Maximum Field Capacity: 225 Characters - 3
such as dates or dollar amounts lines of 75 Characters
By automating otherwrse time-consumrng Select: 12 Criteria
manual functlons, Xerox Records Processmg Xerox Records Processmg offers four d~ffer-
ent "sort" functlons whch means materrals Sort: 4 Levels
w~ll help you ach~eve control of local rnforma-
tlon and prov~de better servce to those depen- can be arranged In any combrnat~on of Capabilities
dent on ~nformat~on emanating from your group alphabet~cal, ascendmg or descend~ng Select Routines Between:
or department W~th Records Processrng, you order, or In a sort table of the operator's own Greater than and not equal to
can quckly locate f~led rnformat~on, assemble choos~ng Less than and not equal to
lnformat~on from exlstlng fdes and rearrange A unique facet of Xerox Records Processmg Equal to
data to support plannmg The package enables IS the ~ntra-record math function, w~th add, Less than or equal to
you to subtract, mult~ply and d ~ v ~ d e
capab~l~t~es - Not equal to
Mamtarn control of your data base from Input ~ncl'uded the package at no add~t~onal
In Greater than or equal to
to report generation charge Range MinimumJRange Maximum
Ma~ntam centralzed f~les greater control,
for Records Processlng also enables you to Sort Routines:
faster access merge selected and sorted data Into a stan-
dard report, letter or form, In a matter of mrn- TYpe Order
Generate reports as often as you requlre Alpha Ascending
Create report formats whlch reflect your needs Utes Numeric Descending
rather than an all-purpose company style Alpha-Numeric Operator selectable
Update records based on your t~metable so STORAGE CAPABILITIES Search Routines:
reports are always current The 860 IPS offers f~ve dlsc drwe optlons for Record Number
Meet deadlmes by elmnatmg computer expanded storage capacity, whch means Field
programmmg lead time or the even slower lengthy, volum~nous f~les no longer a prob-
are Value within a Field
process of manual manrpulatron lem And as needs and applcat~ons grow, any Value within Entire Records File
Avo~d redundant stat~stlcal processlng The 860 d ~ s c
drwe can be easlly exchanged for a Automatic Select1
860 Records Processlng Package lncludes h~gher storage d ~ s c wrth maxrmum usable
- Sort Routines: Store and Recall
Four Funct~on Intra-Record Calculat~on storage of 8 4 m ~ l l ~ o n
characters Search and Replace Values: Within a Field
Intra-Record Calculations: 4 Function
SOFTWARE FEATURES POTENTIAL USE Inter-Record Calculations/Report Generation:
Because of the mult~functronal capabrl~ty the
of For many companres, Xerox Records Proces- Subtotaling
860 IPS, Records Processmg software allows sing can be an effectwe mrddle ground be- Column Totaling
you a h ~ g h
degree of flex~b~lrty processing
In tween manual flles and larger computer-based Total Number of Records
data and formatting reports, as well as the systems Local or departmental f~les whrch are AddlDelete Fields: Prompted and Automatic
actual creatlon and d e f ~ n ~ t ~ of~les
of n and re- not conveniently managed through data pro- Reorder Fields: Prompted and Automatic
cords - such as personnel I~sts, Inventones, cessing can easlly be stored and manrpulated Append Records: Merge Multiple Records Files
schedules, analyses and f~nanc~al control Most In the 860 Processor Th~s rncludes records Disc Storage Capacity
~mportantly, Xerox 860 Records Process~ng is whlch are local In nature or require spec~al re-
des~gned the offce and for ample, easy-to-
for port formats, as well as sltuat~ons whlch lead
In 8 Floppy
follow operation. tlme IS a factor and where cost proh~b~ts data 300K Characters approx.
a 600K Characters approx.
860 Records Processrng mcludes a serres of processlng conslderatron.
a 1.2 Mb approx.
"menus" and mdexes expla~nrng program all W~th Xerox Records Process~ng, you'll be able 8 Fixed
optlons, ehmmat~ng operator guesswork to expand the capabrl~t~es the mult~functronal
of a 5 Mb Capacity approx.
860 IPS and more readlly Integrate word pro- a 10 Mb Capacity approx.
cessing and data process~ng-lrke funct~ons at

Xerox Corporation
1341 West Mockingbird Lane Xerox@and 8 6 0 are trademarks of XEROX CORPORATION.
Dallas, Texas 75247 Prmted in U S A 610P70584
,Ly : L
Xerox 860 Information Processing System: Partial Page Display XEROX

