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- ---- Do not reproduce without written permission PRPQ 5799-ADR.1
Dec 83
On S/370 Using DOS and DOS/VS
5799-ADR (PRPQ P810002)
This program provides emulation of RCA 301 systems on the S/370
mdls 135 and 145. CPU operations are provided for, or assisted by,
microprogramming. I/O operations are simulated with DOS. This
program is available under VM/370. For additional information, consult
IBM Emulator for RCA 301 on System/370 Using DOS and DOS/VS
One of the following no-charge RPQs must be selected:
For the 3135:
SOO118 - Emulate RCA 301. Control Storage Requirement
4,400 bytes.
For the 3145:
SOO119 - Emulate RCA 301. Control Storage Requirement --
6,000 bytes.
The License Agreement for IBM Program Products does not provide
the customer with a license to emulate programs in which third parties
have or may have copyright or other proprietary interests.
Customers should be advised that programs they have obtained from
third parties may require a license from the third party for use on the
IBM system.
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----- ISG
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Do not reproduce without written permission PRPQ 5799-AEY.1
Dec 83
VANDL-1 (5799-AEY)
VANDL-1 is an entry data base management system for the DOS user. VANDL-1 acts as an interface between the application program and the
A compatible subset of DL/I DOS/VS and IMS - DL/I (except for DOS data management routines. It is actually the main program in the
RPG-II programs), VANDL-1 has been designed to provide both a DOS partition; the user-written COBOL, PL/I, RPG-II or Assembler
batch data base processing capability as well as operate within the program is treated as a subroutine.
teleprocessing environment of CICS DOS-Entry and CICS DOS-
Standard. The DOS user can now begin data base and application The application program communicates with VANDL-1 via the Data
program development with VANDL-1 in preparation for installing DL/I Language/I (DL/!) interface. Program requests provide for reading,
DOS/VS. deleting, adding and changing segments in the data base. (A segment
consists of one or more logically associated data fields, and is of fixed
HIGHLIGHTS length.) Feedback information is provided by VANDL-1 after every call
indicating successful or unsuccessful completion, plus complete
VANDL-1 runs in a user program partition under the Disk identification of the data base segment retrieved or processed.
Operating System (DOS or DOS/VS).
VANDL-1, operating under DOS/VS, allows smooth migration to
DL/I DOS/VS. Hierarchical structures are a way of representing the dependencies
within segments associated by a single identifying piece of information,
Application programs are upward compatible to DL/I DOS/VS and for example, employee number. Dependent segments for an employee
IMS DL/I (except for RPQ-II). might include such information as age, dependents, current pay and pay
Online applications may access VANDL-1 data bases throu9h an history, and skills inventory, as shown.
interface to the Customer Information Control System (CICS +---------+
DOS-Entry or DOS-Standard). IEmployee I
VANDL-1 includes three data file organizations: HSAM, HIDAM I
and HISAM. +-----------+------------+
VANDL-1 supports hierarchical file structures of up to eight levels. I I
+-------+ +------+
VANDL-1 requires a minimum of additional core in the user +---IPayrolll---+ +--ISkillsl--+
partition (8-1 OK for two data files for batch, 8K for online). I +-------+ I I +------+ I
User programs may be written in Assembler, COBOL, PL/I or +------+ +----+ +-------+ +---------+ +----------+
RPG-II. IDeduc-1 ICur-1 I Pa