Text preview for : WEBreak.mesa_Sep78.pdf part of xerox WEBreak.mesa Sep78 xerox mesa 4.0_1978 listing Mesa_4_Debug WEBreak.mesa_Sep78.pdf

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WEBreak.mesa 2-Sep-78 15:32:14 Page 1

--File: WEBreak.mesa
--Edited by:
Johnsson July 22. 1978 1:16 PM
Sandman May 4. 1978 10:56 AM
Barbara June 26. 1978 10:25 AM
AltoDefs: FROM "altodefs" USING [CharsPerPage].
AltoFileDefs: FROM "altofiledefs" USING [FA].
ControlDefs: FROM "eontroldefs" USING [BytePC. GlobalFrameHandle].
DebugBreakptDefs: FROM "debugbreakptdefs" USING [
BreakPointError. BTtype. EXOItype. InsertBreak. RemoveBreak. SCtype].
DebugContextDefs: FROM "debugeontextdefs" USING [
FrarneToModuleName. ModuleNameToFrame. MultipleInstanees].
DebugData: FROM "debugdata" USING [gContext].
DebuggerDefs: FROM "debuggerdefs" USING [PeToBTI].
DebugMiseDefs: FROM "debugmisedefs" USING [LookupFail].
DebugSymbolDefs: FROM "debugsymboldefs" USING [
DAequireSymbolTable. DReleaseSymbolTable. SymbolsForGFrame].
DebugUtilityDefs: FROM "debugutilitydefs" USING [LoadStateInvalid].
IODefs: FROM "iodefs" USING [ControlZ. CR. SP].
LoadStateDefs: FROM "loadstatedefs" USING [
InputLoadState. ReleaseLoadState].
KeyDefs: FROM "keydefs" USING [Keys].
MenuDefs: FROM "menudefs" USING [
ClearMenu. CreateMenu. DisplayMenu. MarkMenuItem. MenuItem].
ReetangleDefs: FROM "reetangledefs" USING [
CursorToMapCoords. InvertBoxInReetangle. Rptr].
StreamDefs: FROM "streamdefs" USING [
EqualIndex. GetFA. JumpToFA. NormalizeIndex. StreamError].
StringDefs: FROM "stringdefs" USING [AppendChar. AppendString. EqualString].
SymbolTableDefs: FROM "symboltabledefs" USING [
NoSymbolTable. SymbolTableBase].
SymDefs: FROM "symdefs" USING [FGTEntry].
WindExDefs: FROM "windexdefs" USING [
CursorToReetangleCoords.GetMouseButton. NullIndex. SetCursor.
WEDataHandle. xeursorloe. yeursorloc].
WindowDefs: FROM "windowdefs" USING [
DiskHandle. GetCurrentDisplayWindow, GetSelection. MarkSelection.
StreamIndex. UpdateSelection. WindowHandle. xCoord. yCoord];
DEFINITIONS FROM StreamDefs. WindowDefs. WindExDefs;
WEBreak: PROGRAM [WEState: WEDataHandle]
IMPORTS DebugBreakptDefs. DebugContextDefs. DebuggerDefs. DebugMiscDefs.
DebugSymbolDefs. DebugUtilityDefs, LoadStateDefs. MenuDefs. RectangleDefs.
StreamDefs. StringDefs. SymbolTableDefs. WindExDefs, WindowDefs.
DDptr: DebugData
SHARES StreamDefs. WindExDefs =