By offerlng the Xerox 860 lnformatlon "word" or "character". Either keyboard is Size &Weight
Processlng System wlth a cholce of d~splay compatible with the Xerox 860 Full Page Display Screen. Height 11.8", Width,
screen sizes and keyboard conf~gurat~ons, Display. 14.6",Depth 13.4"
Xerox has addressed two ~mportant consld- Weight32 Ibs.
erat~ons many busmesses work statlon
of Several Important optlons, both hardware Keyboard: Helght 4", Width 24",
flexlblllty and cost control and software, Increase the overall capaclty Depth 9"
Customers who don't need a Full Page and processing facllltles of the multlfunc- Weight 14 Ibs.
D~splay page layout or heavy statlst~cal
for tlonal860 IPS The system's Standard Word Controller: Height 30", Width 12",
~nformat~on f ~ n d new Xerox Partlal
the Processlng Software Package IS enhanced Depth 28"
Page D~splay cost-savrng ahernatwe
a by the avallablllty of Records Processlng, Weight 175 Ibs.
System-Actlvlty Recordlng and a Baslc Standard Printer Height 9 5", Width 2 4 ,
Partial Page Display Depth 17.5"
The part~al page verslon of the 860 1 an
s Language Interpreter that allows the use
of buslness appllcatlons programs Weight 55 Ibs.
easy-to-read 24 llne by 102-character dls-
Add~tlonally, 860 IPS offersflve optlonal
the Wide Carriage Height 10.5",
play screen L~ke Full Page Dlsplay, ~t
d~sk storage arrangements whlch enable ~t Printer: Width 38", Depth 18"
offers a cholce of quallty black characters
to store up to 4,800 pages of text Weight 65 Ibs.
on a whrte background orwhlte on black
Disc Storage Capacity:
Characters can bedlsplayed In 10 p~tch, 12 The ~ntroduct~onthe Xerox Partlal Page
8" Floppy
pltch or a representation of proportional Dlsplay and acho~ce keyboard con-
300 K characters approx.
spaclng, and for easy vlewlng, can be f~gurat~ons the Xerox 860 lnformatlon
600 K characters approx.
zoomed to twlce their normal helght Text Processlng System even more flexlble Your
1.2 MB approx.
hlghllghtlng IS displayed In reverse for easy Xerox Offlce Systems Representatwe will
8" Fixed
operator conflrmatlon help you determine the opt~ons
rlght for you
5 MB capacity approx.
In sltuatlons wherever~f~cat~onof page lay- 10 MB capacity approx.
out and balance are requ~red, Xerox 860
Full Page Dlsplay (66 hnes by 102 charac-
Specifications Electrical Requirements:
Voltage: 103-127VAC single phase (two
ters) 1 a hlghly effect~ve
s solut~on Display Screen: 24 lines, 102 characters wires plus ground) '
Keyboard Options per line displayed black on white back-
Frequency: 59-61 Hz
The Xerox 860 IPS also offers a cholce of ground orwhite on black, with brightness
Current: One Display System
keyboard conflguratlons wlth or wlthout control. (Controller, Display,
cursor control. Cursor movement on the 860 Keyboard: Separate unit from Display Keyboard and Printer)
IS controlled b y a unlque devlce called a Screen with or without CAT positioning can be connected to
CAT, a cclrcular pad to the rlght of the device. one 15 amp circuit.
keyboard S~mply touch~ng pad, an
by the Printer Speed: Up to 35 characters per Environmental(Operating):
operator can move the cursor left, r~ght, up, second, bi-directional. Ambient Temperature: 50" to 90" F
down or diagonally on the screen Writing Line: 13" Standard Relative Humidity: 15% to 85% with
W~th w~thout CAToptlon feature, the
or the 26.4"Wide Carriage maximum
860 keyboard retams the same tlme-savlng Platen: 15" Standard wet bulb
funct~onssuch as "add", "delete", "copy" or 28" Wide Carriage temperature of
"move text", accomplished by means of text Ribbon Cartridges: Interchangeable film or 78" F.
keys such as "page", "paragraph", " h e " , fabric.

Xerox Corporat~on
1341 West Mockmgb~rd
Lane XERQXn and 8 6 0 ~ trademarks of XEROX CORPORATION
Dallas,Texas 75247 Pr~nted U S A 610~7053'9