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:5::'=::S';'5: Systems Reference Library
IBM Systemj360
Operating System
RPG Language Specifications
Program Number 3805 -RG-038 (OS)
This reference publication contains fundamentals of RPG programming
and language specifications for the IBM System/360 Opel'aiing System
RPG. Also included is the job setup information necessary for executing
System/360 Operating System RPG is a problem-oriented 6. Branch within the calculations.
language designed to provide users with an efficient, easy-
to-use technique for generating programs that can: 7. Sequence check input records.
1. Obtain data records from single or multiple input 8. Maintain fIles.
2. Perform calculations on data taken from input records RPG uses a set of specification sheets on which the user
or RPG literals. makes entries. The forms are simple, and the headings
on the sheets are largely self-explanatory.
3. Write reports.
4. Use table lookup. Although many reports. use only one input fIle, RPGcan
combine data from multiple input fIles to create a report.
s. Exit to a user's subroutine written in a language other The output may be a single report, or it may be several
thanRPG. reports created simultaneously on different devices.
Seventh Edition (July 1973)
This is a reprint of GC24-3337-5 incorporating changes issued in Technical Newsletter
GN21-5204, dated September 20, 1972.
Information in this pUblication is subject to change. Before using this publication,
be sure you have the latest edition and any Technical Newsletters.
Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative
or to the IBM branch office serving your locality.
Some illustrations in this manual have a code number in the lower comer. This is
a pUblishing control number and is not related to the subject matter.
Address comments concerning the contents of this publication to IBM Corporation,
Publications, Department 245, Rochester, Minnesota 55901. Comments become
the property of IBM.