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System Productivity Facility
General Information
MVS, VM, and VSE
Publication Number File Number
GC34-2078-2 S370/4300-39
Program Number
ISPF 5668-960
ISPF/PDF 5665-268 MVS
5664-172 VM
5666-281 VSE
Third Edition (July 1983)
This ed~tion applies to the Interactive System Productivity
Facility (ISPF) and the ISPFjProgram Development Facility
(ISPFjPDF, or PDF) Program Products, as shown in the table
below, and to all subsequent releases until otherwise indicated
by technical newsletters.
Program Product Program Number
System OS/VS2 VMjSP VSE/ AF~':
Release 3.8 1.0 3.5
ISPF 5668.960 5668.960 5668.960
ISPFjPDF 5665.268 5664.172 5666.281
I~': Refer to Chapter 1 "Introduction" for a more
I complete explanation of system and release
I identification for the VSE environment.
Changes are made periodically to t~e information herein; before
using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM
systems, consult the latest IBM System/370 and 4300 Processors
Bibliography, GC20-0001, for the editions that are applicable
and current.
References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or
services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available
in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM
program product in this document is not intended to state or
imply that only IBM's program product may be used. Any
functionally equivalent program may be used instead.
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@ Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1983
This manual provides an overview and initial planning information for
two related program products: the Interactive System Productivity
Facility (ISPF) and the ISPF/Program Development Facility (ISPF/PDF, or
PDF) .
These cross-system program products are designed to increase user
productivity in the development of applications on display terminals.
There is special emphasis on the development and use of interactive
applications, called dialogs. The dialog management functions of ISPF
and the program development capabilities of PDF are contained in
separate products; for MVS and VM/SP they were previously combined in
the System Productivity Facility (SPF) Program Product.
The manual covers the following topics: