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IBM 3791 to 3277
Display Station Interface,
Product Attachment Manual
'This document is provided on an "as is" basis, and is subject to change
by IBl1 at any time without notice. The data in this document ,is current
as of the date of its preparation. IBM makes no warranty, expressed or
implied, relative to its completeness or accuracy. This document is not
intended to be a performance or functional specification. It assumes that
~he user has an understanding of the interrelationship among any affected
$ystems, machines, programs or media.
It is understood that his communication does not constitute a grant of any
license under any patent of IBM or others, and that IBM may have one or
more patents or patent applications pending on this subject matter, and no
:r;esponsibility is assumed for any infringement of patents or other rights
which may result from the manufacture, use, or sale of the subject matter
Inquiries relative to licensing should be directed in writing to:
D:irector of Contracts and Licensing, IBM Corporation, Armonk, N. Y. , 10504.
This publication provides a description of the interface
between the 3791 Controller and the 3277 Display Station.
The data contained herein is current as of March, 1975 and
should be of interest to designers and engineers of
equipment to be attached to the 3791 Controller.
Additional information pertaining to the 3791 and the
3793 may be obtained from the following manuals:
o An Introduction to the IBM 3790 Communication System,
o IBM 3790 Communication System Configura tor, GA27-2768 or
GA 19-0111 {WT Version}.
o IBM 3790 Communication System Installation Manual, Phvsical
Planning, GA27-2769.
o IBM 3790 Communication System Programming Statements
Guide, GC27