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File Number 1401/1460-01
Form A24-3067-2

Systems Reference Library

System Operation Reference Manual
111M 1401 Data Processing System
IBM 1460 Data Processing System

This reference publication contains the introduction and basic
instruction set for the IBM 1401 and IBM 1460. The operation code
for each instruction is given in actual and mnemonic form, with
examples of each. The formula for calculating the execution time
of each instruction is also included.
In addition, this manual presents the instructions and applicable
timings for the IBM 1402, 1403, 1406, and 1447. For general
information on the units attached to the 1401 and 1460 systems,
refer to the IBM 1401 and 1460 Bibliography, Form A24-1495.
This manual is the first of five reference manuals providing the
complete instruction set for the IBM 1401 and 1460. The other four
manuals are:
Miscellaneous Input/Ouput Instructions (A24-3068)
Tape Input/Output Instructions (A24-3069)
Disk Input/Output Instructions (A24-3070)
Special Feature Instructions (A24-3071)
To accommodate a particular system configuration, any
combination of these five manuals can be placed in a single
binder for the user's convenience.

This publication is the primary reference text for the Tape Input/Output Instructions (A24-3069)
IBM 1401 and 1460 Data Processing Systems. The full Section F Tape Input/Output Operations
set of manuals provides a detailed explanation of all
Disk Input/Output Instructions (A24-3070)
the instructions used by the system to manipulate data.
Section G Disk Input/Output Operations
Detailed explanations of the instructions used with
the required and available input/output units attached Miscellaneous Input/Output Instructions (A24-3068)
to the system are also included. The reader should be Section II Miscellaneous Input/Output Opera-
familiar with the IBAf 1401 System Summary, Form tions
A24-1401, or the IBM 1460 System Summary, Form
Special Feature Instructions (A24-3071)
A24-1496, and the various publications on program-
Section I Special Feature Operations
ming material, such as Symbolic Programming System
(SPS) and Autocoder.
A System Reference Library can be compiled using
The complete manual is divided functionally into those sections applicable to the user's machine con-
these sections: figuration.

System Operation Reference Manual (A24-3067)
This publication is intended for programmers and
Section A Introduction systems personnel who have a general knowledge of
Section B System Operations the IBM 1401 or 1460 Data Processing Systems and who
Section C IBM 1406 Operations require a reference tcxt for detailed information.
Section D IBM 1447 Operations Other publications referenced here are, in most
Section E IBM 1402 and 1403 Operations cases, prerequisites for a complete understanding of
Section N Code Chart and Index of Instructions the material presented in this publication.

Third Edition (September 1966)

This edition, A24-3067 -2, is a major revision of and obsoletes
A24-3067 -1.

This revision does not obsolete the four companion reference
manuals listed in thc Preface.

Significant changes are indicated as follows:
1. A dot (.) appears beside the l1age number when the entire
page should be reviewed.
2. A vertical line (J) appears beside changed or added text.
3. A dot appears to thc left of a figure title when the entire
figure should be reviewed.

Copies of this and other IUM publications can be obtained through IUM Branch Offiees.
This Manual has bcen prepared by the IBM Systems Development Division,
Product Publications, Dept. 171, P.O. Box 6, Endicott, N. Y. 13760.
A form has been provided at the back of this publication for readers' comments.