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Model 15
Sixth Edition (Der;ember

T h i s i s a m a j o r r e v i s i o no f , a n d o b s o r e t e s ,
GC21-50g4-4. The manuarhasbeen
e x t e n s i v e l yr e v i s e da n d s h o u l d b e r e v i e w e d
in its entirery.

T h i s e d i t i o n a p p r i e st o v e r s i o n 7 , m o d i f i c a t i o n
00 of rBM system/3 Moder 15 System
c o n t r o r P r o g r a m5 7 0 4 - s c 1 ; t o v e r s i o n
3, modification oo of rBM system/3 Moder i5
system contror Program5104-sc2;
a n d t o a , s u b s e q u e n t e r s i o n sa n d m o d i f i c a t i o n s
u n r e s s t h e r w i s e i n d i r : a t e di n n e w e d i t i o n s
o o r t e c h n i c a rn e w s r e t t e r s .c h a n g e sa r e
periodicallymade to the information
h e r e i n ;b e f o r e u s i n g t h i s p u b r i c a t i o n i n c o n n e c r r o n
with the operation oi IBM systems, consult
the latest tBM System/3 Bibtiography,
G C 2 0 - 8 O 8 Of,o r t h e e d i t i o n s t h a t a r e a p p l i c a b l e
and current.

T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n c o n t a i n s e x a m p r e so f d a t a
a n d r e p o r t su s e d i n d a i r y b u s i n e s s p e r a t i o n s .
T o i l l u s t r a t e t h e m a s c o m p r e t e r ya s p o s s i b r e ,
t h e e x a m p r e si n c r u d et h e n a m e so f
i n d i v i d u a l s ,c o m p a n i e s ,b r a n d s ,a n d p r o d u c t s .
A l l o f t h e s e n a m e sa r e f i c t i t i o u s a n o a n y
s i m i l a r i t y t o t h e n a m e sa n d a d d r e s s e u s e ds b y a n a c t u a r b u s r n e s s n t e r p r i s ei s e n t i r e r y
c o i n c i d e n t a r ' U s e t h i : ; p u b r i c a t i o no n r y f o r
t h e p u r p o s e ss t a t e d i n t h e p r e f a c e .

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a d d r e s sb e l o w . R e q u e s t sf o r c o p i e s o f I B M
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M corporation 1973, 1975, 1976, 1977 1g7g

T h e p u r p o s eo f t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s t o i n t r o d u c et h e I B M S y s t e m / 3 M o d e l 1 5 t o n e w
usersof System/3 and to present usersof other System/3 models.

For new users:

o Chapter 1, System Summary, briefly describesthe devicesavailablefor System/3
Model 15, including a photograph of each device. Appendix A, Configurations,
s u m m a r i z e s h e v a r i o u sc o n f i g u r a t i o no p t i o n s s u p p o r t e df o r t h e M o d e l 1 5 a n d
offers more detailed characteristics the availabledevices. of

. Chapter 2, in its first three sections (Disk System Management, System Control
and Service Programs, and Additional System Control Programming Functionsl
d e s c r i b e sh e f u n c t i o n s a n d c a p a b i l i t i e s f t h e s y s t e mc o n t r o l p r o g r a m ss u p p o r t -
t o
i n gt h e M o d e l 1 5 .

o C h a p t e r 3 s u m m a r i z e s h e p r o g r a m p r o d u c t st h a t a r e o p t i o n a l l y a v a i l a b l e o
t t
S y s t e m / 3M o d e l 1 5 u s e r s .

N o t e : l n t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n ,l i c e n s e d r o g r a m sa r e r e f e r r e dt o a s p r o g r a m p r o d u c t s .

a Chapter 4 describesthe role of the operator in controlling the operation of the

. A p p e n d i x B i s a b i b l i o g r a p h yo f p u b l i c a t i o n st h a t g i v e m o r e d e t a i l e di n f o r m a t i o n
a b o u t d e v i c e s n d p r o g r a m sh i g h l i g h t e di n t h i s m a n u a l .

For usersof other System/3 models, in addition to the preceding information:

o Chapter 2's Controlling Program Processing and Controlling System Resources
sectionsdiscussthe major system control program functions that improve
system throughput.

o C h a p t e r 5 h i g h l i g h t s h e f e a t u r e so f t h e M o d e l 1 5 t h a t d i s t i n g u i s hi t f r o m o t h e r
System/3 models.

o C h a p t e r6 d i s c u s s ets e c o m p a t i b i l i t y b e t w e e nt h e M o d e l 1 5 a n d o t h e r S y s t e m / 3
models with regardto system, operation, programs,and files.

