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File No. S360-25
GC28-2025-4 TSS

Systems Reference Library

Version 8.1

IBM System/360 Time Sharing System
FORTRAN Programmer's Guide

This publication descrihes how to use the IR\f Systt'rIl /360 Timc
Sharing System (TSS; :ICi()) for compiling and executing programs
'written in the FORTnA:\' lV language. It also describes how to usc
the services and ft'al lIres of 'ISS /;oGO that, while not directly re-
lated to FOHTRA:\' programming, are frequcntly of usc to the FOH-
TRAN programmer.
FIFTH EDITION (September 1971)
This is a major revision of, and makes ohsolete, C28-202.5-3 and Technical News-
letters GN28-3067 and CN28-,'3141.
This edition is current with Version 8, "Iodification 1, of the IBM System/360
Time Sharing System (TSS/:360), and remains in elIect for all subsequent versions
or modifications of TSS/360 unless otherwise noted. Significant changes or ad-
ditions to this publication will he provided in new editions or Technical Ncws-
letters. Bcfore using this puhlication, refer to the latest edition of IBM System/360
Time Sharing System: Addendllm, GC28-204,), which may contain information
pertinent to the topics covered in this edition. The Addendtlm also lists the
editions of all TSS/360 publications that are applicable and current.
Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM repre-
sentative or to the IBM hranch office serving your locality,
A form is provided at the back of this publication for reader's comments.
If the form has been H'movcd. comments may be ad(lressed to IBM Corporation,
Time Sharing System!:l60 Programmin!.( Publications, Department 6