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File No. S360-29
Form GC28-20S0-0 TSS
Systems Reference Library
IBM System / 360 Time Sharing System
Planning for PL / I
This planning aid, intended for use prior to the
availability of the IBM System/360 Time Sharing System
PL/I processor, will be replaced by reference documen-
tation to be issued when TSS/360 PL/I is released.
The user will be able to write PL/I proq-rams to be
compiled under TSS/ 360 PL/I if he refers to this pub-
lication in conjunction with the manuals listed in the
This publication is intended for systems Several features have been added to the
analysts and proqrammers who will use it as PL/I language so that users of the IBM
a planning aid for the TSS/360 PLiI proces- System/360 Operating System can write tele-
sor, before that becomes available. rhe processing applications programs. These
PLiI language features described in IBM new language features will be accepted by
System/360 Time Sharing System: PLiI the compiler, but an attempt to execute
Reference Manual, Form C28-20Q5, and in IBM statements containing these features will
System/3EO Time Sharing System: PLiI result in task termination in TSS/360.
Library computational Subroutines, Form
C28-20Q6, corrpspond to the fourth version
of the PLiI (F) compiler of IBM System/360
Operating System (OS)360). The initial PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS
release of the TSS/360 PL/I compiler will
correspond to the fifth version of the OS/
360 PL/I (F) compiler. This publication The reader should understand the infor-
indicates the features that differ from mation in:
those currently described for TSS/360.
Section 1 describes functional modifica- IBM system/360 Time Sharing System:
tions to the PL/I language and compiler; PL/I Reference Manual, Form C28-2045
Section 2 describes improvements in perfor-
mance and optimization. The appendix pro- IBM System/360 Time Sharing System:
vides an alphabetical list of the changed PLiI Library Computational Subroutines,
language features. Form C28-2046
First Edition (February 1970)
Significant changes or additions to this publication will
be provided in new editions or Technical Newsletters.
This publication was prepared for production using an IBM
computer to update the text and to control the page and line
format. Page impressions for photo-offset printing were
obtained from an IBM 1403 Printer using a special print
Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to
your IBM representative or the IBM branch office serving your
A form is provided at the back of this publication for
reader's comments. If the form has been removed, comments
may be addressed to IBM Corporation, Time Sharing System/360
Programming Publications, Department 643, Neighborhood Road,
Kingston, New York. 12401
C Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1970
SECTION 1: FUNCTIONAL CHANGES 5 Teleprocessing Language Features