The reader is expected to have a basic knowledge of data processingand fundamental
System/3 concepts; the Glosnry contains definitions of terms applicable to the
S y s t e m / 3M o d e l 1 5 .
T h i s p a g e i n t e n t i o n a l l yl e f t b l a n k .

IBM 5415 Processing Unit 1 R P GI I 58
IBM 3217 Display Station 3 nPG ll 3270 DisplayControl Feature
IBM 5444 Disk Storage Drive 4 (5704-RGl onlyl 59
IBM 5445 Disk Storage . 5 Subset ANS COBOL 59
IBM 3940 Direct Access StorageFacility. 6 FORTRANIV 60
lBM 3344 Dirgct AccessStorage . 7 BasicAssemblerProgram 61
IBM 5424 Multi-FunctionCardUnit . 8 Disk Sort Program 62
IBM 1442 Card ReadPunch 9 CCP/.Disk: Sort Program.
lBM 2560 Multi-FunctibnCardMachine.
10 MagneticTape Soft Program @
IBM 2501 Card Reader 11 D i s k R e s i d e n t C a r d U i i l i t i .e s \ , , . ir. 65
IBM 1403printer 12 Summaryof Model 15 ProgramProduct.DeviceSupport 67
IBM 3284 Printer 13
IBM 3741 Data Station/programmable Work Station 15 OperatorDuties 70
IBM 3410/3411Magnetic TapeSubsysrem 17 Sy$em Action .. : 70
IBM 3270 lnformation DisplaySystem 18 System-Operato Communications-CRT/Keiboard
r 71
IBM 1255 Magnetic Character Reader 19 OperatorControl Commands 74
IBM 3881 OpticatMark Reader 20
C H A P T E R 5 .M O D E Ll S F E A T U R E S. . , 78
Disk SystemManagement 22 33zKl.and 33ztgEirect AccessStorage. "79
Supervisor 22 SimulationArea Usage. 81
Scheduler 23 Communications. .r ,.,"i . .
.. 82
DataManagement . . : . : : : : : : : 29 Binary Synchronous Cornpunications Adapter (BSCN. a2
Communications Manqgement . 26 BinarySynch ronousCommunications Controller
SystemControl and Service.pr6grams. 27 (BSCC)-M"odel'15D only . 83
Library MaintenanceProgram. . 28 Multiple Line TerminalAidapter (MLTA). 84
Copy/DumpProgram 28 l-ocal CommunicationsAdapter { LCA} 84
SimulationArea Program 29 Display Adapter . 84
Dump/Restore Program. 3 0 r Terminals. 84
Spool File Copy Program(5704-SC2only) 31 SerialInput/Output Channel 84
Other Programs Disk Storage
for Devices. 32 Modems 85
Other Programsfor MagneticTape 32
AdditionalSystemControl programming Functions 33 CHAPTER 6. COMPATIBILITY 86
OverlayLinkageEditor . 33 SystemCompatibility 86
$ystem Generation 33 Model 15 Programming Differences 87
Macros 33 OperationCompatibility 88
Suppon Rorout/Rotrin
of capauitity
iszbaici o"rul. 33 Program Compatibility 90
Supportof Checkpoint/Re$art
ity 34 ProgramProduct Compatibility 90
SystemInput Device 34 Data File Compatibility. 92
SystemPunch Device 35
Main Storage Requirements 35 APPENDIXA. CONFIGURATIOTTIS. 93
Supervisor Requirements b704-SCl (Model 15A,
1 5 8 ,1 5 C ) 35 APPENDIXB. BIBLIOGRAPHY. . 7O7
Supervisor Requiremenrs S704-SC2
for {Model ISD) 36 SystemControl Program 1O7
UserProgram Requirements 37 Communications. 1O7
Controlling Program Processing 37 ProgramProducts tOB
OperationControl Language 37 RPG il 108
Step Mode and Job Mode . 41 Other ProgrammingLanguages. tOB
Messages, Defaults,and Severity Levels 43 Sorts l@
ControllingSystemResources, 45 CardUtilities. lO8
Multiprogramming . 45 Other Reference. l0g
Communications Control program 49
Spooling 52 GLOSSARY. IlO
MULTI-LEAVING RemoteJob Entry Work Station
Program 55 INDEX 119
3277 Display Station
5421Printer 3340/33u14
and OperatorConsole 5415Processing 5424Multi-Function Access
Gontrol Storage
Keyboard Unit CardUnit

1403Printer 3284Printer


IBM System/3 Modet t5
Chapter1. SystemSummary

The IBM System/3Model 15 is a disk-oriented general-purposecomputer that offers
a wide variety of l/O options and largestoragecapacities.This chapterhighlights
the devicesavailable the Model l s; seeAppendix A, configurations, for more
detailedcharacteristics the variousdevices
of and a summaryof optional system

IBM 5415 Processing

The IBM 54'l5 Processing with 'these
Unit is available storagecapacities:

. 5 4 1 5 A a n d B M o d e l s :4 8 K , 6 4 K , g 6 K , o r 1 2 8 K

o 5415 C Models: 160K, 192K, 224K,or2B6K

o 5 4 1 5 D M o d e l s :9 6 K , 1 2 8 K ,1 6 0 K ,1 9 2 K ,2 2 4 K , 2 5 6 K , . 3 f , or S12K

The IBM System/3 Model 15 hasthe samebasicinstructionset.and
time as
other Systeni/3models. For System/3Model l5 features, ChapterS.

