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File No. S360-01
Form GA27-2719 . 2
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=.:.:=~= Systems Reference Library
IBM System/360 Model 67
Functional Characteristics
This publication contains detailed information on the organization,
characteristics, features, and functions unique to the IBM System/360
Model 67 Time Sharing System. Major areas described include
time-sharing philosophy, system structure, new units, generalized infor-
mation flow, standard and special features, instruction timings, and the
system control panel.
Descriptions of specific input/output devices used with the Model 67
appear in separate publications. See the IBM System/360 Bibliography,
Form GA22-6822 for a listing and a brief description of these publi-
The material in this publication is presented with the assumption
that the reader has knowledge of System/360 as defined in the IBM
System/360 Principles of Operation , Form GA22-6821 and the IBM
System/360 System Summary, Form GA22-681 O. The IBM System/360
Model 67 Configurator, Form GA27 -2713 also may be of interest to the
Third Edition (February, 1972)
This is a reprint of GA27-2719-1.i:ncorporating changes released in the following
Technical Newsletter:
GN27-2940 (dated September 11,1970)
GN27-2944 (dated January 8, 1971)
Changes are periodically made to the specifications herein; before using this publication in
connection with the operation of IBM syStems, refer to the latest SRL Newsletter, Form
N2~0360, for the editions that are applicable and current.
Text for this manual has been prepared with the IBM SELECTRIC