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File No. 5360-5370-19
IBM System/360 arid
System/370 I/O Interface
Channel to Control Unit
Original Equipment
Systems Manufacturers' Information
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Fifth Edition (January 1978)
This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, GA22-6974-3_ This edition also
obsoletes Technical Newsletters GN22-0489 (dated September 18, 1974),
GN22-0499 (dated June 30, 1975), and GN22-0535 (dated February 24, 1977)_
Changes have been made throughout the manual; therefore, the manual should be
reviewed in its entirety.
This manual is provided for use in conjunction with other relevant IBM publica-
tions, and IBM makes no warranty, express or implied, relative to its completeness
or accuracy. The information in this manual is current as of its pUblication date,
but is subject to change without notice. Before using this manual, refer to the
IBM System/360 Bibliography, GC20-0360, and the IBM System/370 Bibli-
ography, GC20-0001, for editions that are applicable and current.
This manual is not intended to be a manufacturing or engineering specification;
it is assumed that the reader understands the interrelationships among any affected
systems, machines, programs, and media. However, this manual does provide
information that may be of interest to designers and manufacturers of equipment
to be attached to the IBM System/360 or IBM System/370. Any references to
this manual should include the revision level and the publication da teo
IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter
described herein, including appearance design patents or applications. Furnishing
this manual does not constitute or imply a grant of any license under any patents,
pa tent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other rights of IBM or of any
third party, or any right to refer to IBM in any advertising or other promotional
or marketing activities. IBM assumes no responsibility for any infringement of
patents or other rights that may result from the use of this manual or from the
manufacture, use, lease, or sale of apparatus described herein.
licenses under IBM's utility patents are available on reasonable and non-
discriminatory terms and conditions; IBM does not grant licenses under its
appearance design patents. Inquiries relative to licensing should be directed, in
writing, to: Director of Contracts and Licensing, International Business Machines
Corporation, Armonk, New York 10504.
The information in this publication is subject to change; before using the publica-
tion in connection with the operation of IBM equipment, ask your IBM represen-
tative if this edition is applicable and current.
Publications are not stocked at the address given below; requests for IBM publica-
tions should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office
serving your locality.
This manual has been prepared by IBM Corporation, Product Publications,
Dept. B98, PO Box 390, Poughkeepsie, NY, U.S.A. 12602.