A minimumsystemis deterr.nined
primarilyby the main storage
and disk storage

Storage , AModel BModel GModel DModel

MainStorage 48K 4BK l6OK 96K

5444 Disk Storage Required Not Not Not
Drive ,, applicable applicable applicable
,. ,
5rt45 Disk Storage Optional Not Not Not
applicable applicable applicable

3340 Direct Access Not Required Required Required
StorageFacility applicable

3344 Direct Access Not Not Not Optional
Storage applicable applicable applicable

SystemSummary I
For each these
of moders, minimum
a system incrudes cRT/Keyboard, 1403
arso a a --
Printer, oneof the foilowing: il24 MFcu, 2s60 MFCM
,1442 iard R;;
3741Data station,or directlyattached3741 program-
mable WorkStation.

IBM 5415 Processing
IBM 3277 Display Station

The System/3Model 15 CRT/Keyboardis comprisedof:

o An IBM 3277 DisplayStationModel 1 -A CRT (cathode-ray

o Feature 4692-A 78-key OperatorConsoleKeyboard

The CRT/Keyboardis the operator/system communicationdevicefor Model 15 and
is requiredon everysystem. lt is attacheddirectly to the processingunit and is
locatedon the systemtable top. The CRT/Keyboardcan be usedfor inquiry, second-
ary output, limited key entry of data, and operator/program interaction.

The CRT can display480 characters-12linesof 40 characterseach. lt supportsa
64'character (36 alphameric
set characters, special
27 characters,
and a blank). The
movablekeyboardhasa 78-key EBCDICkeyboardthat includes45 alphamerickeys,
21 control keys,a.nd12 programfunction keys. As eachcharacteris keyed,it is
displayed the CRT.

,gM 3277 Display Station (CRT/Keyboardl

SystemSummary 3
IBM 5444 Disk StorageDrive

The IBM 5444 Disk StorageDrive providesSystem/3Model 15 with direct access
rangingfrom approximately5 million to 10 million bytes.

The 5444Model,A2 hasone permanentand one removable disk, while Model A3 has
one removable disk. The 5444 uses the removable5440 Disk Cartridges provide
unlimited storage. Cartridges interchangeable
are betweenModelsA2
and A3.

ModelsA2 and A3 are the samehigh-speed
disk drivesthat are avaitable
the System/3Model 8 or 10.

5444 Disk storage Drivescan be attachedto the il1s processing
unit (A Model
only) to givedata capacities

4.9 million bytes One S444ModelA2

7.35 mitlion bytes One b444 Model A2 and one 5444 Model A3

9.8 million bytes Two 5444 Model A2s

IBM 54rt4 Disk StorageDrive
IBM 5445 Disk Storage

The IBM 5445 Disk Storageprovideslargecapacity,high speed, direct access
agecapacityfor system/3 Model 15. The removableIBM 2316 Disk pack is used
on the 5445 to providean online data capacityof 20.49 million bytes.

The 5445 Disk storageis available three models. The Model 1 containsthe
necessarycontrolsfor both the Model 1 and the Model 2. The Model 2 can be
attachedonly to systems usinga Model 1. The Model 3 resemplestwo Model l,s
(sideby side)and allowstwo disk packsto be onlinesimultaneously.

5445 Disk storagecan be attachedto the b4l s processing
Unit (A Model only) to
givedata capacities follows:

20.48 million bytes One5445Model1

40.96 million bytes One 5445 Model 1 and one S44SModel 2, or
One 5445 Model 3

61.44 million bytes Two 5445 Model 1's and one b445 Model2, or
One 5445 Model 1 and one 5445 Model 3

81.92 million bytes Two 5445 Model 1t and two b44b Model 2,s,
Two 5445 Model 3's, or
One 5445 Model l, one 544b Model 2, and one b44S

IBM 54115Disk Storage Model 1

SystemSummary 5
IBM 3340 Direct AccessStorage Facility

The 3340 Direct AccessstorageFacility uses removableIBM 3349 Model 70
Data Moduleand providesan online data capacityof 40.8 million bytes (excluding
programstorage and backupareas).The 3340 is available all b415 processing
Units ModelsB, C, and D.

when the 3340 Direct Access storageFacility is used,one 3340 Model A2 is
r:equired; addition, one 3340 Model B1 or 82 can be used.

