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ListPub. mesa 2-Sep-76 18:18:61 Page 1

-- ListPub.mesa: modified by Bruce, Septomber 2, 1978 2:03 PM
AltoDefs: FROM "altodefs" USING [PageNumber, BytesPerPage],
AltoFileDefs: FROM "altoFiledefs" USING [FP],
CommanderDefs: FROM "commanderdefs" USING [AddCommand, CommandBlockHandle],
DirectoryDefs: FROM "directorydefs" USING [DirectoryLookup],
DisplayDefs: FROM "displaydefs" USING [DisplayOn, DisplayOff],
GPsortDefs: FROM "gpsortdefs" USING [PutProcType,
GetProcType, LT, EQ, GT, Sort],
InlineDefs: FROM "inlinedefs" USING [BITXOR],
IODefs: FROM "iodefs" USING [CR, WriteString],
ListerDefs: FROM "listerdefs" USING [IncorrectVersion, Load,
MultipleModules, NoCode, NoFGT, NoSymbols, PrintSei, SetRoutineSymbols],
OutputDefs: FROM "outputdefs" USING [GetOutputStream, CloseOutput,
OpenOutput, PutChar, PutCR, PutDecimal, PutNumber, PutOctal, PutString],
SegmentDefs: FROM "segmentdefs" USING [DeleteFileSegment, DestroyFile,
FileNameError, FileSegmentHandle, LockFile, UnlockFile, Read],
StreamDefs: FROM "streamdefs" USING [CreateByteStream, DiskHandle,
Normalizelndex, GetIndex, GrIndex, NewByteStream, StreamIndex],
StringDefs: FROM "stringdefs" USING [AppendChar, AppendString,
AppendSubString, SubStringDescriptor, WordsForString],
SymbolTableDefs: FROM "symboltabledefs" USING [
AcquireSymbolTable, ReleaseSymbolTable, SymbolTableBase, TableForSegment],
SymDefs: FROM "symdefs" USING [BodyRecord, BTIndex, codeANY, codeBOOLEAN,
codeCHARACTER, codeINTEGER, CTXIndex, HTNull, ISEIndex, ISENull, lZ,
recordCSEIndex, recordCSENull, SEIndex, SENull, TransferMode, typeTYPE]:
IMPORTS CommanderDefs, DirectoryDefs, DisplayDefs, GPsortDefs,
IODefs, ListerDefs, OutputDefs, SegmentDefs, StreamDefs, StringDefs,