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Xerox 860 Information Processing System XEROX
Xerox 860 lnformation Processing System XEROX
Now, information processing can be accom- Direct print-records keyboard strokes on commands facilitate the development of
plished effectively by a single multifunctional the screen and on paper at the same time. programs. Programs created by the user
system. Xerox announces the new Xerox Off-screen functions -operations such can be stored on disc and recalled for later
860 lnformation Processing System. Unlike as reformatting, page numbers, searching execution. Documents created using BASIC
previous Xerox office products, the 860 and global searching and replacing are language programs can be acted upon
makes use of software application programs handled automatically without requiring with any of the earlier-mentioned
that can be read into the system's memory operator decisions. applicat~on packages
from prerecorded floppy discs. In effect, the
Functional boundary -allows single opera-
operation of the equipment can be altered Disc Drives
and its functions extended according to the tion movement or copying of text that starts
The Xerox 860 IPS offers multiple disc drive
kinds of software application programs that on one page and ends on any page within
options to increase the storage capacity of
are read from the floppy discs and exe- the same document.
systems that handle long documents and
cuted by the microprocessor. Software pro- Records Processing extensive records files. As needs and
grams include those provided by Xerox and This optional software application package, applications grow, any 860 disc drive can be
those that may be prepared by the users for which includes four simple mathematical changed for a higher storage disc drive-a
special applications. functions, provides the operator with a simple, economical way to compound the
The basic Xerox 860 lnformation Processing means of creating, updating, manipulating system's value.
System pricing includes the operating sys- and printing records.
tem software and text processing applica- Updating includes addmg or deleting Wide Carriage Printer
tion software. The operating system and text records, moving records from one file to The 860 IPS is available with a Wide Carnage
processing software are read into the 860 another, adding new fields to records within Printer for easy handling of widespread
memory from a prerecorded disc. Text pro- a file and selectively updating fields withm sheets. The printer allows up to 28-inch
cessing software along with the optional a record. forms accommodating a maximum writing
software application packages described line of 26.4 inches. 264 characters at 10
For manipulating records, the system can
below extend the capability of the pitch and 316 characters at 12 pitch.
select by combinations of criteria, such as:
860 system.
greater than, less than, equal to, greater than
Optional software application packages are: or equal to, etc. Sorting within a file can be Peripherals
Records Processing, System Activity Re- done on records in ascending order or To improve the functionality of the Xerox 860
cording and a BASIC Language Interpreter. descending order. Processed records can lnformation Processing System, these ac-
These options and the standard text pro- then be printed, displayed or stored with a cessories are available: Shared Printer Inter-
gram are described as follows: variety of choices in merging or other face and Automatic Paper Feeder.
Text Processing Communications Accessory
Functions made possible by the text System Activity Recording The 860 Communications Accessory pro-
processing application software can be Two kinds of information are provided by this vides the capability of connecting the Xerox
considered as enhancements to the text optional software application package: 860 with suitably configured 8601s,com-
processing features offered by the Xerox 850 system activity, to keep track of operator puters, or the 860 with the Xerox 850 Dis-
Page Display System. performance; and document history, to be play Typing System and some other word
Master format-allows the operator to used in establishing chargebacks to depart- processors. The Communications Acces-
change and define the default format ments or originators. sory transmits and receives information over
parameters for documents to be created, Some examples of the kinds of information telephone and other voice grade networks
depending upon application needs. that are accumulated are: operator identifi- at speeds ranging from 10 to 600 charac-
Format scale -displays a format scale at cation, department or author, document title, ters per second.
P- -v
n ~ o i nwithin the document to simlslifv
t date and time log, elapsed time and number The communications accessorv is hiahlv
l U 1 I I I d 1 LI I d 1 Cb
I +. useful for gathering or distributing tine vital
Character and line count -both counts are For users with both System Activity Record- information,and for developing multifunc-
displayed in the command line. When thrs ing and Records Processing packages, the tional requirements as office needs grow.
system can be used to generate billing. The 860 communications modes are sold or
is used in conjunction with the format
leased separately.
scale, format changes are simplified by
eliminating guesswork. BASIC Language lnterpreter Designed for exceptional flexib~llty, easy-
Priority print-when the operator requests The primary purpose of this optional to-operate 860 IPS can handle a multitude of
priorlty printing, the current printing opera- software package is to allow customers to word processing and data processing
tion stops at the end of the page being use customized application programs, as functions, and can be easily expanded as
printed, the priority document is produced; well as those offered by Xerox. These needs and applications grow.
and the pr~nter resumes the previous job at could be written by programmers on the The Xerox 860 IPS w~ll help you achleve
the proper point. user's staff. greater efficrency, productivity and economy
Horizontal scroll -allows the operator to re- BASIC is a business-oriented interactive lan- -benefits that make the 860 Information
quest automatic scrolling in any 1O-charac- guage designed to handle business appli- Processing System the r~ght choice for so
ter segment, from 10 to 100. cations. Simple statements and operator many businesses today.
860 IPS Base System:
Full Page Display.
0 Controller with 2 Single Sided Disc Drives.
96K RAM Memory.
I 35 CPS Printer.
Expanded Storage Page Display Keyboard
(FloppylFixedDiscs) Software Options:
Records Processing (includes 4 function math).
O System Activity Recording.
17 BASIC Language Interpreter.
Disc Drive Options:
0 Single Sided Disc Drives.
Character Double Sided Disc Drives.
Ct ions: Controller Printer
0 Point-to-Point Automatic E Double Sided Dual Density Disc Drives.
0 rn Paper Feeder.
08 Fixed Disc Drives:
0 277012780
5 Megabyte.
10 Megabyte.
Hardware Options:
l28K RAM Memory.
Wide Carriage 35 CPS Wide Carriage Printer.
Communications Options:
(32K RAM) Point to Point.
Word Processing D 0 277012780,
Generic Applicattons
Programs Peripherals:
0 Records Processing Shared Printer Interface.
0 System AcWity Shared Printer Automatic Paper Feeder (850 printer only).
Record~ng Interface
0 BASIC Language
Display Screen: 66 lines, 102 characters Disc Storage Capacity:
per line displayed black on white back- 8" Floppy:
ground or vice-versa. Has brightness 300 K characters approx.
control and can be tilted 259 600 K characters approx.
1.2 MB approx.
Keyboard: Separate unit from Display
8" Fixed:
5 MB capacity approx.
Printer Speed: Up to 35 characters per 10 MB capacity approx.
second, bi-directional.
Electrical Requirements:
Writing Line: 13" Standard
26.4" Wide Carriage Voltage: 103-127 VAC single
phase (two wires plus
Platen: 15" Standard
28" Wide Carriage
Frequency: 59-61 Hz
Ribbon Cartridges: Interchangeable film or
fabric. Current: One Page Display
System (controller,
Size & Weight: page display, key-
Display Screen: Height 18", Width 14", board and printer) can
~ e ~15.5",
t h be connected to one
Weight50 Ibs. 15 amp circuit.
Keyboard: Height 4", Width 24",
Environmental (Operating):
Depth 9",
Weight 14 Ibs.
temperature: 50