The 3340 Direct Access
storage Facility can be attachedas follows:

User Programs,Backup,
3340 Models Data Storagel and Reserved

Model42 81.6 21.3

Model A2 with Modet 81 122.4 32.02

Model A2 with Model 82 163.2 42.62

For more information about disk storagefacilities,refer to Chapterb in this manual.
For the models158 and 15c also refer to the IBM system/3 Modet 15 3340Direct
Access storage Facility ReferenceManual, Gc21-81 1 1. For the Model 1sD also refer
to the IBM SystemB Modet 15 $ystem control programming concepts and

IBM 3340 Direct AccossStorageFacitity Model A2

In millions of bytes.
"A data module used on Model 91 or 82 on System/3 Model t 5D has lesscapacity.
IBM 3344 Direct AccessStorage

The 3344 Direct Access StorageModel 82 is a two-driveunit that attaches theto
3340 Direct Access StorageFacility Model A2 on a 5415 Processing Unit Model D.
The 3344 storagemedium is permanentlymounted and sealed within the drive as
an integralcomponent. The disk surfaces and read/writeheadsare incorporated
into the drive; the density of recorded data is substantiallyincreased;and impor-
tant environmental stability is added.

The two drivesof a3344 provideapproximately365.7 million blrtesof userdata
storageand47.2 million bytes for programs,
backup,and reserved areas.

lBM.33t14Direct AccessStorageModel 82

SystemSummary 7
IBM 5424 Multi-Function Card Unit

The IBM 5424 Murti-Function card Unit (MFcu) is a gG-column
performsthe following functions:

o Reads feedscardsfrom
or either of two hoppers. ModerA1 reads250 cardsper
minute; Model A2 readsb00 cardsper minute.

. Punches cardsat a rated speedof 60 cardsper minute (Model
A1) or 120 cards
per minute {Model42).

o Prints on cardsat 60 cardsper
minute (ModerA1) or 120 cardsper minute

o Stackscardsin any of four

The MFCU can process two separatefires. one can be an input fire and the other
an output file, as in reproducingcards;or both
files can be usedas input or output.
cards from the two files can be combinedas
necessary during processing. The
MFCU can be usedto match recordswithin two fires,
mergetwo files, select
records,or sort card files.

IBM 5424 Mutti-Function Card Unir
IBM 14/.2 Card ReadPunch

An IBM 1442Card ReadPunch Model 6 or Model 7 can be atftched to the
system/3 Model 15 to provide8o-columncard readingqnd punching,.Model 6
readsat 300 cardsper minute and punches 80 columnsper second;Model 7
readsat 400 cardsper minute and punches 160 columnsper,
at second.

The following operationscan be performedon the 1442:

o Read

Punchwith no feed

Punchand feed

Stack cardsin either of two stackers

Readcolumn binary (cardimage)-supported
only by the BasicAssembler

IAM 1442 Card ReadPunch

SystemSummary 9
IBM 2560 Multi-Function GardMachine

The IBM 2560 t\4ulti-Function
CardMachine(MFCM)is an gO-column
available two models,
in ModelA1 and Model42. The MFCM can;

' Readcardsfrome ither of two hoppers. Moder
A1 readsb00 cardsper minute;
Model A2 reads310 cardsper minute.

o Punchcardsat a ratedspeedof '160
columnsper second(Model A1l or 120
columnsper second(ModelA2).

' Print on cards(ModerA1 with optionarprint feature)
at 140 positionsper

o Stack cardsin any of five stackers(Model
A1) or four stackers(Model A2).

The MFGM can be usedto match recordswithin two
fires,mergetwo files, serect
records,or sort card files.

IBM 2560 Multi.FunctionCardMachine
IBM 2501CardReader

system/3 Model15supports models andA2) of the IBM 2501car:d
two (A1
Reader. Models andA2 read8O-column
A1 cards a maximum of 600and
at rate
1,000 per
cards minute,respectivery. cardimage
The modeis supported
only by
the Basic

IBM 2501 Card Reader

SystemSummary 11
IBM 1403 Printer

The'lBM 1403 printer Moder2, s, or N1 is requiredon every
system/3 Mbdet 18.
It is attachedvia an rBM 8421 printer control unit. Each
moderproducesa print
line'with 132 print positions. The UniversalCharacter special
Set featurecan be
usedto expandthe basicset of 4g characters as many
to as 120 characters.

ffore.' Model 2 or b requiresan rnterchangeabre
chain cartridge Adapter special
featurefor installationof the UniversalCharacter

Varioustype fonts, styles,and character
arrangements avairabre.

The 1403 printersusea type cartridgewith 240 characters.
The standardset of
repeated five times on the cartridge,permitsthe rated throughput of the
standardmodels. Ratedthroughput, basedon a 4g-character set with single-line

Model 2 600 linesper minute
Model 5 465 linesper minute
ModelNl 1,100tinesper minute

A second1403 printer, supportedonry by spooring;
may be attachedto a system/3
Model 15D; suchattachment requires RpO,

IBM 1403 Printer Modet Nl IBM 14OgPrinrer Model 2 and Modet S

IBM 3284 Printer

The 3284 Printer Model 1 can be attachedto System/3Model 15 as an auxiliary

The primary useof the 3284 is to obtain hard copy output of system that
appearon the CRT. The 3284 can also be usedfor low vglume output of other

The 3284 Printer usesa matrix print headand pin feed platenand hasa rated speed
of 40 characters second. lt usesa character of 64 EBCDICcharacters
set and
can produceprint lineqof 120, 126, or 132 print positions.

IBM 3284 Printer

SystemSummary 13
IBM 3287 Prinrer

The 3287 Printer Moder I or 2 canbe attachedto the
system/3 Moder lb as an

The primary useof the 32g7 is to obtain hard copy output
of systemmessages
that appearon the cRT. The 32g7 can arsobe usedfor
row vorumeoutput of
other programs.

The 3287 Moder r has a rated print speedof g0 charactersper second ;the J2g7
Model 2 hasa rated print speedof l2ocharactersper
second. Eachmodel features
a desktopdesignfor convenientpracement, and providesimprovedforms handring,
dual caseprinting,printoption of 6 org rinesper inch,and print rines 132
print positions.

IBM 3287 Printer
IBM 3741 DataStation/Programmable
Work Station

The 3741 can be usedas:

An offline data entry device(aspart of the IBM 3740 Data Entry System)

An online input/output deviceattacheddirectly to the Model l S

A terminal devicein a communications

The 3741 Data Station, Model 1 or 2, is a singleoperator key entry station usedto
recorddata onto a diskette.

The 3741 Programmable work station, Model 3 or 4. providesadditionatfunctions
beyondthe scopeof the 3741 Datastation. lt hasthe capabilityto operateunder
the control of an applicationprogramwritten in Application control Language
(ACL). System/3doesnot support this language; however,ACL can be usedfor
offline applications.

One 3741 (Model1,2,3, or 4) can be attached directlyto the System/3Model lE
to provide,in addition to the input or output of data, necessary
systeminput and
output functions,such as enteringoperation control Language.The Model 2 or 4
can also be usedwith System/3Model 15 via its BSCA, BSCC, LCA attachments
for the input or output of data only.

Display DisketteDrives


Systemgummary 15
Characteristics the four modelsof the 3741 are as follows:

Model t Data Station
A singledata entry station; recordsize r-12g characters; programrevers
standard;24O-character rows of 40 chara*ers) cRT dispray;operator

Modet 2 Data Station with BSC
Samefunctional characteristics Model 1. Also
as includesa binary synchro-
nouscommunications adapter;switchedor nonswitched,point_to-point, or
nonswitchedmurtipoinu auto'answer,EBcD I c transparency standard(except
when transmittingor receiving blockeddata). Can be usedasa rernoteterminal
at 1,2oo,2,0(x) or 2,400 bps over appropriatecommunications facirities.

Model 3 Programmable Work Station
Executes programs written in Appricationcontror Language.optionaily can
createobject programs from sourceprograms. can operatewith'the same
functional characteristics a Model 1 when not under ACL pr:ogram
as control.

Model4,Programmable Work Station with BSC
same functionarcharacteristics Moder3. Adds the binary synchronous
communications capabirityof the Model 2 and can operiie wiih the same
functional characteristics the tudoel z when not under ACL program

The 3741 directly attached to system/3 provides input/output ratesof
mately 1,500 recordsper minute readingfrom the diskette and approximatety
recordsper minute writing to the diskette.

Theseratesdependon the complexity of the appticationand on the foilowing

o Recordsare transferred between the g741 and
a 8444 Disk storage Drive.

I For the 3741, tr?8-byterecords,are
usedand ingloeviceis double buffered.
. . . :
o block size iq 1,024,bytes(8 records'per
for,tfre-54j4, ' block) and the deviceis
doublebuffered. ' i
t '
. , , ,

' Th9 systemis dedicatedand the operationis error-freewith no atternate
', ' , tracks
assigned the disk;
on ,

Note: lnthis publication,generalreferendes the 374:l pertainto
to an l/o device
directly attachedto the system;references the 3741 usedas a terminal device
are so noted.

more information, refer to the IBM system/g gz4l ReferenceManuar,

IBM 3410/3411 MagneticTapeSubsystem

The 3410/3411 MagneticTape Units readfrom and write to half-inchmagnetic
tape. The 3410 is a tape unit only; the 3411 is a tape unit and a control unit in
the sameframe. From one to four tape units can be attachedto System/3 Model 1b.

The 3410/3411Models1,2, and3 havedata rateso;f 20,40, and g0 kilobytesper
second,reipectively. All units in a magnetictape systemmust be the samemodel.
Recording deniity can be 800 or 1,600 bits per inch (bpi) for g+ract trpr; or.Z-OO,
556, or 800 bpi for 7-tracktape.

Both the 3410 and 3411 aredesk-high units with tape reelsmounted horizontally
ratherthan vertically. A transparent
slidingcover provideseasyaccess the tape

Each3410/3411 tape unit must be equippedwith a special feature that specifies
the read/writeformat desired. The featuresare singledensity,dual density, and
7'track. Dual-densityand 7-track featurescannot be installedon the samesubsystem.

IBM 3410 MagneticTape Unit

SystemSummary 17
IBM 3270 Information DisplaySystem

The 3270 Information Displaysystem consists display stations(screen
of and
keyboard),printers,and control units. The systemoffers a choiceof display sizes
(480 or 1,920 characters),
keyboards, and printer speeds to 120 characters
(40 per
second, 120 to 300 linesper minute,assuming 64-character
a set).

The componentsof the 3270 aredesigned many different data communication
systemconfigurations.The system/3 Model 1b supportsthe following:
3271 Control Unit
3274 Control Unit
3275 DisplayStation
3276 Control Unit DisplayStation
3277 Display Station
3278 DisplayStation
3284 Printer
3286 Printer
3287 Printer
3288 Line Printer
3289 Line Printer

The 327Ouses binarysynchronous communications with eitherthe ASCII or the
EBcDlc code structureand transmitsdata at speeds to 9600 bps. The 3270
can be usedon switchedpoint-to-point nonswitched
or multipointchannels.

For more informationon the 3270 systemcomponents, Figure21 in

IBM 3270 InformationDisptaySystem

IBM1255 MagneticCharacterReader

The 1255 Magneticcharacter Reader,available three models,readsmagneticalry
inscribeddata from cardsand paperdocuments.The 1258 hasthe foilowing

o checksthe readabirityof eachmagnetic
and speciar

' checks fixed-lengthfields to ensurethat all numericdigits have
been printed

o Processes
intermixed paperand card documents

o Reads
and/or sortsat the follow-ing.rates:
- Model 1: up to 500 6-inch
documents minute into six stackers
- Model 2: up to 750 6-inch documents
per minute into six stackers
- Model 3: up to 7s0 6-inch
documentsper minute into twelve stackers

lvofe" Actual sorting and processing
speeds ail three modersdependon
length of documentand complexity of systemprogram.

IBM 1255 MagneticCharacterReder
IBM 1255 Magnetic Character Reader Model 3
Models 1 and 2

SystemSummary lg
IBM 3881 OpticalMarkReader

The 3881 Optical Mark ReaderModel 1 readsmachine-printed
and/or hand-marked
data and hasthe following characteristics:

' Readsup to 6,000 documentsper hour under control of the systemcontrol

Readsdata placedon data sheets
with an ordinary number 2 pencilor by various
IBM printers.

Usesa format control sheetto load format control information into the 3gg1.

Directsdata sheetswithout errorsto the main stacker; Datasheetswith errors
aredirectedto a separate
stacker. Stackerselectionis under control of the user

IBM 3881 Optical Mark ReaderModel 1

Chapter2. SystemControl Programming

The system/3 Model 15 system control program(scp) consists programs
of funda-
mentalto the operation and maintenance the system: disk systemmanagement
programs and systemcontrol and service programs.Theseprogramsare stored in a
libraryon disk and loadedinto main storage execution required, shownin
for as as
Figure1. Librarystorage be on a s444 Disk storageDriveor in a s444 simula-
tion areaon a 3340 Direct Access
StorageFacility or 3344 Direct Accessstorage.

An obj*t library containsthe systemprograms and programproducts;a source
library containssourceprograms and operationprocedures.Theselibrariescan be
on the same differentdisksand can reside a disk with datafiles.
or on

systemcontrol programming system/3Modeli 5 is available follows:
for as


Program Models 5A,158,15C
1 M o d e l1 5 D

SystemControl Program 5704-SC1 5704-SC2

Control Prooram Feature6033/6070 Feature6011
of 5704-SCl of 5704-SC2

MULTI-LEAVING emote ob Entrv
R J Feature6001/6002 l n c l u d e dn
Work StationProgram of 5704-SC1 5704-SC2

All Model15 l/O unitsaresupported both SCps.
by except:

5704-SCl doesnot support 3344 Direct Access

5704-sc2 doesnot support 5444 Disk storageDrive or 544s Disk storage

SystemControl Programming 21

For operationand supportof the systemand for execution userprograms,
of the
disk systemmanagement consists a supervisor, scheduler, datamanagement
of a and


The supervisor loadedinto storage the initial programloader.
is by startingopera-
tion of the system.The supervisorcontrolsoverallsystemoperationsan6 provides
the general functionsrequired the scheduler all processing
by and programs. The
supervisor resides the lowestareaof storage
in throughoutsystem operation,while
the file sharearea(5704-sc2only) alwaysresides the highest
in areaof storage.

I P L i n i t i a l i z et h e
system and loads
the supervisor.

Main Storage


I n i t i a lP r o g r a m o a d e r l p L )
L i

D a t a M a n a g e m e n tR o u t i n e s

C o m m u n i c a t i o n so n t r o l

System Service Programs nr. Shr[ nr*
L i b r a r yM a i n t e n a n c e (5704-SC2)
S i m u l a t i o n r e aP r o g r a m
T h e s u p e r v i s o r e m a i n si n s t o r -
ProgramProducts age while the system is in opera-
t i o n ; i t l o a d st h e o t h e r M o d e l 1 5
programs as their functions are
requ i red.

Figure 1. Storage of System/3 Model 15 programs


The scheduler loadedby the supervisor initiatethe execution eachnew
is to of
program and to establish
which systemfacilities to be evoked
are while that pro-
gramis running.

Data Management

Datamanagement routinesprovidean interfacebetween userprogramand the
required datafires. They can be incruded problemprograms rerieve
in to the
programmer the detailedprogramming
of associatedwith the transferof data
between programs auxiriary
and storage.scp data management services pro-
videdfor disk,tape,card,diskette,printer,communication, cRT fires;in
and addi-
tion, a device-independentaccess methodis available.

Disk Data Management

indexed, directdisk file organizations supportedtor the s444,
or are
5445,3y,O, and 3344 units;thesefilescan be processedconsecutively randomly.
The maximumnumberof filesthat can be storedis:

5444 50 per disk cartridge
5/'45 50 or 'l ,000 per disk pack
3340 and 3344 1,000per maindataarea;50 per simulationarea

Indexedfilesare not allowedin simulationareas_

The followingare supported SCpdisk data management
by routines:

Records that spanphysical disk boundaries (sectors, tracks,cylinders).The user
doesnot needto be awareof the physicalboundaries when he writes programs
to access data. the
Record sizes from 'l byte to 32K bytes(a particular program, suchas RpG lt, can
r e s t r i ctth e m a x i m u m i z e ) .
Fixed-length records.
Blockedor unblocked records.
Blocking factor that can vary from program program.
Multivolume files (sequential indexedmultivolume
or files may be eitheronline
or offline,but direct multivolume files must be online).
Externalbuffers(5704-sc2only)-Disk l/o bufferscan be outside
the object
program but within the partition.
File sharing-Asingre-volume fire can be shared certainaccess
disk for methods
between partitions. By usingb7o4-sc2,a multivolume disk file can atsobe
shared between partitions.

SystemControl Programming 23
Tape Data Management

Magnetictape is usedasa datastorage mediumonly. Librariesand programs not
supported tape although
on they can be contained datafileson tape.

The followingaresupported SCptapedata management:

Fixed or variable lengthrecords
Blockedor unblocked records
Block sizefrom 18 bytesto 32K bytes
Multivolume files
Multifile olumes
Unlabeled labeled
or (ANSI or IBM Standardlabels)
EBCDICor ASCII recording format

Card l/O Data Management

The following are supportedby SCPcard data management the respective
for l/O

Cardl/O Device
Function il24 2560' 14p.2 2501

Columnsreadper card 96 1-80 80 1-80
UniqueEBCDI characrers
C il 256 256 256

Columnspunched card
per 96 1-80 1-80
UniqueEBCDICcharacters 64 zffi 256

Print positions line
per 1-32 1-64
Print linesper card 4 2 5
Linesper print operation o,1.2,0,2,4,
3,4 6
UniqueEBCDICcharacters 6 4 i l

Deferredpunchor print Yes Yes

Cardimage(columnbinary) Yes Yes

Feed Yes Yes Yes

Stackerselect Yes Yes Yes

Singleor doublebuffering Yes Yes Yes Yes

Combined processing
file Yes Yes Yes

Model 15 supportfor the MFGM is compatibte with system/360Model 20 support
exceptfor certainstacker-select
situationsand readcard image.

Diskette Data Management

The followingaresupported SCpdiskettedata management:

R e a d i n g- 1 2 8 p o s i t i o n s
W r i t i n g1 - 1 2 8 o s i t i o n s
S i n g l e r d o u b l eb u f f e r i n g
R e a d i n o r w r i t i n g ,b u t n o t s i m u l t a n e o u s l y
R e a d i n g r w r i t i n g2 5 6 E B C D I C h a r a c t e r s
o c
Reading writing fixed-length
or records only
Processing consecutive
only records

Printer Data Management

The followingaresupported SCp printerdata management:

Characteristic 1403 g2g4 g2g7

Print line positions 132 12O,126,or 132 132

S k i pt o l i n e n u m b e r e f o r e
or after print yes yes yes

S p a c e e f o r ep r i n t
b O , 1, 2 , o r 3 0, 1,2, or 3 O,1,2, or 3

S p a c e f t e rp r i n t
a O ,1 , 2 , o r 3 1,2,or 3 t , 2,or 3

detection yes yes yes

UniqueEBCDICcharacters 64 64 64

e No limitr 64 64

set Optional No No

CB T/Keyboard Data Management

The 3277 Display station Model 1 is supported datamanagement output
by for
records and,in conjunction with the 78-keyoperatorconsoleKeyboard, for
input and updaterecords.The top seven lines(40 positions each)of the CRT screen
areused. Because lastpositionis reserved system
the for use,a maximumareaof
2 7 9 p o s i t i o n ss a v a i l a b l eD a t ac a nb e d i s p l a y e w i t h a n y o f t h e 6 4 E B C D I C h a r -
i . d c
acters allowedby the 3277 DisplayStationModel 1.

D e p e n d so n p r i n t t r a i n o r c h a i n u s e d .

SystemQontrol Programming 25
Device- I ndependen t Data Management

A s e q u e n t i a f i l e t h a t u s e sd e v i c e - i n d e p e n d e n ta t a m a n a g e m e n t a n b e a s s i g n e d t
l d c a
p r o g r a m e x e c u t i o nt i m e t o o n e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g d e v i c e s : 1 4 0 3 P r i n t e r ,
3 2 8 4 P r i n t e r , 3 2 8 7 P r i n t e r , 5 4 2 4 M F C U , 2 5 6 0 M F C M , 1 4 4 2 C a r d R e a dp u n c h ,
2501 card Reader,3741 Data station or Programmablework station, s444 and
5445 Disk Storage (5704-SC1only), 3340 Direct AccessStorage Facility, 3344
Direct AccessStorage (b704-SC2only), or 341013411 Magnetic Tape Subsystem.

For device-independent
data management,the following are supported:

MFCU or MFCM card orint
Fixed-length record processing
EBCDICdata format
M u l t i v o l u m et a p e f i l e p r o c e s s i n g

The following are not supported:

Stacker select
Forms control
Updating records
Adding records
Combined file processing
M u l t i v o l u m ed i s k f i l e p r o c e s s i n g
Variable length record processing
Deferred open of tape files
ASCII data format

Communications Management

F i v e c o m m u n i c a t i o n si n t e r f a c e s r e p r o v i d e d ( r e f e rt o F i g u r e 2 0 f o r t h e t e r m i n a l s
supported by these interfaces;also seeCommunications in Chapter 5).

o R P G l l T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n sB S C A ) - A f u n c t i o n o f t h e R p G l l p r o g r a m
orod uct

' R P G l l 3 2 7 0 D i s p l a y C o n t r o l F e a t u r e- A s e p a r a t e l y r d e r a b l ef e a t u r e f o r t h e
R P G l l p r o g r a mp r o d u c t 5 7 0 4 - R G 1

. BSCA Multiline/Multipoint(ML/MP) - A function of SCP

o M u l t i p l e L i n e T e r m i n a lA d a p t e r ( M L T A ) I O C S - P r o g r a m m i n g u p p o r tf o r a
h a r d w a r eR P O

. Communications Control Program (CCP) - A function of SCp

The SCPprovides system programs enable
control and service to the userto prepare
and maintainsystemlibraries and datafilesand to performbasicfunctionsnecessary
for the operation the system
of and the maintenance application
of programs.These
system control and service
programs be executed a multiprogramming
can in environ-
ment,althoughresource contentionmay prevent somefunctionsfrom being

The programs distributedwith SCpS7O4-SC1 (applicable System/3Model 15A,
158, or 15C)aredesigned be usedonly with that SCP. Programs
to distributedwith
5704-SC2 (applicable Model 15D) aredesigned be usedonly with that SCp.
to to

System control and service
programs their minimum main storage
and requirements
a r ea sf o l l o w s :

Program Required

L i b r a r ym a i n t e n a n c e 10K